单细胞seurat V5转V4格式及seurat转为h5ad格式

单细胞seurat V5转V4格式及seurat转为h5ad格式

作者: KS科研分享与服务 | 来源:发表于2024-09-18 14:18 被阅读0次


    conda create -y -n sceasy python=3.7
    conda activate sceasy
    conda install anndata -c bioconda
    loompy <- reticulate::import('loompy')


    objV5 <- sce_cca
    sceasy::convertFormat(objV5, from="seurat", to="anndata", outFile='objV5.h5ad')
    Error in ncol(df) : 
      no slot of name "meta.features" for this object of class "Assay5"


    objV5[["RNA"]] <- as(objV5[["RNA"]], "Assay")
    sceasy::convertFormat(objV5, from="seurat", to="anndata", outFile='objV5.h5ad')
    # ... storing 'orig.ident' as categorical
    # ... storing 'celltype' as categorical
    # ... storing 'metacell_group' as categorical
    # ... storing 'var.features' as categorical
    # AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 7490 × 23700 
    # obs: 'orig.ident', 'nCount_RNA', 'nFeature_RNA', 'percent.mt', 'percent.hb', 'percent.rb', 'RNA_snn_res.0.1', 'RNA_snn_res.0.2', 'RNA_snn_res.0.3', 'RNA_snn_res.0.4', 'RNA_snn_res.0.5', 'RNA_snn_res.0.6', 'RNA_snn_res.0.7', 'RNA_snn_res.0.8', 'RNA_snn_res.0.9', 'RNA_snn_res.1', 'seurat_clusters', 'celltype', 'metacell_group'
    # var: 'vf_vst_counts.WT_mean', 'vf_vst_counts.WT_variance', 'vf_vst_counts.WT_variance.expected', 'vf_vst_counts.WT_variance.standardized', 'vf_vst_counts.WT_variable', 'vf_vst_counts.WT_rank', 'vf_vst_counts.GO_mean', 'vf_vst_counts.GO_variance', 'vf_vst_counts.GO_variance.expected', 'vf_vst_counts.GO_variance.standardized', 'vf_vst_counts.GO_variable', 'vf_vst_counts.GO_rank', 'var.features', 'var.features.rank'
    # obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_integrated.cca', 'X_umap'


    sce = anndata.read_h5ad('objV5.h5ad')
    sc.pl.umap(sce, color="celltype")
    sc.pl.DotPlot(sce, ["Pparg", "Myh11", "Mrc1", "Flt1", "Col11a1", "Mymk", "Pax7", "Pdgfra","Ttn","Sox2"], 
                  log = True, groupby='celltype').style(cmap='PRGn',dot_edge_color='black', dot_edge_lw=1).swap_axes(False).show(True)


    sc.tl.rank_genes_groups(sce, 'orig.ident', method='wilcoxon')

    那么最后,检验一下seurat V5转4之后做分析有没有问题,我选择的是用scMetabolism进行测试,我们知道,scMetabolism是不适用于V5的。但是转化之后,分析这个scMetabolism流程就没有问题了!

    V5_metabolism<-sc.metabolism.Seurat(obj = sce_cca, 
                                          method = "AUCell", 
                                          imputation = F, 
                                          ncores = 2, 
                                          metabolism.type = "KEGG")
    Error in sc.metabolism.Seurat(obj = sce_cca, method = "AUCell", imputation = F,  : 
      no slot of name "counts" for this object of class "Assay5"
    V4_metabolism<-sc.metabolism.Seurat(obj = objV5_trans, 
                                        method = "AUCell", 
                                        imputation = F, 
                                        ncores = 2, 
                                        metabolism.type = "KEGG")
    # Your choice is: KEGG
    # Start quantify the metabolism activity...
    # Genes in the gene sets NOT available in the dataset: 
    #   Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis:   8 (12% of 68)
    # Citrate cycle (TCA cycle):   1 (3% of 30)
    # Pentose phosphate pathway:   4 (13% of 30)
    # Pentose and glucuronate interconversions:   13 (38% of 34)
    # Fructose and mannose metabolism:   2 (6% of 33)
    # Galactose metabolism:   3 (10% of 31)
    # Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism:   13 (48% of 27)
    # Starch and sucrose metabolism:   8 (22% of 36)
    # Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism:   2 (4% of 48)
    # Pyruvate metabolism:   2 (5% of 39)
    # Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism:   3 (11% of 28)
    # Propanoate metabolism:   2 (6% of 32)
    # Butanoate metabolism:   5 (18% of 28)
    # Inositol phosphate metabolism:   2 (3% of 73)
    # Oxidative phosphorylation:   35 (26% of 133)
    # Nitrogen metabolism:   1 (6% of 17)
    # Fatty acid elongation:   1 (3% of 30)
    # Fatty acid degradation:   4 (9% of 44)
    # Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies:   1 (10% of 10)
    # Steroid biosynthesis:   2 (11% of 19)
    # Primary bile acid biosynthesis:   3 (18% of 17)
    # Steroid hormone biosynthesis:   23 (39% of 59)
    # Glycerolipid metabolism:   6 (10% of 61)
    # Glycerophospholipid metabolism:   8 (8% of 97)
    # Ether lipid metabolism:   7 (15% of 47)
    # Sphingolipid metabolism:   2 (4% of 47)
    # Arachidonic acid metabolism:   16 (26% of 62)
    # Linoleic acid metabolism:   11 (38% of 29)
    # alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism:   7 (28% of 25)
    # Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids:   1 (4% of 23)
    # Purine metabolism:   12 (7% of 174)
    # Pyrimidine metabolism:   7 (7% of 101)
    # Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism:   2 (6% of 35)
    # Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism:   3 (8% of 40)
    # Cysteine and methionine metabolism:   4 (9% of 45)
    # Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation:   2 (4% of 48)
    # Lysine degradation:   1 (2% of 59)
    # Arginine biosynthesis:   3 (14% of 21)
    # Arginine and proline metabolism:   3 (6% of 50)
    # Histidine metabolism:   1 (4% of 23)
    # Tyrosine metabolism:   6 (17% of 36)
    # Phenylalanine metabolism:   2 (12% of 17)
    # Tryptophan metabolism:   4 (10% of 40)
    # Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis:   1 (20% of 5)
    # Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism:   1 (9% of 11)
    # Selenocompound metabolism:   1 (6% of 17)
    # D-Glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism:   1 (20% of 5)
    # Glutathione metabolism:   10 (18% of 56)
    # N-Glycan biosynthesis:   3 (6% of 49)
    # Mucin type O-glycan biosynthesis:   4 (13% of 31)
    # Mannose type O-glycan biosynthesis:   2 (9% of 23)
    # Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - keratan sulfate:   1 (7% of 14)
    # Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - lacto and neolacto series:   5 (19% of 27)
    # Other glycan degradation:   1 (6% of 18)
    # Thiamine metabolism:   4 (25% of 16)
    # Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism:   1 (3% of 30)
    # Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis:   1 (5% of 19)
    # Folate biosynthesis:   5 (19% of 26)
    # One carbon pool by folate:   2 (10% of 20)
    # Retinol metabolism:   25 (38% of 66)
    # Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism:   11 (26% of 42)
    # Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis:   1 (9% of 11)
    # Caffeine metabolism:   2 (40% of 5)
    # Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450:   30 (40% of 75)
    # Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450:   27 (38% of 71)
    # Drug metabolism - other enzymes:   21 (27% of 79)
    # Warning messages:
    #   1: In .AUCell_buildRankings(exprMat = exprMat, featureType = featureType,  :
    #                                 nCores is no longer used. It will be deprecated in the next AUCell version.
    #                               2: useNames = NA is deprecated. Instead, specify either useNames = TRUE or useNames = TRUE. 
    input.pathway<-c("Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis", "Oxidative phosphorylation", "Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)")
    DotPlot.metabolism(obj = V4_metabolism, pathway = input.pathway, phenotype = "celltype", norm = "y")




          本文标题:单细胞seurat V5转V4格式及seurat转为h5ad格式
