

作者: AmyTrilinguist | 来源:发表于2020-08-07 20:13 被阅读0次


    Even if you follow a healthy diet, it's tempting to pop a multivitamin or supplement as “insurance”. But guess what? There are some you don't really need.


    Information about vitamins can be confusing. There are vitamins and supplements that doctors take daily, but there are also some reasons why certain vitamins could make you feel worse. For women, doctors explain why it's probably unnecessary to waste your time or money on the following supplements.




    Women are constantly being told that they need to consume more calcium. But if you already include ample dairy in your diet, you likely don't need a calcium supplement. In fact, popping a pill along with all the milk and yogurt you're already eating could be dangerous, cautions Tasneem Bhatia, MD, integrative medicine expert and founder of CentrespringMD. “Getting 400 to 600 milligrams of calcium daily, or about what you'd find in a cup of 1 percent milk and a 6-ounce yogurt, can strengthen bones and improve sleep. However, consuming more than 1,200 milligrams per day can increase heart attack risk in postmenopausal women.” Popping too many calcium supplements may also cause hypercalcemia, a condition that can weaken bones, create kidney stones, and interfere with heart and brain health, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Don't miss these six vitamin myths you need to stop believing.

    女性经常被告知她们需要摄入更多的钙。但如果你的饮食中已经含有足够的乳制品,你可能就不需要钙补充剂了。医学博士塔斯尼姆·巴提亚是一位综合医学专家,也是医学研究中心 CentrespringMD 的创始人。他警告说,事实上,如果你已经在喝牛奶和酸奶,又在吃钙片的话反而可能会更危险。每天摄入400到600毫克的钙,就是一杯纯度为1%的牛奶和6盎司的酸奶所含的钙,就可以增强骨骼,改善睡眠。然而,每天摄入超过1200毫克会增加绝经后女性患心脏病的风险。根据克利夫兰诊所的说法,服用过多的钙补充剂也可能导致高钙血症,这种情况会削弱骨骼强度,还会造成肾结石,并影响心脏和大脑的健康。



    Women who do not get enough essential fatty acids—including omega-3s—may be at an increased risk of bone loss than those who regularly include fatty acids in their diets. In fact, in one study of women over 65 with osteoporosis, those who took a GLA supplement (a type of omega-3) had less bone loss over a three-year period than those who received a placebo. However, omega-3s are also potent blood thinners, so women on blood thinning medications should avoid them, Dr. Bhatia cations. "Taking too many blood thinners results in bruising, prolonged bleeding, and brain bleeds."

    女性如果未能摄入足够的必需脂肪酸(包括omega-3脂肪酸),就可能比饮食摄入正常的女性有更高的骨质流失风险。事实上,在一项针对65岁以上患有骨质疏松症的女性的研究中,那些服用 GLA 补充剂(一种omega-3脂肪酸补充剂)的女性在三年内的骨质流失情况比服用安慰剂的女性要少。然而,omega-3脂肪酸也是有效的血液稀释剂,所以服用血液稀释药物的女性应该避免服用,巴蒂亚博士给出了这样的警告。“服用太多的血液稀释剂会导致瘀伤、长期出血和脑部出血。”

    Folic acid


    Folic acid helps prevent serious birth defects in newborns, but unless you're pregnant or hoping to start a family in the near future, you probably don't have to pop a supplement. In 1998, the FDA passed a law requiring that folic acid be added to all enriched cereal grain products, including most breads, rice, and pasta products. Since then, folate levels in women increased by 50 percent and less than 1 percent of the population is currently deficient in the nutrient, according to the CDC. If you don't eat a lot of grain products, meet your daily quota by including spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and oranges in your diet.




    Do a quick Google search of the "best supplements for women," and you'll find countless links to multivitamin bottles. But Dr. Bhatia says these aren't pills everyone should pop. "I'm not a huge fan of multivitamins. I prefer targeted supplementation for areas where you may be weak or predisposed to deficiencies," she says. "Multivitamins are best for the woman who won't change her diet and may be nutrient-poor overall. Those who consume a well-rounded diet shouldn't bother with them."


    Vitamin B6


    Since vitamin B6 helps your body make the mood-boosting chemical serotonin and aids in maintaining healthy skin and luscious locks, it's a supplement many women are interested in trying. But Dr. Bhatia says supplementation isn't for everyone. "Patients with the MTHFR gene mutation can only tolerate low levels of B6. If they consume too much, they can develop eczema, or experience tingling or numbness," she warns. Considering an estimated 33 percent of the population carries this genetic mutation, it's best to err on the side of caution and get your daily dose of B6 from whole foods, which tend to have less concentrated amounts of the vitamin than supplements. Albacore tuna, chickpeas, wild salmon, and fortified cereal are all good dietary sources.

    维生素B6可以帮助你的身体产生提神的血清素,帮助保持皮肤和头发健康,所以很多女性都有兴趣尝试这种补充剂。但巴提亚博士说,并不是所有人都适合补充维生素B6。“MTHFR 基因突变的患者只能耐受低水平的B6。如果他们摄入太多,就会患上湿疹,或出现刺痛感或麻木感,”她警告说。考虑到大约有33%的人携带这种基因突变,最好谨慎行事——从天然食品中摄取每日所需的B6,毕竟天然食品中维生素的含量往往比补充剂中少。长鳍金枪鱼、鹰嘴豆、野生鲑鱼和强化谷物都是补充维生素B6很好的食物来源。

    Vitamin A


    According to the CDC, less than 1 percent of the population is deficient in vitamin A, a nutrient that plays a role in reproduction and immune system function. That said, you likely don't need to shell out your hard-earned cash on the stuff. Instead, continue to consume foods rich in vitamin A, including sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, peppers, mangoes, and carrots.




