Stardust 星尘DAY2

Stardust 星尘DAY2

作者: Jolie_Laide | 来源:发表于2017-05-02 19:34 被阅读0次

Words and Expressions

seized the handkerchief, and blew her nose upon it, and sniffled into it

抓住手帕,擦鼻子,擤鼻涕。seize, blow, sniffle,配合上介词,形象而生动。

chime and glisten

作者很喜欢用chime这个动词,chime和glisten一起出现的频率也比较高。chime是指to ring,glisten是指to shine,一个听觉一个视觉,双重描述(the crystal snowdrop)非常精准。

The sun set, and a huge spring moon appreared, high already in the heavens. A chill breeze blew.



Dunstan entertained thoughts of continuing on through the meadow, of crossing the stream and canishing into the trees on its far side. He entertained these thoughts awkwardly, as a man entertains unexpected guests.
三个entertain出现在这段描述当中,表示的意思不完全相同。前两个entertain表示to consider or allow yourself to think about an idea, a hope, a feeling, etc. 常见搭配有entertain hopes/a doubt等。第三个entertain指的是to invite people to eat or drink with you as your guests。【这让我回想起看音乐剧《汉密尔顿》的时候,小乔连续用了四五个subject,均表示不同含义】

under a spell

Do you think you are under a spell, pretty Dunstan?
You are under no spell, pretty boy.

you are under someone's spell, you are so fascinated by them that you cannot think about anything else. 被迷住。近义词charm。造句:I completely fell under his spell that evening. 下文中又出现了spell当做magic使用的句子:* Unbreakable until the terms of the spell are concluded.*


*He kissed her, gull upon her burning lips.
*She placed a hundred burning kisses on his face and chest, ...

burning eyes是指热烈的、强烈的,burning还可以指兴趣浓厚或者欲望强烈的。造句:I have a burning desire to become a foreign language teacher.

dawn grey

*He could see her now, as the sky lightened into a dawn grey.
dawn grey用来形容天亮前的灰色,太贴切了。

waste away

She wastes away. She drinks a little ewater from time to time.

变消瘦;变衰弱 If someone wastes away, they become extremely thin or weak because they are ill or worried and they are not eating properly.




The story continued as Dunstan went to the fair where he met a faerie girl and bought a snowdrop at the price of a kiss on her fair cheek. The two young people made a promise to meet at night, and when they met outside on the grass, they were both undoubtedly under a spell and made love to each other.

The fair ended, and the life in Village of Wall returned to normal. Dunstan married Daisy in June and they lived a peaceful life raising sheep. On a cold Feburary winter night, a basket appeared at the wall in which a baby boy and a note were found. The boy, Tristran Thorn, was son of Dunstan and the Faerie girl.

My words





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      本文标题:Stardust 星尘DAY2
