

作者: 付玉sylvie | 来源:发表于2017-01-20 09:21 被阅读0次

Right in the center of this small house stands a staircase, where it stands has divided this tiny space into two sections. On the right side is a tight little corner consisting of a tiny kitchen, pantry room and the dinning table which can be folded up with two side chairs is settled for only two people. Two sets of knives and forks and spoons have been laid out on the table and so do the cooking utensils-two pans are hanging on the walls of pantry room. Taking the place of the fire place is the stove, three cabinets which are used for storage. Three lamps on the walls lit up this small wooden shed with soft light even though there has been a dazzle of bright light on the loft. The loft takes the top of this little house and if you want to get into this crawl space, bend forward when you are on the stairs. Each stair on the handrail are extended so as to  reach the pantry room and ensure that the books can be lean against the wall in the way it used to be put on the shelf.. And except the books, there are wine glasses on the third stair, a box on the first and another on the last. An old-fashioned window with five bars on the upper side has been framed into the wall to let you know let the natural light in, while turning off the lights and rolling off the blinds will plunge yourself into darkness.


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