绘本讲师训练营【15期】2/21 《The very hungr

绘本讲师训练营【15期】2/21 《The very hungr

作者: laurence0712 | 来源:发表于2018-07-03 10:43 被阅读0次

15110-张智峰 Laurence

For today’s way to my son’s school, I changed 2 books from yesterday, so I also had 4 books for my boy’s choices. At the beginning we got on the metro, my son just focused on his little toy car, after 4 stations, he said he wanted read the nutbrown hare book, I said I didn’t take it today, he said he didn’t want to read anymore, so I just packed the books into my bag. After about two minutes, he said he still wanted to read and chose “The very hungry caterpillar”.

绘本讲师训练营【15期】2/21 《The very hungry caterpillar》by Eric Carle

As I read the first page, he notice the little egg and a big egg which it was the moon, I said “wow, you know this one is small, and the other is big, good observation”. As I turned to the 3rd page, I started to sing the words, he liked to turn the page to look at the pics, and recited the Chinese names of those fruits. And on the Saturday page, when I said “that night he had a stomachache”, he asked what’s wrong with him, I said “do u remember froggy”, he said yes, I replied him when froggy ate lots of different kinds of food, he had a stomachache, this was same thing happened to the little caterpillar. He seems understood, haha, but it’s ok. And after the caterpillar became a big, fat caterpillar, my son was so surprise and after that followed the cocoon, he asked where the caterpillar was, I used my hand to make some gesture to let him understand the caterpillar build a house to wrap himself up. At the last page, he saw the butterfly and asked what that was, I said u would know next time.

绘本讲师训练营【15期】2/21 《The very hungry caterpillar》by Eric Carle

This was not the end, I just turned the page a little faster to review the pics, when I turned to the “Monday to Friday page”, I suggested that I sang the words, he pointed the food out, he said yes, so we just did it happily.

绘本讲师训练营【15期】2/21 《The very hungry caterpillar》by Eric Carle

Today’s reading reminded me a pic book can be read lots of times as the kid is interested in it, this is the key point. Besides that I also need to prepare the other 3 books for he to choose. What else is I need to practice singing more to be more fluent, coz this is happy way to tell a story.



    本文标题:绘本讲师训练营【15期】2/21 《The very hungr
