2020-09-12 Maybe You’re Not Gett

2020-09-12 Maybe You’re Not Gett

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2020-09-12 19:57 被阅读0次

    Maybe the problem isn’t your motivation.
    Maybe the problem isn’t your business plan.
    Maybe the problem isn’t that you don’t have enough willpower.
    Maybe the problem isn’t that you need a new diet.
    Maybe the problem is that your goals are fundamentally unhealthy, and maybe sabotaging your attempts to get there is, in fact, a survival mechanism you should be grateful for.
    When we’re told to think big, we sometimes forget to think laterally.
    It’s not about what we are or aren’t capable of, what we do or don’t deserve. It’s about how much of our time, life, resources, and energy we are willing to sacrifice for a given goal.
    Though living out the absolute limits of our potential would be exhilarating, it’s probably not realistic.
    Not because it’s impossible, but because it’s unhealthy.
    The internet has turned the unrealistic into the aspirational. Buy into this too much, and you’ll find yourself deeply dissatisfied despite having everything you need and then some.
    Eventually, you must decide what matters to you, and what’s enough for you — and let go of the rest. Comparison is a game you will always lose.
    Walk your own journey, find your own joy. Don’t worry if the peak of your mountain isn’t quite as high as someone else’s. All that matters is whether you savor the view when you get there.



          本文标题:2020-09-12 Maybe You’re Not Gett
