Open letter to Australia PM Kevi

Open letter to Australia PM Kevi

作者: 夏虫羽 | 来源:发表于2020-06-17 20:26 被阅读0次

Dear Prime Minister, 

My name is XXX from Sydney International Business College. 

I saw your sorry speech on youtube yesterday and I’m thrilled to see you’ve acknowledged the mistake that Australian state governments have made to the aboriginal people for taking the aboriginal babies, toddlers and young children from mothers and gave them to be raised in white families. I have a strong belief that you have made a historic day on Feb 13 by apologising to the aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders, this day should be remembered forever by Australia people and help to bridge to the future for Australian land. 

Winston Churchill once said that a nation that forgets its past has no future. Understanding that learning that about your history is not about making any one person or people group feel guilty. And your acknowledging the mistake on “the stolen generation ” that Australian government, policy and successive law had in history is very encouraging to your people and I saw from your speech video that a lot Australian people, indigenous people or non indigenous, are all so proud of you.

However I have 3 questions in my mind that I would like to write you this letter to share with you my own opinions on these 3 questions and hope that can help you in making a better future for the Australian communities. 

Question 1 

What do you think your Australian government should pay attention to when providing compensation to the aboriginals and and your plan on closing the gap? 

I know that you have implemented over 4.6 billion dollars on your plan to close the gap and reconciliation for the aboriginal peoples, which is brilliant. But apart from the money, I think respect the the most important items that we should never forget in the implementation of the plan. Apology is only the first step, offering a compensation plan is just a process, the ultimate goal should be helping the aboriginal people to rebuild their connection in this land and move forward with their culture for the new world. Now only we should respect the black culture, white culture, and we should also realise, learn and accept a possible “brown” culture in the future. I hope that your government will succeed in closing the gap in the next decades and your plan will be not limited to only financial sectors or life expectancy sectors only. 

Question 2 

Do you think special education should be provided to the aboriginal people in the future? 

I am very interested in studying the education systems in Australian and what is the purpose in the goals of education that is possible to achieve. Better jobs might be the first intentions for education in modern societies. That we define that with better education that people would have the opportunities to get better jobs, better pays and afford a better future. However in some studies research that people with better education backgrounds are not actually living a happier life. We need to learn that property is not the direct reason for the misfortune of the aboriginal people, school shouldn’t be just skilled workers manufactures, school education should also be soul whispers, what do you think? 

Question 3 

Per your sorry speech that “a future should be based on mutual respect, mutual resolve and mutual responsibility. What can the general Australia people do to advocate equality among indigenous and non indigenous people? 



      本文标题:Open letter to Australia PM Kevi
