通过源码学习G1GC —— 新生代自适应策略

通过源码学习G1GC —— 新生代自适应策略

作者: 袁世超 | 来源:发表于2021-04-01 22:13 被阅读0次


最近发现有个 Java 写的 sidecar 程序本来运行很平稳,忽然 Young GC 的频率就开始升高,新生代大小频繁的调整,最终是在一轮 Mixed GC 之后才恢复平稳。

根据以往学习的理论知识可知 G1 有一个特性就是自适应调整新生代的大小,避免停顿时间超过阈值,以实现 MaxGCPauseMillis 的软实时目标。

但是出现这种频繁调整的情况是很不正常的,k8s 容器的稳定性会差一些,偶尔会遇到一些很诡异的 cpu throttle,而这个 sidecar 的 MaxGCPauseMillis 设置的过小(10ms),运行环境稍有波动,G1 就会进行不必要的动态调整,甚至进入下图中的异常震荡状态。

在不稳定环境中,MaxGCPauseMillis 这种阈值不能设置的调小。或者可以通过设置 Xmn 关闭自适应调整策略。

新生代 GC频率

G1 的源码之前囫囵吞枣看过一遍,其中大部分细节都忽略没看。


代码的版本为 openjdk/jdk11u

1. MMU target violated

在 GC 日志中有很多这样的信息:

[info ][gc,mmu        ] GC(50870) MMU target violated: 11.0ms (10.0ms/11.0ms)

何为 MMU target?又是如何 violated 的呢?

根据 GC 日志的信息来看,好像指得是该次 GC 的停顿时间超过了 MaxGCPauseMillis,这个理解也对,但是并不准确。

该行日志是在 G1MMUTrackerQueue::add_pause 方法中打印的,对于 Pause Young (Normal),其调用栈为:

--> G1CollectedHeap::do_collection_pause_at_safepoint(double target_pause_time_ms)
  --> void G1Policy::record_collection_pause_end(double pause_time_ms, size_t cards_scanned, size_t heap_used_bytes_before_gc)
    --> void G1Policy::record_pause(PauseKind kind, double start, double end)
      --> void G1MMUTrackerQueue::add_pause(double start, double end)

另外对于 Remark 和 Cleanup 等也会调用 G1MMUTrackerQueue::add_pause 方法,换句话说 FullGC 除外的所有 STW 停顿都会记录在这个队列中。

// share/gc/g1/g1MMUTracker.cpp
 78 void G1MMUTrackerQueue::add_pause(double start, double end) {
 79   double duration = end - start;
 81   remove_expired_entries(end);
 82   if (_no_entries == QueueLength) {
 97     _head_index = trim_index(_head_index + 1);
 98     assert(_head_index == _tail_index, "Because we have a full circular buffer");
 99     _tail_index = trim_index(_tail_index + 1);
100   } else {
101     _head_index = trim_index(_head_index + 1);
102     ++_no_entries;
103   }
104   _array[_head_index] = G1MMUTrackerQueueElem(start, end);
107   double slice_time = calculate_gc_time(end);
108   G1MMUTracer::report_mmu(_time_slice, slice_time, _max_gc_time);
110   if (slice_time >= _max_gc_time) {
111     log_info(gc, mmu)("MMU target violated: %.1lfms (%.1lfms/%.1lfms)", slice_time * 1000.0, _max_gc_time * 1000.0, _time_slice * 1000);
112   }
113 }
  • startend 分别表示该次 STW 停顿的起始和结束时间
  • _max_gc_time 就是设置的 MaxGCPauseMillis
  • _time_slice 就是 GCPauseIntervalMillis,默认值为 MaxGCPauseMillis+1

了解了这些信息就很容易理解 g1MMUTracker.hpp 中对 MMU 的注释了:

Mutator Utilisation:给定一个时间片 ts,mutator utilisation = non_gc_time / ts,也就是非 GC 时间的比例。
Minimum Mutator Utilisation (MMU): mutator utilisation 的最差情况。

MMU 设定的目标就是: 1 - MaxGCPauseMillis/GCPauseIntervalMillis

L104 行里的 _array 保存的就是历次 STW 停顿的时间信息;L107 行的 calculate_gc_time(end) 方法计算的 slice_time 即为从现在开始向前推一个时间片里停顿时间的总和。

// share/gc/g1/g1MMUTracker.cpp
 62 double G1MMUTrackerQueue::calculate_gc_time(double current_time) {
 63   double gc_time = 0.0;
 64   double limit = current_time - _time_slice;
 65   for (int i = 0; i < _no_entries; ++i) {
 66     int index = trim_index(_tail_index + i);
 67     G1MMUTrackerQueueElem *elem = &_array[index];
 68     if (elem->end_time() > limit) {
 69       if (elem->start_time() > limit)
 70         gc_time += elem->duration();
 71       else
 72         gc_time += elem->end_time() - limit;
 73     }
 74   }
 75   return gc_time;
 76 }

套用上面 MMU 的公式,如果过去一个时间片的 gc_time 大于等于 _max_gc_time 那么就是 violate 了设定的 MMU 目标。

在没有设置 GCPauseIntervalMillis 的情况下,时间片为 MaxGCPauseMillis+1,所以出现 MMU target violated 的情况基本就是该次 GC 停顿时间超过了 MaxGCPauseMillis。

通常情况下,新生代自适应调整会保证 GC 停顿不会超过 MaxGCPauseMillis,如果出现 MMU target violated 这行日志一般就是容器环境有波动,或者是之前的波动影响了预测的准确性。

2. 新生代自适应调整

[info ][gc,heap       ] GC(50870) Eden regions: 53->0(24)
[info ][gc,heap       ] GC(50870) Survivor regions: 1->1(7)

从这两行日志可以辨别新生代的调整,先看一下这些数字的含义,该日志是在 G1HeapTransition::print() 方法中打印的。

 81 void G1HeapTransition::print() {
 82   Data after(_g1_heap);
 84   size_t eden_capacity_length_after_gc = _g1_heap->g1_policy()->young_list_target_length() - after._survivor_length;
 85   size_t survivor_capacity_length_after_gc = _g1_heap->g1_policy()->max_survivor_regions();
101   log_info(gc, heap)("Eden regions: " SIZE_FORMAT "->" SIZE_FORMAT "("  SIZE_FORMAT ")",
102                      _before._eden_length, after._eden_length, eden_capacity_length_after_gc);
103   log_trace(gc, heap)(" Used: 0K, Waste: 0K");
105   log_info(gc, heap)("Survivor regions: " SIZE_FORMAT "->" SIZE_FORMAT "("  SIZE_FORMAT ")",
106                      _before._survivor_length, after._survivor_length, survivor_capacity_length_after_gc);
121 }

Eden regions: GC 前 eden 大小 -> GC 后 eden 大小 (新设定的新生代大小 - GC 后 survivor 大小)
Survivor regions: GC 前 survivor 大小 -> GC 后 survivor 大小 (新设定的 survivor 最大值)

G1 的配置和策略基本都封装在 G1Policy 这个类中,其中的 _young_list_target_length 变量表示新生代的大小,该变量更新的逻辑在 G1Policy::update_young_list_target_length 方法中。


--> void G1Policy::init(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, G1CollectionSet* collection_set)
--> void G1Policy::record_full_collection_end()
--> void G1Policy::record_collection_pause_end(double pause_time_ms, size_t cards_scanned, size_t heap_used_bytes_before_gc)
  --> uint G1Policy::update_young_list_max_and_target_length()
    --> uint G1Policy::update_young_list_max_and_target_length(size_t rs_lengths)
      --> uint G1Policy::update_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths)
--> void G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread::run_service()
  --> void G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread::sample_young_list_rs_lengths()
    --> void G1Policy::revise_young_list_target_length_if_necessary(size_t rs_lengths)
      --> uint G1Policy::update_young_list_max_and_target_length(size_t rs_lengths)
        --> uint G1Policy::update_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths)


  1. 初始化
  2. GC 结束后
    a. 处于 in_young_only_phase (也就说 Pause Young (Prepare Mixed) 结束后不调整)
    b. FullGC 结束后
  3. G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread 并发调整
    处于 in_young_only_phase,在 GC 停顿之间尝试调整

这个 in_young_only_phase 看图理解比较清楚:

该图来源于官方文档 HotSpot Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning Guide

2.1. rs_length

在看具体逻辑之前,先了解一下传入的参数 rs_length

2.1.1. update_young_list_max_and_target_length

G1Policy::update_young_list_max_and_target_length() 方法中是通过 _analytics->predict_rs_lengths() 获取的:

// share/gc/g1/g1Analytics.cpp
313 size_t G1Analytics::predict_rs_lengths() const {
314   return get_new_size_prediction(_rs_lengths_seq);
315 }

这个预测的方法在 G1 中是通用的,具体逻辑在 g1Predictions.hpp 中,简而言之就是通过计算历史数据的均值和标准差预测,另外这里多了一个时间衰减。

_rs_lengths_seq 这个队列的长度为 TruncatedSeqLength = 10,存储的是 Young GC 时 RSet 的长度。

// share/gc/g1/g1Policy.cpp
 556 void G1Policy::record_collection_pause_end(double pause_time_ms, size_t cards_scanned, size_t heap_used_bytes_before_gc) {
 689     // Do not update RS lengths and the number of pending cards with information from mixed gc:
 690     // these are is wildly different to during young only gc and mess up young gen sizing right
 691     // after the mixed gc phase.
 692     // During mixed gc we do not use them for young gen sizing.
 693     if (this_pause_was_young_only) {
 694       _analytics->report_pending_cards((double) _pending_cards);
 695       _analytics->report_rs_lengths((double) _max_rs_lengths);
 696     }
 710   size_t last_unrestrained_young_length = update_young_list_max_and_target_length();
 711   update_rs_lengths_prediction();
 738 }

计算 _max_rs_lengths 的逻辑在 G1FreeCollectionSetTask 中,也就是 G1CollectedHeap::free_collection_set 阶段。

// share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp
4302   void do_parallel_work_for_region(uint region_idx, bool is_young, bool evacuation_failed) {
4303     G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
4305     HeapRegion* r = g1h->region_at(region_idx);
4306     assert(!g1h->is_on_master_free_list(r), "sanity");
4308     Atomic::add(r->rem_set()->occupied_locked(), &_rs_lengths);
4310     if (!is_young) {
4311       g1h->_hot_card_cache->reset_card_counts(r);
4312     }
4314     if (!evacuation_failed) {
4315       r->rem_set()->clear_locked();
4316     }
4317   }

累加 CSet 的 RSet 中的 card 数量。

(G1 这个 PointIn 方式的 RSet 实现较复杂,大致看了一下用了三层数据结构,这里也先忽略细节了)

2.1.2. sample_young_list_rs_lengths

G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread::sample_young_list_rs_lengths() 方法中是通过 G1YoungRemSetSamplingClosurecl.sampled_rs_lengths() 获取的。

// share/gc/g1/g1YoungRemSetSamplingThread.cpp
106 void G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread::sample_young_list_rs_lengths() {
107   SuspendibleThreadSetJoiner sts;
108   G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
109   G1Policy* g1p = g1h->g1_policy();
111   if (g1p->adaptive_young_list_length()) {
112     G1YoungRemSetSamplingClosure cl(&sts);
114     G1CollectionSet* g1cs = g1h->collection_set();
115     g1cs->iterate(&cl);
117     if (cl.is_complete()) {
118       g1p->revise_young_list_target_length_if_necessary(cl.sampled_rs_lengths());
119     }
120   }
121 }

G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread 是一个并发执行的线程,在 GC 停顿之间循环执行,迭代统计 CSet 当前的 RSet 长度。

// share/gc/g1/g1Policy.cpp
 392 void G1Policy::revise_young_list_target_length_if_necessary(size_t rs_lengths) {
 393   guarantee( adaptive_young_list_length(), "should not call this otherwise" );
 395   if (rs_lengths > _rs_lengths_prediction) {
 396     // add 10% to avoid having to recalculate often
 397     size_t rs_lengths_prediction = rs_lengths * 1100 / 1000;
 398     update_rs_lengths_prediction(rs_lengths_prediction);
 400     update_young_list_max_and_target_length(rs_lengths_prediction);
 401   }
 402 }

如果当前 CSet 的 RSet 长度大于上次的预测值,那么就重新调整新生代大小。

这里的逻辑是,因为处理 RSet 的相关逻辑比较耗时,所以如果上次预测的 RSet 长度小了,那么下次 GC 耗时很可能超过 MaxGCPauseMillis,因此立即再调整一下。

2.2 adaptive_young_list_length

判断是否开启自适应策略的方法是 G1Policy::adaptive_young_list_length(),其中的标识变量是在 G1YoungGenSizer 初始化时赋值的。

// share/gc/g1/g1YoungGenSizer.cpp
 30 G1YoungGenSizer::G1YoungGenSizer() : _sizer_kind(SizerDefaults), _adaptive_size(true),
 31         _min_desired_young_length(0), _max_desired_young_length(0) {
 32   if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewRatio)) {
 33     if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize) || FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(MaxNewSize)) {
 34       log_warning(gc, ergo)("-XX:NewSize and -XX:MaxNewSize override -XX:NewRatio");
 35     } else {
 36       _sizer_kind = SizerNewRatio;
 37       _adaptive_size = false;
 38       return;
 39     }
 40   }
 51   if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize)) {
 52     _min_desired_young_length = MAX2((uint) (NewSize / HeapRegion::GrainBytes),
 53                                      1U);
 54     if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(MaxNewSize)) {
 55       _max_desired_young_length =
 56                              MAX2((uint) (MaxNewSize / HeapRegion::GrainBytes),
 57                                   1U);
 58       _sizer_kind = SizerMaxAndNewSize;
 59       _adaptive_size = _min_desired_young_length != _max_desired_young_length;
 60     } else {
 61       _sizer_kind = SizerNewSizeOnly;
 62     }
 69 }


  1. 设置了 NewRatio(但是未设置 NewSize 和 MaxNewSize)
  2. 设置了 NewSize 和 MaxNewSize,并且数值一致(也就是设置 Xmn)

2.3 新生代大小自适应算法

// share/gc/g1/g1Policy.cpp
 213 G1Policy::YoungTargetLengths G1Policy::young_list_target_lengths(size_t rs_lengths) const {
 214   YoungTargetLengths result;
 216   // Calculate the absolute and desired min bounds first.
 218   // This is how many young regions we already have (currently: the survivors).
 219   const uint base_min_length = _g1h->survivor_regions_count();
 220   uint desired_min_length = calculate_young_list_desired_min_length(base_min_length);
 221   // This is the absolute minimum young length. Ensure that we
 222   // will at least have one eden region available for allocation.
 223   uint absolute_min_length = base_min_length + MAX2(_g1h->eden_regions_count(), (uint)1);
 224   // If we shrank the young list target it should not shrink below the current size.
 225   desired_min_length = MAX2(desired_min_length, absolute_min_length);
 226   // Calculate the absolute and desired max bounds.
 228   uint desired_max_length = calculate_young_list_desired_max_length();
 230   uint young_list_target_length = 0;
 231   if (adaptive_young_list_length()) {
 232     if (collector_state()->in_young_only_phase()) {
 233       young_list_target_length =
 234                         calculate_young_list_target_length(rs_lengths,
 235                                                            base_min_length,
 236                                                            desired_min_length,
 237                                                            desired_max_length);
 238     } else {
 239       // Don't calculate anything and let the code below bound it to
 240       // the desired_min_length, i.e., do the next GC as soon as
 241       // possible to maximize how many old regions we can add to it.
 242     }
 243   } else {
 244     // The user asked for a fixed young gen so we'll fix the young gen
 245     // whether the next GC is young or mixed.
 246     young_list_target_length = _young_list_fixed_length;
 247   }
 249   result.second = young_list_target_length;
 251   // We will try our best not to "eat" into the reserve.
 252   uint absolute_max_length = 0;
 253   if (_free_regions_at_end_of_collection > _reserve_regions) {
 254     absolute_max_length = _free_regions_at_end_of_collection - _reserve_regions;
 255   }
 256   if (desired_max_length > absolute_max_length) {
 257     desired_max_length = absolute_max_length;
 258   }
 260   // Make sure we don't go over the desired max length, nor under the
 261   // desired min length. In case they clash, desired_min_length wins
 262   // which is why that test is second.
 263   if (young_list_target_length > desired_max_length) {
 264     young_list_target_length = desired_max_length;
 265   }
 266   if (young_list_target_length < desired_min_length) {
 267     young_list_target_length = desired_min_length;
 268   }
 270   assert(young_list_target_length > base_min_length,
 271          "we should be able to allocate at least one eden region");
 272   assert(young_list_target_length >= absolute_min_length, "post-condition");
 274   result.first = young_list_target_length;
 275   return result;
 276 }

该方法返回的 result 包含两个值,其中 result.first 是新生代调整后的大小,在 result.second 的基础上又增加了最大最小阈值限制。

result.second 用于自适应 IHOP 计算,这部分逻辑也挺复杂,之后再单独开一篇)

自适应算法在 calculate_young_list_target_length 方法中,先了解一下参数:

  1. rs_lengths 上面已经解释。
  2. base_min_length 当前 survivor 的大小,设置的新生代大小不能小于本次 GC 后的 survivor。
  3. desired_min_length 这个下限值的计算用到了上面介绍的 MMU,下面再详细看。absolute_min_length 保证至少有一个可分配的 eden region。
  4. desired_max_length 新生代的上限值,在未配置的情况下为堆大小的 60% (其余情况暂且忽略)。
// share/gc/g1/g1Policy.cpp
 173 uint G1Policy::calculate_young_list_desired_min_length(uint base_min_length) const {
 174   uint desired_min_length = 0;
 175   if (adaptive_young_list_length()) {
 176     if (_analytics->num_alloc_rate_ms() > 3) {
 177       double now_sec = os::elapsedTime();
 178       double when_ms = _mmu_tracker->when_max_gc_sec(now_sec) * 1000.0;
 179       double alloc_rate_ms = _analytics->predict_alloc_rate_ms();
 180       desired_min_length = (uint) ceil(alloc_rate_ms * when_ms);
 181     } else {
 182       // otherwise we don't have enough info to make the prediction
 183     }
 184   }
 185   desired_min_length += base_min_length;
 186   // make sure we don't go below any user-defined minimum bound
 187   return MAX2(_young_gen_sizer.min_desired_young_length(), desired_min_length);
 188 }

这里的 _alloc_rate_ms_seq_rs_lengths_seq 一样,用于预测分配速率,在 GC 回收之后记录历史数据。

alloc_rate_ms 是预测的分配速率,when_ms 是满足 MMU 目标的最短非停顿时间,两者的乘积就表示:要实现 MMU 的目标,至少需要给出这么多 region 用于接下来的内存分配。在 GCPauseIntervalMillis 默认值的情况下,这个值应该变化不大,与分配速率成正比。

_young_gen_sizer.min_desired_young_length() 在未配置的情况下为堆大小的 5%(其余情况暂且忽略)。

接下来就进入最复杂的 calculate_young_list_target_length 方法:

// share/gc/g1/g1Policy.cpp
 278 uint
 279 G1Policy::calculate_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths,
 280                                                     uint base_min_length,
 281                                                     uint desired_min_length,
 282                                                     uint desired_max_length) const {
 283   assert(adaptive_young_list_length(), "pre-condition");
 284   assert(collector_state()->in_young_only_phase(), "only call this for young GCs");
 286   // In case some edge-condition makes the desired max length too small...
 287   if (desired_max_length <= desired_min_length) {
 288     return desired_min_length;
 289   }
 291   // We'll adjust min_young_length and max_young_length not to include
 292   // the already allocated young regions (i.e., so they reflect the
 293   // min and max eden regions we'll allocate). The base_min_length
 294   // will be reflected in the predictions by the
 295   // survivor_regions_evac_time prediction.
 296   assert(desired_min_length > base_min_length, "invariant");
 297   uint min_young_length = desired_min_length - base_min_length;
 298   assert(desired_max_length > base_min_length, "invariant");
 299   uint max_young_length = desired_max_length - base_min_length;
 301   const double target_pause_time_ms = _mmu_tracker->max_gc_time() * 1000.0;
 302   const double survivor_regions_evac_time = predict_survivor_regions_evac_time();
 303   const size_t pending_cards = _analytics->predict_pending_cards();
 304   const size_t adj_rs_lengths = rs_lengths + _analytics->predict_rs_length_diff();
 305   const size_t scanned_cards = _analytics->predict_card_num(adj_rs_lengths, true /* for_young_gc */);
 306   const double base_time_ms =
 307     predict_base_elapsed_time_ms(pending_cards, scanned_cards) +
 308     survivor_regions_evac_time;
 309   const uint available_free_regions = _free_regions_at_end_of_collection;
 310   const uint base_free_regions =
 311     available_free_regions > _reserve_regions ? available_free_regions - _reserve_regions : 0;
 313   // Here, we will make sure that the shortest young length that
 314   // makes sense fits within the target pause time.
 316   G1YoungLengthPredictor p(collector_state()->mark_or_rebuild_in_progress(),
 317                            base_time_ms,
 318                            base_free_regions,
 319                            target_pause_time_ms,
 320                            this);
 321   if (p.will_fit(min_young_length)) {
 322     // The shortest young length will fit into the target pause time;
 323     // we'll now check whether the absolute maximum number of young
 324     // regions will fit in the target pause time. If not, we'll do
 325     // a binary search between min_young_length and max_young_length.
 326     if (p.will_fit(max_young_length)) {
 327       // The maximum young length will fit into the target pause time.
 328       // We are done so set min young length to the maximum length (as
 329       // the result is assumed to be returned in min_young_length).
 330       min_young_length = max_young_length;
 331     } else {
 332       // The maximum possible number of young regions will not fit within
 333       // the target pause time so we'll search for the optimal
 334       // length. The loop invariants are:
 335       //
 336       // min_young_length < max_young_length
 337       // min_young_length is known to fit into the target pause time
 338       // max_young_length is known not to fit into the target pause time
 339       //
 340       // Going into the loop we know the above hold as we've just
 341       // checked them. Every time around the loop we check whether
 342       // the middle value between min_young_length and
 343       // max_young_length fits into the target pause time. If it
 344       // does, it becomes the new min. If it doesn't, it becomes
 345       // the new max. This way we maintain the loop invariants.
 347       assert(min_young_length < max_young_length, "invariant");
 348       uint diff = (max_young_length - min_young_length) / 2;
 349       while (diff > 0) {
 350         uint young_length = min_young_length + diff;
 351         if (p.will_fit(young_length)) {
 352           min_young_length = young_length;
 353         } else {
 354           max_young_length = young_length;
 355         }
 356         assert(min_young_length <  max_young_length, "invariant");
 357         diff = (max_young_length - min_young_length) / 2;
 358       }
 359       // The results is min_young_length which, according to the
 360       // loop invariants, should fit within the target pause time.
 362       // These are the post-conditions of the binary search above:
 363       assert(min_young_length < max_young_length,
 364              "otherwise we should have discovered that max_young_length "
 365              "fits into the pause target and not done the binary search");
 366       assert(p.will_fit(min_young_length),
 367              "min_young_length, the result of the binary search, should "
 368              "fit into the pause target");
 369       assert(!p.will_fit(min_young_length + 1),
 370              "min_young_length, the result of the binary search, should be "
 371              "optimal, so no larger length should fit into the pause target");
 372     }
 373   } else {
 374     // Even the minimum length doesn't fit into the pause time
 375     // target, return it as the result nevertheless.
 376   }
 377   return base_min_length + min_young_length;
 378 }

前半部分也有很多预测的代码,原理与 _alloc_rate_ms_seq 一样。

base_time_ms 基本耗时包含两部分:

  1. L302 survivor_regions_evac_time 预测 survivor evac 的时间
    a. 预测 rs 扫描的时间
    b. 预测对象拷贝的时间
    c. 预测 other 时间
  2. L307 处理 cards 的时间(基于前面的 rs_lengths预测)
    a. 预测处理 pending_cards 更新 rs 的时间
    b. 预测扫描 rs 的时间
    c. 预测 other 时间

base_free_regions 是扣除 _reserve_regions 之外的当前可用空间。


  1. min_young_length 是满足 MMU 目标需要分配的最少内存
  2. max_young_length 是设置的最大新生代限制
  3. 预测下一次 GC 的基本耗时 base_time_ms
  4. 当前可用的空闲空间 base_free_regions
  5. 接下来就是综合以上信息从 [min, max] 中找到一个满足 MaxGCPauseMillis 的最大值

判断是否满足条件的逻辑封装在 G1YoungLengthPredictorwill_fit 方法中:

// share/gc/g1/g1Policy.cpp
 121   bool will_fit(uint young_length) const {
 122     if (young_length >= _base_free_regions) {
 123       // end condition 1: not enough space for the young regions
 124       return false;
 125     }
 127     const double accum_surv_rate = _policy->accum_yg_surv_rate_pred((int) young_length - 1);
 128     const size_t bytes_to_copy =
 129                  (size_t) (accum_surv_rate * (double) HeapRegion::GrainBytes);
 130     const double copy_time_ms =
 131       _policy->analytics()->predict_object_copy_time_ms(bytes_to_copy, _during_cm);
 132     const double young_other_time_ms = _policy->analytics()->predict_young_other_time_ms(young_length);
 133     const double pause_time_ms = _base_time_ms + copy_time_ms + young_other_time_ms;
 134     if (pause_time_ms > _target_pause_time_ms) {
 135       // end condition 2: prediction is over the target pause time
 136       return false;
 137     }
 139     const size_t free_bytes = (_base_free_regions - young_length) * HeapRegion::GrainBytes;
 141     // When copying, we will likely need more bytes free than is live in the region.
 142     // Add some safety margin to factor in the confidence of our guess, and the
 143     // natural expected waste.
 144     // (100.0 / G1ConfidencePercent) is a scale factor that expresses the uncertainty
 145     // of the calculation: the lower the confidence, the more headroom.
 146     // (100 + TargetPLABWastePct) represents the increase in expected bytes during
 147     // copying due to anticipated waste in the PLABs.
 148     const double safety_factor = (100.0 / G1ConfidencePercent) * (100 + TargetPLABWastePct) / 100.0;
 149     const size_t expected_bytes_to_copy = (size_t)(safety_factor * bytes_to_copy);
 151     if (expected_bytes_to_copy > free_bytes) {
 152       // end condition 3: out-of-space
 153       return false;
 154     }
 156     // success!
 157     return true;
 158   }


  1. 超过了当前最大可用空间
  2. 如果预估的停顿时间大于 MaxGCPauseMillis。此处预估 pause_time_ms 在基本耗时的基础上加上了下次 GC 时 eden 区的处理时间,给定的新生代越大,预估耗时也会越大。
  3. 为了避免 To-space exhausted 的情况,如果 expected_bytes_to_copy 大于剩余可用空间那么也不合适。这里对预估的 bytes_to_copy 还乘了个安全系数。TargetPLABWastePct 默认值 10,G1ConfidencePercent 默认值 50,该系数默认为 2.2。

以上,就是 G1 新生代自适应的主干逻辑。

3. 最后

最后还有一个小问题:G1Policy::init(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, G1CollectionSet* collection_set) 时,新生代设置的大小是多少呢?

根据 GC 日志来看,新生代初始值为 min_young_length,也就是默认情况下堆大小的 5%。 但是根据上面的逻辑算下来,如果初始的预测值都是 0 的话,那么新生代初始值应该是 max_young_length,其中的原因是有些预测值有默认初始值,比如 _constant_other_time_ms_seq_young_other_cost_per_region_ms_seq_cost_per_byte_ms_seq_short_lived_surv_rate_group等,大多数情况下只有最小值合适。



      本文标题:通过源码学习G1GC —— 新生代自适应策略
