Essay125 May24,2017

Essay125 May24,2017

作者: hongwang | 来源:发表于2017-05-24 18:01 被阅读0次

Today's topic is if you want to quit  a job, what  will  you say to your boss?

If I want to quit a job, I 'll want  to  say to my leader, " the world is wonderful, I want  to see toaround." That is a kidding. I 've had a experience about quiting a job.

In my career, I've worked at two companies.The first company 's business was bad, and couldn't give my pay in time. I need  survival,  so quited the job and  found a new job. this  moment I think of this thing, the quit's process was so simple. No letter ofresignation, No communication. I just told my leader, "I'd like to work at here,  and find a new job".  second day, I went  to  new company. For  ten  years, I've wanted to  take my  file away to the old company, I didn't  remember  how many times, But  the old company didn't  give me. Fifteen years past, one day a stuff of the old company called me, I could take away my file. this time the file wa important. because the new company rebuild a file for me. Now I'm thinking, If I choose  other  way  to  quit  the  job, maybe can get a  different result. more communication or  give more gifts with my leader. But  this  world don't  have many if , maybe.Nowdays my old file has been keeping my home. I have two files.  One person  just  has one file. this  is my  experience of  quitibg a job.



      本文标题:Essay125 May24,2017
