
作者: 如果我名王玉珏 | 来源:发表于2018-07-12 00:26 被阅读1次

A college professor colleague of mine shared a similar experience of

automatic rejection of unpleasant ideas. While reading a book that discussed effective teaching, she explained, she encountered a chapter that examined a particular classroom practice and showed how it was not

only ineffective but actually harmful to learning. As soon as the approach

was identified, she recognized it as one of her own favorite approaches. As she read further into the author’s criticism of it (she recounted to me later), she began to feel defensive and even angry. “No,” she mumbled to herself, “the author is wrong. The approach is a good one. He just doesn’t understand.” The professor had nothing rational to base these reactions on—simply the impulse to save face. No one else was around. She was alone with the author’s words. Yet defending the approach, and saving herself the embarrassment of admitting she didn’t know as much as she thought she did, became more important than knowing the truth.Eventually the professor realized what she was doing and forced herself to consider the author’s arguments fairly—but doing so, she confided to me, took effort.

The temptation to automatically reject challenges to your ideas can be

powerful. A good way to lessen that temptation is to put some emotional

distance between your ideas and your ego. Think of them as possessions

that you can keep or discard rather than as extensions of your self. This

will make you less defensive about them.





