

作者: 代号北极能 | 来源:发表于2021-02-12 22:20 被阅读0次


泡沫的现场照片 活性污泥系统运行中的泡沫



Foam is a mass of small bubbles of gas formed on the surface of a liquid, such as the froth produced by agitating a solution of soap or detergent in water. In the case of activated sludge, it can be several factors that cause foaming. Operational or non-operational problems can lead to all types of foaming.

目前,普遍认为生物泡沫形成的主要原因是:在各种因素影响下,造成丝状菌和放线菌等微生物的异样生长,丝状菌的比生长速率高于了菌胶团细菌,又由于丝状菌的比表面积较大,因此,丝状菌在取得污水中BOD5物质和氧化BOD5物质所需要的氧气方面都比菌胶团细菌有利得多,结果曝气池中丝状菌成为优势菌种而大量增值,导致生物泡沫的产生。再加上这些微生物大都呈丝状或枝状,易形成网,能捕扫微粒和气泡等,并浮到水面。被丝网包围的气泡,增加了其表面的张力,使气泡不易破碎,泡沫更加稳定。另外,曝气气泡产生的气浮作用是泡沫形成的主要动力因素。研究发现,与生物泡沫有关的菌属主要有Nocardioform actinomycetes(放线菌)和Microthrix parvicella(丝状菌)等,前者多出现于夏季,后者多出现于冬季。


2.1 曝气池泡沫Normal Activated Sludge Foam

Normal activated sludge will have a light tan color and cover anywhere from 10 to 25% of the surface of the tank. The bubbles on the surface will disperse quickly. normally activated sludge foam 在常规的活性污泥处理厂中比较常见。不需要特别的处理。

Normal activated sludge foam

2.2 Stiff White Foam

Stiff white, billowing foam, indicating a young sludge (low MCRT) is usually found in a new plant or an overloaded plant.这种泡沫的成因是短的活性污泥停留时间,在新的水厂比较容易出现。


Stiff White Foam

2.2.1 成因 





d. 运行条件异常,如pH低于6.5或高于9.0,溶解氧浓度不够,营养物质匮乏或者季节性温度变化。

e.各种原因导致的系统污泥六十。比如突然的水力负荷增大Excessive or shock hydraulic loads,生物系统运行问题biological upset, high sludge blanket in secondary clarifier resulting in solids washout, mechanical deficiencies in the secondary clarifier (leaking seals, open de-watering valves), Improper distribution of flows or solids loadings to multiple clarifiers. 

2.2.2 控制措施




Consider hauling in seed activated sludge if warranted

–Actively enforce sewer use ordinances to avoid process upset and deterioration of the secondary system. Check out the distribution of return sludge, and influent into the basin for proper flow split.

–If flow meters are not provided, visually check the return sludge flow and compare to the following:

•The sludge blanket levels in each clarifier

•The return sludge TSS concentration from each clarifier

•The MLSS concentration in each aeration tank.

2.3 Heavy Brown Foam

A heavy dark scummy foam is typical in plants that practice sludge re-aeration. the scummy dark foam indicates an older sludge and can result is other problems downstream of the aeration tank. There could also be a presence of Nocardia in the sludge.


Heavy Brown Foam

2.3.1 成因


Plants with filamentous organisms Nocardia will have a strong greasy dark tan foam that will carry over onto the clarifier surface. Scum containing filamentous organisms should be wasted from the system rather than returned to the aeration tank.

A heavy dark brown greasy foam is usually normal while operating in the re-aeration mode of operation.

–Aeration tank is being operated at a low FM, possible because nitrification is required by the regulatory agency.

–Build-up of a high MLSS concentration as a result of insufficient sludge wasting. This condition could unintentionally occur between the winter and summer seasons when wastewater temperatures change, which affects microorganism growth and activity.

–Operating in sludge re-aeration mode.

–Improper wasting control program


2.3.2 控制

–If nitrification is not required, gradually increase the F/M and decrease the MCRT.

–If the scum is not returned to the aeration tanks, include the volatile solids removed in the scum in the waste sludge calculations. During normal operation, the amount of volatile solids removed with the scum is to small to matter. However, during periods of high foam, 10 to 15% of the solids may be removed with the scum.

–If filaments appear, try to identify the cause. There are several books on the market that will help you identify the type of filament and how to control it. A microscope is a must in the identification of filaments.

2.4 M Parvicella Foam

Stable dark brown greasy foam that can get thick enough to have a crust- plant with Microthrix problems due to grease problems in the lift stations, or collection systems.


M Parvicella foam

Thick scummy dark brown foam indicates an old sludge (high MCRT) and can result in additional problems in the clarifier by building up behind the influent baffles and creating a scum disposal problem as shown below:







2.5 Other Foaming

Foam can be caused by an industrial user who is overloading the facility.

2.6 Foaming from Septicity

Foam can be caused from septic condition throughout the municipality.

Foaming from Septicity

3. 膨胀有关的微生物

Nocardia 是经常被提到的导致活性污泥膨胀或者引起泡沫的微生物之一。Nocardia是一种丝状菌,过量生长还会引起活性污泥丝状菌膨胀。







d. Skimming the foam  Skimming the foam to a place to get rid of it would help

e. 用水冲,在活性污泥曝气池上安装曝气头可以有效控制泡沫,至少可以利用其压力将形成的泡沫打碎

f. Submerged and surface overflow – Submerged aeration basin gates can contain foam from exiting to the secondary clarifier. This makes getting rid of foam much more difficult. Surface overflows out of the aeration basin can help get foam to the secondary clarifier and then skimmed off the surface.

g. Impacts on Digestion – Foam generated from the secondary process, especially Norcardia foaming can present many issues in a digestion system. Foam can overflow a digester on the ground, cause volume issues, gas piping issues, and digester operations. to correct digester foaming, the secondary process must be corrected of Nocardia in the system.







