

作者: 无言_俗人 | 来源:发表于2022-03-06 11:15 被阅读0次


AgRenseq: 利用基于Kmer方法的关联分析和R基因富集测序的方法从作物多样性库中发现和克隆R基因。

1. AgRenSeq技术原理

Combining association genetics and R gene enrichment sequencing (AgRenSeq) for R gene cloning
ac, A genetically diverse panel of accessions (a) is phenotyped with different pathogen races (b), and subjected to RenSeq followed by assembly of the NLR repertoire and extraction of NLR k-mers for each accession (c). d, k-mers are pre-filtered based on the correlation of their presence/absence to the level of resistance or susceptibility in the phenotyped panel. Each pre-filtered k-mer is given a P value based on its ability to predict the phenotype using linear regression, with PCA dimensions as covariates to control for population structure. Phenotypes are color-coded as in b, and the presence and absence of k-mers is indicated by dark gray and white, respectively. e, k-mers are then plotted in an association matrix according to their sequence identity to NLRs from a given accession (x axis) and the measure of their association with phenotype (y axis) (see Fig. 2). A candidate R gene contig is illustrated by a red-dot column.

2.173个Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata+19个ssp. tauschii品种鉴定Sr基因来验证AgRenseq

Genetic architecture of stem rust resistance in Ae. tauschii.
a, Geographic distribution of Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata (cyan) and ssp. tauschii (magenta) used in this study. Two accessions from China and two from Pakistan, which fall outside the map, are not shown. ARM, Armenia; AZE, Azerbaijan; GEO, Georgia; IRN, Iran; KAZ, Kazakhstan; SYR, Syria; TJK, Tajikistan; TUR, Turkey; TRK, Turkmenistan; UZB, Uzbekistan. b, Phylogenetic tree displaying Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata (173 accessions, cyan) and ssp. tauschii (19 accessions, magenta) with an intermediate accession (dark green). Stem rust phenotypes and Sr genotypes are displayed by concentric circles around the tree. ce, Identification of Sr33, Sr45, Sr46, and SrTA1662 by AgRenSeq using PGT races RKQQC, TTKSK, and QTHJC, respectively. The number of accessions used for each phenotype is provided in Supplementary Table 8. Each dot column on the x axis represents an NLR contig from the RenSeq assembly of a single accession (BW_01005, BW_01077 or BW_01072) containing the respective Sr gene. Each dot on the y axis represents one or more RenSeq k-mers associated with resistance across the diversity panel to the respective PGT race. The association score is defined as the negative log of P value obtained using likelihood ratio test for nested models. Dot columns corresponding to Sr genes are colored red. Dot size is proportional to the number of k-mers associated with resistance.


AgRenSeq to engineer disease resistance


Discovery and cloning of diverse R genes (colored dots on vertical chromosomes) in a germplasm panel (far left) allows the rapid engineering by transformation of a multi-R gene stack with zero linkage drag (R1 to R4, top right) or facilitates incorporation and stacking of R genes into elite lines and reduction of linkage drag (colored bars around R genes) by multiple backcrossing and marker-assisted selection (MAS; bottom right).




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