2018-12-28 紫微斗数 - 14 正曜

2018-12-28 紫微斗数 - 14 正曜

作者: 03b017a4d71a | 来源:发表于2018-12-28 14:06 被阅读0次

https://www.wikipedia.org/ The 14 Major Stars:

1. 紫微Ziwei (The Emperor, or The Purple Star): associated with Yin Earth, the leader - organizator, the senior, the monarch, stable development, benevolence, neutrality, wisdom, obligations, human society, power, position, material wealth, the capacity of healing and rescuing.

2. 天机Tianji (The Advisor, Heavenly Machine or Heavenly Secret): associated with Yin Wood, the assistant, the strategist, the clerk, siblings, intelligence, strategy, manipulation, goodness.

3. 太阳Taiyang (The Sun): associated with Yang Fire, the leader of men, the senior, the male (father-husband-son), the mass, mass development, masculine characteristics, directness, vision, self-sacrifice, universal love, ideal, nature, power, fame, the capacity of giving.

4. 武曲Wuqu (The Finance Minister or the Military Bureaucrat, Martial Tune): associated with Yin Metal, the assistant, the short term planner, the merchant, the worker, the lonely, craftiness, inner strength, caution, rigidity, decisiveness, wealth, industry.

5. 天府Tianfu (The Empress or the Viceroy, Heavenly Mansion): associated with Yang Earth, the senior, the monarch or high official, background leadership, stability, benevolence, conservativeness, human society, material wealth, position, power, the capacity of consolidating.

6. 天同Tiantong (The Lucky Star, Pleasure Seeker, Child): associated with Yang Water, the junior, mercuriality, natural kindness, pleasure, laziness, good fortune

7. 廉贞Lianzhen (The Judge, Young Female): associated with Yin Fire, the virgin, the judge, the lawyer, the witch, the courtesan, strictness, chastity, wickedness, double-facedness, prison, harem, justice, abominable accidents, punishment, love, humour, poverty

8. 太阴Taiyin (The Moon): associated with Yin Water, the female or feminine leader, the manipulator, the senior, the female (mother-wife-daughter), inner or passive development, retrospective development, feminine characteristics, subtlety, feminine or maternal love, maternal sacrifice, selfishness, extravagance, ideal, arts, nature, material wealth, real estate, cleanness, the capacity of receiving and spending.

9. 贪狼Tanlang (The Greedy Wolf): associated with Yang Wood and Yin Water, the hunter, extravagant people, the priest, sex, deviousness, libido, selfish desires, riskiness, prison

10. 巨门Jumen (The Advocate, The Big Gate, The Mouth): associated with Yin Water, the lawyer, the parliament, singers, quarrel, betrayal, notoriety, frankness, secret, bad luck, prison

11. 天相Tianxiang (The Prime Minister, Keeper of the Seal): associated with Yang Water, the high-ranked assistant, delegates or representatives, high offices, benevolence, generosity, stability, loyalty

12. 天梁Tianliang (The Sage, Heavenly Beam or Heavenly Bridge): associated with Yang Earth and Yang Wood, the teacher, the scholar, the rules, benevolence, generosity, toleration, forgiveness, education, wisdom

13. 七杀Qisha (The Field Marshal, Seven Kills): associated with Yin Metal and Yang Fire, the military leader, quick temper, heroicism, directness, pain and labour, danger, loyalty, exception

14. 破军Pojun (The Army, Star of Destruction): associated with Yin Water, military leaders, betrayal, craftiness, waste, destruction, changes



      本文标题:2018-12-28 紫微斗数 - 14 正曜
