

作者: HannahLin | 来源:发表于2018-12-12 16:20 被阅读6次

Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!

In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!

ˈlɛsən 66 swit əz ˈhʌni! 

ɪn 1963 ə ˈlænˌkæstər ˈbɑmər kræʃt ɑn ˈwɔlɪs ˈaɪlənd, ə rɪˈmoʊt pleɪs ɪn ðə saʊθ pəˈsɪfɪk, ə lɔŋ weɪ wɛst əv səˈmoʊə.

 ðə pleɪnˈwɑzənt tu ˈbædli ˈdæməʤd, bət ˈoʊvər ðə jɪrz, ðə kræʃ wəz fərˈgɑtən ənd ðə rɛk rɪˈmeɪnd ˌʌndɪˈstɜrbd. 

ðɛn ɪn 1989, ˈtwɛnti-sɪks jɪrz ˈæftər ðə kræʃ, ðə pleɪn wəz ˌæksəˈdɛntəli ridɪˈskʌvərd ɪn ən ˈɛriəl ˈsɜrˌveɪ əv ði ˈaɪlənd.

 baɪ ðɪs taɪm, ə ˈlænˌkæstərˈbɑmər ɪn ˈrizənəbəl kənˈdɪʃən wəz rɛr ənd wɜrθ ˈrɛskjuɪŋ.

 ðə frɛnʧ əˈθɔrətiz həd ðə pleɪn ˈpækɪʤd ənd muvd ɪn pɑrts bæk tə fræns. 

naʊ ə grup əv ɛnˈθuziˌæsts ər ˈgoʊɪŋ tə həv ðə pleɪn rɪˈstɔrd.

 ɪt həz fɔr roʊlz-rɔɪs ˈmɜrlɪn ˈɛnʤənz, bət ðə grup wɪl nid tə həv ˈoʊnli θri əv ðəm riˈbɪlt. 

ɪˈmæʤən ðɛr sərˈpraɪz ənd dɪˈlaɪt wɛn ðeɪ broʊk ˈoʊpən ðə ˈpækɪŋ ˈkeɪsəz ənd faʊnd ðət ðə fɔrθˈɛnʤən wəz swit əz ˈhʌni -- stɪl ɪn ˈpɜrˌfɪkt kənˈdɪʃən. 

ə ˈkɑləni əv biz həd tɜrnd ði ˈɛnʤən ˈɪntə ə haɪv ənd ɪt wəz ˈtoʊtəli prəˈzɜrvd ɪn beeswax!

1. a Lancaster bomber

Lancaster bomber

2. Wallis island

Polynesian Island

Wallis is a Polynesian island in the Pacific Ocean belonging to the French overseas collectivity of Wallis and Futuna

Wallis and Futuna: 位于斐济和萨摩亚群岛之间。由Wallis island, Futuna island以及周围其它小岛组成。属于热带海洋性气候。首府Mata-Utu。出产椰子、薯类、芋头、香蕉等。官方语言为法语。宗主国为法国。1961年成为法国海外领地。2003年宪法修正后成为法国海外集体。

3. crash n. v. adj

Boom! Bam! Pow! A crash is when two things collide, or smash, into each other. Crash and smash have similar meanings and sounds.

You can start to worry when you hear the word crash. Many people die in car and airplane crashes every year. Other crashes are less physical yet just as bad. In a stock-market crash, a lot of people lose a lot of money. You can also use crash as a verb. You'd better not crash your bike into the coffee shop window! If your computer crashes, you will probably lose all the data in it.

crash当动词,还有一个“事先没有计划而留在别人家过夜,睡觉”的意思,e.g They crashed on my floor after the party. 或者“未经邀请擅自闯入派对等”,相关词汇,gatecrash&gatecrasher(未邀请而参加,出席;聚会的不速之客)

crash and burn: to fail very suddenly, obviously and completely 彻底失败;一下子倒闭;遭遇惨败

phrasal verbs: 

crash out 

1. to go to sleep quickly because you are very tired 因非常劳累,倒头就睡

2. to lose in a sports competition when you were expected to win. 在比赛中被淘汰出局

He crashed out of the French Open in the second round. 他在法国公开赛第二轮比赛中被淘汰出局。


quick and complete, or short and difficult 迅速全面的;速成的;应急的

The company undertook a crash program of machine replacement. 公司采取了更换机器的应急方案。

所以,速成班就是crash course啦。

when we went out last Sunday, we saw a car crash.

4. remote

Remote describes something far, far away, like a campsite way out in the woods, a distant planet, or the chance you'll win the lottery.

The Australian outback is remote, since it's hard to get to and there aren't many people there. It's also remote in the sense that it's far away from civilization. Someone with a faraway look in her eye, not answering your questions is also remote. Remote can describe something unlikely, like that lottery win. You might win, but your chances are so remote you shouldn't count on it.

一看到这个单词,就想到遥控器,哈哈,remote control


首先,看看“偏僻的”“偏远的”,就是isolated;“遥远”则可以表示年代久远的,就是distant,比如在遥远的过去或者未来:in the remote past/ future; 元祖:a remote ancestor, 当然,还可以指远亲,a remote cousin.


a remote terminal/ database

而表示相差很大,极不相同的, 也可用remote from

比如,现实跟理论的差距,the theories are somewhat remote from reality.

还有vocab.com中说的,一个是:“对人不友好的,冷淡的,疏离的眼神,神游的表情等等等等”aloof, distant,都可以用remote啦

最后,中彩票的几率小之又小so slight, so unlikely,so slim居然也可以用remote

there is little hope of winning a lottery, 所以也可以用remote,there is a remote chance of winning a lottery.

5. wreck

wreck is something that's been destroyed. Your hair might be a wreck after a bad day at the barber. Your car might be a wreck after you hit a telephone pole.

Your house might be a wreck after a visit from 3-year-old twins. You might be an emotional wreck after a fight with your boyfriend. A sunken ship is a wreck, or a shipwreck. When you hit that telephone pole, you’ve had a wreck, and you can also call your mangled car a wreck. When you’re next heading out with the car keys, you mom might say, "Don't wreck the car!,” hoping you’ll bring it back in one piece.


a car/ train wreck


Physically, I was a total wreck.

The interview reduced him to a nervous wreck. 这次面试使得他的精神高度紧张。

》》》(informal) a vehicle, building, etc. that is in very bad condition. 状况非常糟糕的车辆或者建筑物等。也可以是其它非实质的东西,比如情感或者婚姻。
They still hoped to salvage something from the wreck of their marriage.

5. remain

To remain is to stay in the same place or situation. You can remain at home instead of going out to the movies with your friends, but that doesn't mean you won't remain friends.

If things remain the same, they don't change, and if your family remains in the same town, they don't move. When something is left behind, it also remains: "All that remains of my party is a bunch of deflated balloons." In the fifteenth century, remain was a noun too, meaning "people or things left over or surviving." Today we use remainder instead.

[idiom] hold yourself, keep yourself aloof,  remain/ stand aloof

to not become involved in sth.; to show no interest in people 

6. aerial

Things that are aerial are happening in the air: birds, planes, and missiles are all aerial things.

When talking about things that are literally up in the air, you can use the word aerial. If a country sends planes to bomb another country, that's an aerial attack. In football, the passing game is called the aerial game. Anything light and airy can also be called aerial, and an aerial(天线) is a device that picks up radio or TV signals: it plucks them out of the air. So when you see the word aerial, just think "air."

aerial attack; aerial bombardment; aerial manoeuvres

an aerial view of Palm Island 棕榈岛鸟瞰图; an aerial photo/ picture

本文中出现的aerial survey 航空勘察

7. survey 

The verb survey means to look something over. When you buy your first home, it's a pleasure to stand on the porch and survey your property.

Survey has several meanings, all of which come from Medieval Latin and Anglo words for looking over. As a noun, survey can mean a detailed study of something, but it also means a short summary with a broad view. A survey course gives an overview of a particular subject area(概述), but doesn't make you an expert. Survey is also a verb. If you survey an area hit by an earthquake, you look closely at it to measure the damage.



--- a recent survey found/ revealed / showed that ... 最近的一项调查显示

--- to conduct/ carry out/ do a survey 进行调查

别说make a survey,错误的喔。

当然,还有“认真地审视、检查”的意思。to look at or examine all of something, especially carefully or describes sth. in detail 

to survey the damage

to survey the history of feminism.

lord/ master/ mistress/ king/ queen of all you survey  humorous

if you are lord, master, mistress, king, or queen of all you survey, you own or control the place in which you live or work.

8. colony

colony is a group of people who settle in a new place but keep ties to their homeland. The people who founded the United States first came to America to live as part of a British colony.

Colony comes from the Latin colonia, meaning "settled land, farm." Colony can also mean "a group of people who've gathered to live near each other and share the same interest." An artists' colony would be a place where everyone's an artist, while a Dunkin' Donuts colony would be full of coffee lovers. The same rules apply to the animal kingdom — an ant colony has a shared interest in ruining your picnic.

9. enthusiast

When you're an enthusiast, you're all jazzed up about a person or cause. A sports enthusiast is someone who is really passionate and excited about sports.

Enthusiast comes from the Greek enthousiastēs, meaning "person inspired by a god." While it doesn't retain those same religious connotations today, an enthusiast is someone who is inspired by a cause or person. A candidate running for office will have a group of enthusiasts working doggedly on his campaign. Often your mother is your biggest enthusiast or supporter. Non-profit organizations are always looking for enthusiasts who can make donations and become patrons of their organization.

造个句:my husband is a basketball enthusiast, playing basketball every weekend and always watching the games and news when he is free.

10. preserve

When you preserve something, you maintain its condition, like trying to preserve your good health by exercising regularly and eating right.

The verb preserve describes keeping something as it is now, without a decline in quality. It can also refer to keeping something safe from harm, as in “The group worked hard to preserve the regional ecosystem.” When you preserve food, such as fruit, you keep it from rotting. Jellies and jams are preserves, the noun form. A preserve can also be lands set aside, or preserved, as animal habitats.

造个句:During summertime, it is hard to preserve food, especially meat and vegetables.

11. restore

If you restore furniture for a living, you clean and repair it to bring it back to its original beauty.

When you restore something, you are simply bringing it back to what it once was. You are not making it better, nor are you adding something that wasn't there. You can restore a damaged reputation, your health, or an old house, though the latter may be easiest of those three to accomplish. If the electricity goes out, you will have to sit in the dark until the power is restored.

restore restore

--- to bring back into use something that has been absent for a period of time 重新采用;恢复使用

Some people are in favor of restoring capital  punishment for murderers.

--- to give something that has been lost or stolen back to the person it belongs to 归还;交还

The painting was restored to its rightful owner. 这幅画被归还给其合法主人。

造ge句子吧: Sometimes when I feel tired, I would take a nap which helps me restore my energy.






