My Roommate Is a Weirdo 我的奇葩室友

My Roommate Is a Weirdo 我的奇葩室友

作者: Doris_super | 来源:发表于2019-10-28 15:58 被阅读0次

    While on his way to work,Albert receives a phone call from Liz. He wonders why she would be calling him at such an early hour.


    Liz & Albert


    Albert: 本书男主,跨国公司程序员 

    Albert: Hi,Liz. What's up?

    艾尔伯特: 嗨,莉斯。有什么事吗?

    Liz: Albert,I have to move. I can't take it anymore.

    莉斯: 艾尔伯特,我必须得搬走了。我再也受不了了。

    Albert: Why? What happened?

    艾尔伯特: 为什么?发生了什么事?

    Liz: I'm having problems with my roommate. She's a party animal! She often invites her friends over to our dorm and they party till midnight.

    莉斯: 我和我的室友之间有问题。她是个聚会狂! 她经常邀请她的朋友来我们宿舍,他们聚会到半夜。

    Albert: That's really annoying.

    艾尔伯特: 那真的很烦人。

    Liz: I haven't slept well in weeks.

    莉斯: 我好几个星期没睡好觉了。

    Albert: Have you talked to her about this?

    艾尔伯特: 你跟她谈过这件事吗?

    Liz: I have. At first she said she was sorry and she wouldn't do it again. But not long after that,her friends came over and they party late into the night. Even worse,they ate my snacks without asking me first! And that has happened more than once.

    莉斯: 我有。起初,她说她很抱歉,她不会再这样做了。但没过多久,她的朋友来了,他们聚会到深夜。更糟糕的是,他们没有先问我一声就吃了我的零食! 这种情况已经发生了不止一次。

    Albert: It seems that they have truly crossed the line. Can you ask the university to move you to another dorm?

    艾尔伯特: 看来他们真的越界了。你能要求学校给你换个宿舍吗?

    Liz: I'm afraid that won't work,which is why I'm turning to you for help. Could you help me find a place to live?

    莉斯: 恐怕这没用,所以我才找你帮忙。你能帮我找个地方住吗?

    Albert: Sure. We can look for a place online or speak with some real estate agents.

    艾尔伯特: 当然。我们可以在网上找一个地方,或者和一些房地产代理商谈谈。

    Liz: Oh,good! I can't thank you enough!

    莉斯: 哦,好! 我对你感激不尽!

    Albert: My pleasure.

    艾尔伯特: 我的荣幸。


    a party animal:非常喜欢聚会的人

    crossed the line:做得太过分了,越界



          本文标题:My Roommate Is a Weirdo 我的奇葩室友
