xfs_repair repairs corrupt or damaged XFS filesystems (see xfs(5)). The filesystem is specified using the device argument which should be the device name of the disk partition or volume containing the filesystem. If given the name of a block device, xfs_repair will attempt to find the raw device associated with the specified block device and will use the raw device instead.
Regardless, the filesystem to be repaired must be unmounted, otherwise, the resulting filesystem may be incon‐sistent or corrupt.
Checks Performed Inconsistencies corrected include the following:
1. Inode and inode blockmap ( addressing) checks: bad magic number in inode, bad magic numbers in inode blockmap blocks, extents out of order, incorrect number of records in inode blockmap blocks, blocks claimed that are not in a legal data area of the filesystem, blocks that are claimed by more than one inode.
2. Inode allocation map checks: bad magic number in inode map blocks, inode state as indicated by map (free or in-use) inconsistent with state indicated by the inode, inodes referenced by the filesystem that do not appear in the inode allocation map, inode allocation map referencing blocks that do not appear to contain inodes.
3. Size checks: number of blocks claimed by inode inconsistent with inode size, directory size not block aligned, inode size not consistent with inode format.
4. Directory checks: bad magic numbers in directory blocks, incorrect number of entries in a directory block, bad freespace information in a directory leaf block, entry pointing to an unallocated (free) or out of range inode, overlapping entries, missing or incorrect dot and dotdot entries, entries out of hashvalue order, incorrect internal directory pointers, directory type not consistent with inode format and size.
5. Pathname checks: files or directories not referenced by a pathname starting from the filesystem root, illegal pathname components.
6. Link count checks: link counts that do not agree with the number of directory references to the inode.
7. Freemap checks: blocks claimed free by the freemap but also claimed by an inode, blocks unclaimed by any inode but not appearing in the freemap.
8. Super Block checks: total free block and/or free i-node count incorrect, filesystem geometry inconsistent, secondary and primary superblocks contradictory.
Orphaned files and directories (allocated, in-use but unreferenced) are reconnected by placing them in the lost+found directory.The name assigned is the inode number.
通过将孤立的文件和目录(已分配,使用中但未引用)放置在lost + found目录中,以重新连接它们。分配的名称为inode编号。
Disk Errors
XFS has both primary and secondary superblocks. xfs_repair uses information in the primary superblock to automatically find and validate the primary superblock against the secondary superblocks before proceeding.
Should the primary be too corrupted to be useful in locating the secondary superblocks, the program scans the filesystem until it finds and validates some secondary superblocks. At that point, it generates a primary superblock.
如果主要超级块损坏太严重而无法用于定位次要超级块,则程序将扫描文件系统,直到找到并验证一些次要超级块为止。 此时,它会生成一个主要超级块。
xfs_repair issues informative messages as it proceeds indicating what it has found that is abnormal or any corrective action that it has taken。
disconnected inode ino, moving to lost+found:An inode numbered ino was not connected to the filesystem directory tree and was reconnected to the lost+found directory. The inode is assigned the name of its inode number (ino). If a lost+found directory does not exist, it is automatically created.
disconnected dir inode ino, moving to lost+found:As above only the inode is a directory inode. If a directory inode is attached to lost+found, all of its children (if any) stay attached to the directory and therefore get automatically reconnected when the directory is reconnected.
imap claims in-use inode ino is free, correcting imap:The inode allocation map thinks that inode ino is free whereas examination of the inode indicates that the inode may be in use (although it may be disconnected). The program updates the inode allocation map.
imap claims free inode ino is in use, correcting imap:The inode allocation map thinks that inode ino is in use whereas examination of the inode indicates that the inode is not in use and therefore is free. The program updates the inode allocation map.
resetting inode ino nlinks from x to y:The program detected a mismatch between the number of valid directory entries referencing inode ino and the number of references recorded in the inode and corrected the the number in the inode.
fork-type: fork in ino ino claims used block bno
inode ino - bad extent :An extent record in the blockmap of inode ino claims blocks that are out of the legal range of the filesystem. The message supplies the start, end, and file offset of the extent. The message is slightly different if the extent is a real-time (rt) extent.
bad fork-type fork in inode ino: There was something structurally wrong or inconsistent with the data structures that map offsets to filesystem blocks.
cleared inode ino:There was something wrong with the inode that was uncorrectable so the program freed the inode. This usually happens because the inode claims blocks that are used by something else or the inode itself is badly corrupted. Typically, this message is preceded by one or more messages indicating why the inode needed to be cleared.
bad attribute fork in inode ino, clearing attr fork:There was something wrong with the portion of the inode that stores XFS attributes (the attribute fork) so the program reset the attribute fork. As a result of this, all attributes on that inode are lost.
correcting nextents for inode ino, was x - counted y:The program found that the number of extents used to store the data in the inode is wrong and corrected the number. The message refers to nextents if the count is wrong on the number of extents used to store attribute information.
entry name in dir dir_ino not consistent with .. value (xxxx) in dir ino ino, junking entry name in directory inode dir_ino:The entry name in directory inode dir_ino references a directory inode ino. However, the .. entry in directory ino does not point back to directory dir_ino, so the program deletes the entry name in directory inode dir_ino. If the directory inode ino winds up becoming a disconnected inode as a result of this, it is moved to lost+found later.
entry name in dir dir_ino references already connected dir ino ino, junking entry name in directory inode dir_ino: The entry name in directory inode dir_ino points to a directory inode ino that is known to be a child of another directory. Therefore, the entry is invalid and is deleted. This message refers to an entry in a small directory. If this were a large directory, the last phrase would read "will clear entry".
entry references free inode ino in directory dir_ino, will clear entry:An entry in directory inode dir_ino references an inode ino that is known to be free. The entry is therefore invalid and is deleted. This message refers to a large directory. If the directory were small, the message would read "junking entry ...".
[root@192 ~]# xfs_repair /dev/sdb1
Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
Phase 2 - using internal log
- zero log...
- scan filesystem freespace and inode maps...
- found root inode chunk
Phase 3 - for each AG...
- scan and clear agi unlinked lists...
- process known inodes and perform inode discovery...
- agno = 0
- agno = 1
- agno = 2
- agno = 3
- process newly discovered inodes...
Phase 4 - check for duplicate blocks...
- setting up duplicate extent list...
- check for inodes claiming duplicate blocks...
- agno = 0
- agno = 1
- agno = 2
- agno = 3
Phase 5 - rebuild AG headers and trees...
- reset superblock...
Phase 6 - check inode connectivity...
- resetting contents of realtime bitmap and summary inodes
- traversing filesystem ...
- traversal finished ...
- moving disconnected inodes to lost+found ...
Phase 7 - verify and correct link counts...
3. 执行xfs_repair -n,检查文件系统是否损坏,如何损坏会列出将要执行的操作
执行xfs_repair -n,检查文件系统是否损坏,如何损坏会列出将要执行的操作
4. 执行xfs_repair修复文件系统
xfs_repair /dev/sdd (ext系列工具为fsck)
5. 最后方法:损失部分数据的修复方法
先执行xfs_repair -L /dev/sdd(清空日志,会丢失文件),再执行xfs_repair /dev/sdd,再执行xfs_check /dev/sdd 检查文件系统是否修复成功。