【百天聆听】第40天 原典英语训练教材

【百天聆听】第40天 原典英语训练教材

作者: 苏苏家的安迪 | 来源:发表于2017-03-31 20:37 被阅读0次


    Chapter Six: The five Kings

    King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were very happy together. The people loved their beautiful queen.

    Not long after their marriage, there was another invasion of Britain. The King of Ireland, the King of Denmark, and three other kings joined together.

    They wanted to conquer Britain with their strong armies.

    "We must fight these five kings," said King Arthur. "We must protect Britain."

    The knights of the Round Table were ready to fight against the enemy.

    Before leaving Camelot, Arthur said to Guinevere, "Dear Guinevere, I don't want to leave you alone. Please come with me. I promise to protect you.

    Your lovely presence gives me happiness and courage."

    Guinevere smiled and said, "Arthur, I am happy to follow you."

    Queen Guinevere rode next to King Arthur. King Arthur's army followed.

    After travelling for many days they did not meet the five kings.

    Suddenly one night, the five kings attacked King Arthur's camp. They almost destroyed the camp. The noise of the battle woke up King Arthur. He,Guinevere, and the other knights rode away quickly. They crossed the River Humber and went to the forest.

    Then they heard horses across the river. In the moonlight, they saw the five kings. The kings were riding towards them, and they were alone.

    One knight said, "Let's attack them by surprise! They're alone! They can't see us, but we can see them!"

    King Arthur and his knights killed the five kings.

    The enemy armies were confused without their leaders. They all left Britain. King Arthur and his knights were again victorious. They saved Britain from a dangerous invasion.

    Chapter Seven: Lancelot

    One of the knights of the Round Table was Lancelot. He came from France. Lancelot was very kind and generous. He often gave his things to the poor.

    Lancelot served his king and queen well.

    One day a strange girl came to the great hall of the castle. She said to Sir Lancelot, "Come with me! It's very important. I cannot tell you more. Please follow me."

    Sir Lancelot followed the girl to the forest. They stopped at a church.

    Lancelot entered the church. He saw twelve nuns. One nun said, "Sir Lancelot, we bring you this young man. He is loyal and courageous. Please make him a knight."

    The young man looked honest. Lancelot agreed to make him a knight.

    However, Lancelot did not recognize this young man. He was the son Lancelot had from Elaine, a lady he loved some years before. The young man's name was Galahad. Galahad's mother wanted him to be a knight, like his father.

    The next day, Lancelot returned to Camelot with the young knight. King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and the knights of the Round Table were happy to meet Galahad.

    When Sir Galahad sat down at the Round Table, his name appeared on the table. Everyone was amazed. Lancelot looked at Galahad carefully.

    Suddenly, he realized that Galahad was his son! Lancelot was very happy and proud.

    简爱 Jane Eyre

    Part One: Childhood

    My name is Jane Eyre and my story really begins when I was ten years old.

    I was living with my aunt, Mrs Reed, because my mother and father were both dead. Mrs Reed was very rich and her house was large and beautiful,but I was not happy there.

    My three cousins, Eliza, John and Georgiana, were older than me. They teased me, and never wanted to play with me. Sometimes they were very cruel. I was afraid of them. Most of all, I was afraid of John Reed. He liked to frighten me and he made me very unhappy. I often hid from him in a small room. I liked to look at the pictures in the big books from the library there.

    I felt happy and safe in my little room that day, because I knew that John and his sisters were with their mother. But then John got bored and decided to look for me.

    'Where's Jane Eyre?' he shouted. I kept very quiet and hoped he would not find me, as he was not a clever boy. But his sister, Eliza, soon found where I was hiding.

    'Here she is,' she called, and I had to come out. John grinned unpleasantly when he saw me.

    'What do you want?' I asked him.

    He made me stand in front of him. He stared at me for a long time, and then, suddenly, he hit me. 'Now go and stand by the door,' he said.

    Now I was really frightened. I knew that John was going to hurt me.

    I went and stood near the door.

    'I'll teach you to take our property,' said John Reed, and he picked up a large, heavy book.

    At first I didn't know what he was going to do. Then he lifted his arm and I

    realised that he was going to throw the book at me. I tried to get out of the way, but I was too late. He threw the book straight at me, it hit me on the head, and I fell.

    'You wicked and cruel boy,' I shouted. 'Why do you want to hurt me?' I touched my head. There was blood on it. 'Look what you have done!' I cried.

    My words just made John Reed angrier. He ran across the room towards me, and began to hit me again and again. I was very frightened, so I hit him back.

    I don't know what I did to John Reed, but it hurt him. He started to call for his mother.

    "Mother, Mother!"

    Mrs Reed heard the noise and hurried into the room. She didn't seem to see the blood which ran down my face.

    'Jane Eyre, you are a bad girl!' she cried. 'Why are you hitting poor John,who is always so good to you?'

    No one listened when I tried to say what John had done to me.

    Mrs Reed told two servants to take me away.

    'Take her to the red room and lock the door,' she told them.

    The red room was cold and dark. A servant had told me that Mrs Reed's husband had died in the room. Nobody ever went there at night.

    I was very frightened. I cried for help, but nobody came.

    'Please help me!' I shouted. 'Don't leave me here alone!'

    Nobody came. I cried for a long time. I was more terrified with every minute that went by . Then everything suddenly went black, and I think that I fainted . I remembered nothing after that.

    When I woke up, I was in my own bed. My head was hurting. The doctor was sitting beside the bed. I felt very glad that someone who was not part of the Reed family was in the room with me. 'What happened to me?' I asked him.

    'You are ill, Jane,' the doctor answered. 'The servant says that you have cried a lot. Why did you cry so much?'

    'I cry because I am miserable,' I replied.

    The doctor looked puzzled . 'What made her ill yesterday?' he asked the servant.

    'She fell, sir,' was the reply. I could not waste this opportunity. I wanted the doctor to know the truth about my life with Mrs Reed and my cousins. 'I was knocked down,' I said. 'But that did not make me ill. I was shut up in a dark, cold room until after dark.'

    The doctor sent the servant away, and then he asked me, 'Are you unhappy here with your aunt and cousins?'

    'Yes, I am,' I told him. 'I'm very unhappy.'

    The doctor looked at me kindly. 'I see,' he said. 'Would you like to go away to school?'

    'Oh yes, I think that I would,' I answered.

    The doctor looked at me again for a long time, and then went downstairs to speak to Mrs Reed. Much later, Mrs Reed came to see me and told me that she had decided to send me to school.

    A few days later, I left my aunt's house to go to school. I knew that Mrs Reed and my cousins were glad to see me leave.

    They did not want me to go back for holidays. I had lived with them for as long as I could remember, but I was not really sad to leave. 'Perhaps I'll be happy at school,' I thought. 'Maybe there will be someone who likes me. I could find some friends there.'



        本文标题:【百天聆听】第40天 原典英语训练教材
