鸭子侦探 ing

鸭子侦探 ing

作者: 我写的BUG代码少 | 来源:发表于2020-04-21 21:24 被阅读0次


    • mallard 野鸭
    • it is adj. (for sb) to do sth.
    • to be honoured
    • luncheon 午宴,午餐会
    • (it is) all because he is going to..
      • all强调副词
      • because引导表语从句
      • be going to do 一般将来时
    • festivity 庆典
    • stumble upon 偶然发现
      • stumble upon a mystery 偶然发现神秘事件(卷入案件)
    • what i find fortunate is that we've been...,and you still haven't...
      • what引导主语从句
      • 系动词 is
      • that引导的表语从句
      • 两个现在完成时并列句
    • whatever引导让步状语从句
    • this could be considered to be an example of...
      • be considered 被动语态
      • to be不定式短语作主语this的补语,在被动语态后
    • all is not well 不尽如人意;不乐观
    • lurk v.潜伏
    • who's to know what's...?
      • to know不定式引导宾语从句
    • inspector 警署探员
    • off-duty 不上班,歇班
    • there's a logical explanation for this
    • incredibly == very
    • he told me that...and that...双宾
    • Look for anything that will give us a clue as to the doctor's whereabouts.
      • whereabouts 下落,行踪
      • as to == about 关于
      • Look for 引导祈使句
      • anything 不定代词作先行词
      • that 引导定语从句修饰anything
    • or else 否则
    • midst 当中,中间
      • in the mist of
    • for the time being 只是暂时的
    • ...hope that Dr.E will be waiting...that引导宾语从句
      • will be doing 将来进行时


    • I am..., and as president of...
      • as sb...借此短语作原因状语,一般as引导的原因较明显。已知事实,不需要强调
    • We can go back to enjoying the carnival now.
      • to enjoying the carnival now 介宾短语作目的状语,介词+宾语
      • go back to enjoy; to do不定式 强调动作
      • go back to enjoying; to+doing 介词+动名词 强调状态;动名词有名词性质 看作名词作宾语
    • latest discovery
      • latest 最新的,最近的
    • state 状态,状况,情形
    • acres 英亩
    • slash 砍伐
    • reckless 鲁莽的,不计后果的
    • In a few years, gone will be the home for millions of plants and animals.
      • 倒装句, 表语gone置于句首
      • 表语+系动词+主语
    • restore the danmage
    • natural wonders
    • analyze the properties 分析成分
    • quack 江湖骗子,鸭子叫
    • forget about it
    • I couldn't agree more
    • What's to stop him making a fortune with his potion? While we, law-abiding citizen sit back and pay for his years of research.
      • potion 药水
      • abide
      • sit back 袖手旁观,坐视不管
      • make a fortune 发财,赚大钱
      • stop sb (from) doing sth
    • have a point 有道理
    • we are ducks of different feather 我们是不同的鸭子


    • at the head table 贵宾桌子
    • have to do 客观需求不得不做
    • out of order 发生故障(电话故障
    • transfer to sb (电话转接
    • Here’s Willard! 完全倒装
    • make it snappy 快点,赶快
    • I'll get you in no time
      • in no time 立刻
    • That would be most helpful.
    • all the time 总是,一直
    • make it 完成,成功
    • straw 稻草
    • take off 离开,起飞
    • Where to?口语== where did they go? where did they want to go? where were they going?
    • I hope your friend didn't get dropped off there.
      • drop off 下车/下飞机
      • get dropped off 被动语态(口语用
    • at once 立刻,马上


    • a huge stretch of land 一大片土地
    • couldn't have done 过去不可能做某事
    • Any duck out to save the jungle is a friend of mine.
      • out a.渴求的,做好打算的
      • out to do = trying to do = intent on
    • let me see if I get this straight.
      • if 引导条件状语从句
      • get sth straight 搞清楚,理顺
    • We just got popped in the middle of the Amazon jungle where we're going to get on a raft, ==sail== (?) down a piranha-infested river, all in the hopes of finding the Ze-ze Quaken tribe who may or may not be friendly.
      • pop v.(迅速/突然)放置
      • raft n.木牌
      • piranha 食人鱼
      • infested 为患的,大批滋生的
      • in the hope of 怀着...的希望
    • black clouds of gnats and hordes of mosquitoes that are waiting for us at the river
      • gnat (g不发音)小昆虫
      • horde 一大群
    • And to think, Willard, that this all started with a simple invitation by an old friend.
      • with a simple invitation 介词短语作方式状语
      • by an old friend 介词短语作定语修饰 a simple invitation
    • come along 一起来
    • Not to worry
    • The pilot has provided us with protection
    • at a moment's notice 即刻,随时;一经通知就立即
    • There's no reason to be afraid of sth. simplely because we are not familiar with it.
      • to be afraid of sth.不定式短语作定语,修饰reason;逻辑上reason是不定式动作的原因状语
    • Is this for real?
    • For goodness sakes 天哪,看在老天的份上
    • paddle 桨
    • banquet hall 宴会厅
    • Thank you for being so helpful.
    • lily pads 睡莲的浮叶
    • true to your word 信守承诺,遵守诺言
    • how inconvenient! 麻烦你了


    • Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成
    • What a good idea to rip some of those lily pads free in case we needed a backup boat.
      • rip 拨开,撕开
      • What a good idea (it is) to...陈述语序是 it is a good idea to rip...
    • And by dropping the pole earlier, you ++managed to save it from being wrecked.++
      • by引导方式状语从句
      • manage to do
    • reception 招待会
    • ransack v.洗劫
    • make sb's expedition
    • vandal 破坏文化遗产的人
    • at the time 在那时候
    • 情态动词+完成时 虚拟逾期表假设:could have helped 本可能做却没做
    • distract 转义注意力;分心
    • vial 小瓶,药水瓶
    • reach for 伸手拿
    • contact sb
    • we must continue with the conference
    • determine 查明
    • relieved 放心的,宽慰的
    • if only we could...虚拟语气,一般是不可实现的愿望
    • safe and sound 安然无恙的
      • sound 完好无损的


    • finger print 指纹
    • none other than 不是别的而正是...
    • We were to restore the rainforest together.
      • were to 本打算做,虚拟语气
    • They were the ones who made the threats and ransacked your laboratory.
    • duck out 逃避,逃跑
    • pay off 贿赂
    • profit-making 有利可图的
    • scheme 阴谋诡计
    • retrieve sth 取回
    • come back to sb 唤起某人的回忆
    • take sb away 警察带人走
    • trap sb with sth 用什么诱捕某人
    • (a thought/ idea) come to sb 灵机一动
    • jailed 监禁的
    • Board of Director
    • spread the word 把消息散布出去
    • pass sth onto sb
    • pass the solution
    • And if there is anything else we can do to thank you, all you have to do is ask.


    • Is it alright to come over now for my tour of Scotland Yard?
      • come over 过来,拜访
    • I'm in London and have finished visiting with my friend.
      • finish doing sth 做完某事
    • I'm sure I'll get the royal tour, being the aunt of an important Swiss police inspector and all.
      • being the aunt...现在分词短语作主语补足语,补充说明‘I’位置较灵活,放在句首句尾都可以。放句首就是Being the aunt...,I'm sure I'll..
    • all that 那么,到那种程度
    • summon 召唤
    • I'm sure you've got a mystery of your own to work on.
    • out of ordinary 不平常的
    • I found myself smack dab in the middle of an intrigue now and then.
    • smack dab (口语)不偏不倚
    • now and then 偶尔
    • respite
    • straight away == in no time == at once
    • at my hand 在我手边
    • pop up 突然出现
    • out of thin air 无中生有地
    • Imagine Willard thinking I've got mysteries at my hand.
      • 省略that
    • pastry 油酥点心
    • shepherd 牧羊人
    • court 公寓大楼,短街,宅邸
    • have a look into the matter/ look into the matter 调查这件事
    • scoundrel 恶棍,无赖,流氓
    • lead (犯罪有关的)线索
    • We were sent to England.
    • spy ring 特务组织
    • gossipe about sth
    • poor timing
    • in the meantime 与此同时
    • pursuer 追捕者


    • divulge secrets
    • That makes my errand even more urgent
      • errand 使命,差事
      • make 使役动词
    • There'll be no eating of this cake until it's been returned to the rightful owner.
      • rightful 合法的,正当的,公正的
    • by now 到目前为止
    • behind schedule 落后于计划
    • look sth up 研究,调查,处理
    • widdle-waddle 磨磨蹭蹭
    • happen to do 碰巧
    • take notes for sth
    • I'm going to find to whom this cake belongs.
    • ticket agent 售票处
    • split up 分开行动
    • unnerving 令人不安的
    • nerve 鼓起勇气
    • curious == bizzare
    • almond 杏仁
    • at the moment 此刻,现在
    • or rather 更精确地说,倒不如说
    • hush-hush 秘密的,机密的
    • your assistence is most appreciated.


    • knit v.编织
    • get away 离开,逃脱
    • mould(美式)== mold(英式)
    • How flattering!
      • flatter v.奉承
    • make an appointment
    • fascinate
    • Call me anytime
    • I only just mentioned it in passing.
      • in passing 顺便
    • slice 片
    • I'll keep that in mind.
    • momentarily 随时地,暂时地,立刻
    • line of work 行业,行当
    • now that 既然,由于
    • look in a mirror 照镜子
    • to boot == moreover,besides
    • cold adv.突然地,完全地
    • in my possession
    • seeing that 鉴于,由于,因为== given that
    • dunck v.躲避
    • consider it done 包在我身上
    • fare 车费
    • dusting n.打扫
    • come in handy 派的上用场
      • handy 有用的,便利的
    • How vey loud!


    • unhand 松手
    • fella == fellow 小伙子
    • Terribly sorry.
    • in the line of duty 在执行任务
    • keep one's mouth shut
    • misslie 导弹
    • all along 一直
    • ringleader 元凶
    • toss 抛,投
    • in an attempt to
    • You bet 当然,肯定
    • a lick of 一点


    • skillfully 巧妙地,精妙地
    • I could never get him to print the message.
      • 使役动词 get +宾补+动词不定式
    • in custody 被拘留
    • blab v.向某人透露秘密
    • instrumental == helpful
    • villain 坏人
    • make good 成功地实施
    • confidential 机密的
    • book sb 控告某人(口语)
    • commendation 赞扬,表扬
    • when it comes to 当提到;就...而论


    • cable car 缆车
    • The storm is over.
    • strand v.使陷于困境/搁浅/滞留
    • right away 立刻
    • in store 准备着,将要发生
    • stumble upon 偶然发现
      • stumble upon a mystery
    • robbery 抢劫
    • take place 发生
    • be supposed to do/be
    • chalet 小屋
    • precisey 精确地,准确地
    • res-handed adv/a.在犯罪现场,正作案的
    • embrace v.热爱,采纳(建议),拥抱


    • untie
    • let/see sb do sth.
    • precious
    • break in 闯入
    • wardrobe 衣柜
    • mistress 女主人
    • Would you be so kind as to tell them to reatun here at once?
      • be so kind as to 请费心了,非常感谢 ?
    • straight away; right away; at once; in no time; immediately; momentarily
    • set 固定的
    • sitting 易击中的
    • sitting duck 易受攻击者
    • put away 放好,储存
    • she is disguised by the mask.
    • in the world 究竟;到底
    • cavalry 骑兵,装甲兵


    • quaint 奇怪的,离奇有趣的
    • headquarters 总部,总局
    • learn of 听说,听到
    • superior 上级的
    • superior officer
    • take the opportunity
    • sizable 相当大的,大小相当的
    • head start 领先,有利的开端
    • Now since the thief was wearing a ski mask, skiing is obviously how he planned his escape.
      • since引导原因状语从句


    • embrace doing sth. 热爱某事
    • If you say so. 既然你都这样讲了
    • use a bite 随便吃一顿
    • intuition
    • avalanche 雪崩
    • hold on 坚持下去
    • sleuth v.侦查,做侦探


    • gauze 纱布
    • I wonder if you could help me.
    • stand for 代表
    • down the street 沿着街道
    • crack a case
    • I have a feeling those barrels were meat for us.
      • sth be meant for 专门为...准备



          本文标题:鸭子侦探 ing
