
作者: 炫律 | 来源:发表于2019-08-03 17:19 被阅读1次

    Long way down
    Why predicting the impact of a no-deal Brexit is so hard
    Estimates of the economic effects of no-deal on GDP are varied
    无协议脱欧如何影响GDP 尚无一致结论
    Print edition | Britain
    Jul 25th 2019

    Apart from Economists for Free Trade (eft), a pro-Brexit group, almost no wonks believe that leaving the EU without a deal would be good for the economy. The majority flinch when Boris Johnson, the new prime minister, promises that Britain will push off by October 31st “come what may”. Yet the question of just how bad a no-deal Brexit would be has many answers.

    除了支持脱欧的自由贸易经济学家(EFT)以外,几乎没有一个专家相信,如果不达成协议就离开欧盟对经济有利。当新首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)承诺无论如何,英国将在10月31日前离开时,大多数人开始畏缩不前。然而,无协议脱欧到底有多糟糕的问题有很多答案。

    On July 18th the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the fiscal watchdog, warned that a no-deal exit would “push the economy into recession”. The next day Oxford Economics argued that “no-deal Brexit might be bad, but not obr bad.” Capital Economics, another consultancy, wrote last year that in its central no-deal scenario “we don’t expect...a full-blown recession.” Estimates of the long-term effect on gdp are even more varied (see chart).

    7月18日,财政监督机构预算责任办公室(OBR)警告说,不达成协议退出将“促使经济进入衰退”。第二天,牛津经济研究院(Oxford Economics)辩称,“不脱欧可能是糟糕的,但也不会像OBR 所说的那样。”另一家咨询公司Capital Economics去年写道,在其核心的“不脱欧方案”中,“我们预期不会出现全面衰退。”对GDP长期影响的估计甚至更加多样化。(见图表)。

    If Britain leaves without a deal it will become a member of the World Trade Organisation on its own, not as part of the EU . Britain would generally have to charge the same tariffs on eu imports as on non-eu ones. Regulations governing everything from medicines to electricity connections to financial services could lapse.


    Three big judgments shape economists’ views of the eventual impact of this. The first is precisely what happens to tariffs. The EFT assumes that Britain unilaterally cuts all of them to zero, boosting trade and thus economic growth. Most economists think that too optimistic.

    The second issue is what happens to non-tariff barriers, such as regulations, between Britain and its trading partners. Plenty of academic work looks at the economic impact of entering a big trading bloc, but there is much less on countries leaving, since this rarely happens. Will the non-tariff barriers that were lowered during Britain’s membership of the EU rise again when it pushes off? The government estimate shown in the chart assumes that the majority will be. Others, including from Rabobank, use estimates of non-tariff barriers between the eu and America as a guide to what Britain could face.


    The third judgment concerns so-called “dynamic effects”. Economists often assume that a reduction in openness to trade will crimp long-term productivity growth, in part because specialisation is more difficult and in part because inward investment from abroad would be lower. One paper from the London School of Economics, which looks at the impact of Britain moving to WTO rules, finds that including these dynamic effects triples the estimate of lost GDP per person.


    Brexiteers argue that most economists are too negative—just as they were about the impact of the vote to leave the EU in 2016. Following a chaotic exit, the Bank of England could radically loosen monetary policy, and the government could ramp up spending or slash taxes. Perhaps. But even the gloomiest economic forecasts only paint a partial picture of what could happen following a chaotic exit. Shortages of medicines, violence at the Irish border, shuttered farms and panicky immigrants might not affect the economy much. But there is more to life than GDP.


    This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline "How bad, exactly?"



