Inter-individual differences in

Inter-individual differences in

作者: 落心无痕_2b7d | 来源:发表于2018-11-20 19:19 被阅读0次


Cognitive reappraisal is a means of changing the way one thinks about a potentially emotion eliciting situation in order to reduce its emotional impact.

Expressive suppression is a means of response modulation whereby an individual voluntarily inhibits emotional expressive behavior.


1)The degree of emotion regulation success was investigated as indexed by the change in negative affect and neural activity when reappraising or suppressing emotional images or film fragments.

2)Another approach is to investigate individual differences in ER, exploring the influence of the habitual use of reappraisal and suppression on brain functioning.


4.认知控制:cognitive control relates to the ability to guide task performance by activating goal-directed behavior and inhibiting habitual response tendencies.

5.个体重评分数越高有更高的认知控制能力(increased DLPFC/dACC activation):

dlPFC:the disengagement from negative information 从负性信息中脱离

dACC:maintaining goal-relevant information online in order to strategically attend to specific information in the environment 维持目标,注意环境中的具体信息





1.To briefly summarize on this topic, the neural activation patterns associated with individual differences in ERs point towards an important role of fronto-cingulate regions.

2.Although ERs and cognitive control rely on the same fronto-cingulate neural circuitries, this association has not yet been confirmed by neuroimaging data. Hence, the aim of the present study is to relate self-reported reappraisal and suppression tendencies to neural correlates of cognitive control processes for emotional information.

3.In short, the goal of this study is to associate neural correlates of cognitive control during the performance of the CECT with self-reported use of emotion regulation strategies. The habitual use of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression will be measured by the well validated Emotion Regulation Questionnaire.

4.The aim of this study was to investigate whether interindividual differences in the habitual use of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression are related to processes of prefrontal cognitive control for emotional material.

5.Essentially, emotional information receives priority in information processing and healthy emotion processing necessitates a clear need to exert strategies to control these induced emotions.



      本文标题:Inter-individual differences in
