Creepy Stories

Creepy Stories

作者: 邓月 | 来源:发表于2021-06-23 09:28 被阅读0次


Linda has always been the apple of her father's eye.

She was a beautiful 14-year-old girl with blonde, curly hair and big blue eyes. 

She had many friends for she was one of the most popular girls in school.

Her greatest pleasure was fashion.

She was always dressed in the newest, fanciest, most expensive clothing around. 

Just this week her father brought her a ridiculously expensive green Italian leather jacket, which she wore always, everywhere.

Her second greatest pleasure were horses. just last month her father bought her a ridiculously expensive, imported German dressage horse, which she bragged about to anyone who would listen. Just yesterday, Linda was out riding said horse, galloping across acres and acres of farmland.

No one was going to stop her, she didn't care if her horse was trampling down crops and straw, her daddy was always going to get her out of trouble, he always had. When her horse bolted and she fell to the ground, she didn't cry out in anger or pain, though she did hurt herslef. she was hit by surprise. never had something so unpleasant happened to her and she wondered when someone would arrive to comfort her. surely someone must have seen her fall, everybody always looked at her. but not today. no one saw her vanish into those tall crops on the field.she called out, but nobody answered, she realized with horror she couldn't get up for she wasn't able to move her legs, even an inch. she lay there for what seemed like hours between tall, green crops. and when she heard the sound of farming machines approaching, she grew to hate that damn, grass green leather jacket.

The Portraits Creepy

There was a hunter in the woods,who, after a long day hunting, was in the middle of an immense forest.

It was getting dark, and having lost his bearings, he decided to head in one direction until he was clear of the increasingly oppressive foliage.

After what seemed like hours, he came across a cabin in a small clearing.

Realizing how dard it had grown, he decided to see if he could stay there for the night.

He approached, and found the door afar, nobody was inside.

the hunter flopped down on the single bed, deciding to explain himself to the owner in the morning.

As he looked around the inside of the cabin, he was surprised to see the walls adorned by several portraits, all painted in incredible detail. Without exception, they appeared to be staring down at him, their features twisted into looks of hatred and malice.staring back, he grew increasingly uncomfortable. making a concerted effort to ignore the many hateful faces, he turned to face the wall, an exhausted, he fell into a restless sleep. the next morning, the hunter awoke, he turned, blinking in unexpected sunlight. looking up, he discovered that the cabin had no porraits, only windows.

Annoying Neighbor

I used to live in a small apartment building downtown. one of the reasons I had moved out was the bad neighborhood, and also there was this guy who happened to live in the same apartment above mine.

He was a disheveled looking man who mostly kept to himself. Whenever I would see him, he'd quietly mutter to himself and quickly ascend the stairs. 

And around midnight, however, there was a strange noise that began to get on my nerves.

It wasn't terribly loud, mind you, but I happened to be a very light sleeper, so it was difficult for me to sleep with those little bumping sounds going on and on. 

It almost reminded me of high heels walking about, but not as loud, as if the person causing the noise was actually attempting to be somewhat silent. 

After a few days of this, I realized that it was a pattern, like a recording played over and over again. that continued for the better part of the year, always the same sounds, always at night. sometimes the sound would only resonate for a few moments, other times it would go on the entire night.

 Eventually I moved out and onto beter surroundings. It was only several years later, after helping my daughter with her homework, did I hear that sound again, she knocked on the table with her knuckles and a shiver immeidately went through my spine, as I recognized that exact pattern. when I nervously asked her what she was tapping, she laughed at me. it's Morse code, she said, it is the pattern to call for help.

The Keyhole

A man checked into the hotel for a few nights after getting a key from a woman at the front desk. she said that he'd be passing a door with no number and that he should not try to enter or look inside. but the second night, the man was so entrigued that he decided to look through the keyhole of the mysterious door.

he saw a pale woman standing in the corner of the empty room. confused, he walked away and returned to his room. the following night he decided to look through the keyhole again. this time all he saw was the color red, nothing but red. he returned to the front dest, where a woman asked if he looked into the room. he admitted looking through the keyhole and the woman explained that many years ago a woman was murdered by her husband in that room and that she now haunts it.

she's very pale except for her eyes which were bright red.

I'm coming up the Stairs

Once there was a little girl named Tillie, who was afraid to go to bed.

Nothing had had ever happened to her, but somebody had told her some scary stories, and after that, she was afraid. one night, she really did hear somthing, she lay in bed, listening, and she heard a very quiet voice say, I'm coming up the stairs. the next night, Tillie asked her mother if she could keep the light on for a while, but her mother said, nonsense, darling. nothing happened that night, so Tillie did not ask again. 

But the next night, while Tillie was lying in bed, afraid to go to sleep, she heard a little voice say, slowly, Tillie, I'm on the first step. Tillie was too scared to get up and look, the next night, she heard the little whisphering voice say, I'm on the second step. Tillie got more and more scared each night, but everybody told her, that's nothing.Now, there were eight steps in the staircase, and every night, Tillie heard the voice. I'm on the thrid step, until one night, she heard the voice say, I'm in the hall. 

Tillie was so frightened, she couldn't eat her breakfast the next morning, and she couldn't eat her supper that night. the next night, Tillie was lying awake in bed, and it was not very long before she heard that horrid little whisphering voice say, I'm at the door.

Tillie was too scared even to scream for her mother, the next night, the voice said, I'm standing by the bed, and the next night, I've got you.

The Boy

There was a married couple that were very wealthy and had great looks. they decided that they wanted to have a baby. when the baby arrived, they noticed that it was really ugly, as the baby became 5 years old, the family took a camping trip. when they arrived at the camp, the boy had to go pee, so he asked his mom, his mom said to pee in the river. while he was peeing in the river, the mom pushed him into the river.

the couple gave it another shot at having a baby. and when they had that next baby, it was still ugly. again they took the boy camping at the age of 5 and the boy said he had to go pee. so he asked his mom and his mom told him to pee in the river. as he was peeing, the mom crept up behind him.

but this time he turned around and said, are you going to push me again?

The Bachelor

The bachelor first eyed the single rose left on the table, and then the two women standing in front of him.

He became nauseous about the choice he was about to make, which only grew harder with each passing week.

In his heart he cared for each and every woman that he had met, and the fact that after they left the ranch he would never see them again made doing this almost unbearable.

Deep down, he knew that if he was going to find true love that he would have to push his feelings aside and choose. jessica, will you accept this rose?

Of course, she replied, as she gasped and breathed a sigh of relief.

Sylvia burst into tears as she watched Jessica steal a kiss, take her rose and then join the other five women who were still left.She knew her time was over and it broke her heart, almost as much as the pain of losing the man she had come to care for so much.

The bachelors slowly approached her and took her into a warm embrace. I am so sorry, you are a wonderful woman, but we just didn't connect like I did with the others, I wish you the best in your journey. and with those words he raised the revolver to her head and pulled the trigger.

Sylvia didn't have time to react before the bullet entered her skull, traveled through her brain and exited the other side. her body instantly became limp and her eyes seemed to stare off into the vastness of oblivion. the other women jumped, but it had been expected. they quickly moved towards her body, and as each woman passed they dropped a single rose each onto her body, thankful for another week to try and win the bachelor's heart.

Simple Thrills

The fortune teller was never wrong. if you had the money and the guts, she could show you the last moments right before you died. I knew people who had been to her and told of what they had seen. I've even seen her predictions come true on several occasions. it didn't take too much thought before I decided to see her myself. I'm naturnally curious.

The vision she showed me as stunning. as I gazed into her crystal ball, the world faded and I was walking down the back road near my house, in the dark. the crickets chirped in the shadows, the crisp, cold air nipped at my nose, and then darkness, I didn't see how I died. The fortune teller said we didn't always see our deaths, sometimes it's just the moments before. the ball, she said, showed us only what she needed to see.

that vision changed my life. it's easy to take risks when you know they aren't risky. that back road that I'm suppossed to die on?

It is ont the only way to get to my house, all I had to do is avoid it and I didn't have to worry about a thing. I could go bungjie jumping or sky diving or swim with sharks without worry of lasting harm. I was able bodied in my vision so I knew nothing had could happen to me. and the thrills were wonderful. but of course, thrills quickly stop becoming thrills when you take away the danger. don't get me wrong, I still love the extreme sports and the risky adventures. I ran with the bulls last month, I had a blast, but lately I've taken to a different type of thrill. once a month, after the sun goes down, I put on my coat and I take a walk, right down the road, that road. as I walk down the road, hear the crickets chirp, fell the cold wind blowing through my hair, I find myself undergoing a transformation.

The solid, fearless foundation I have in the face of cliffs and sharks and charging bulls starts to fracture and crumble with every step I take. as I approach the spot where the fortune teller's vision goes black, I feel my chest tighten. the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. the sound of the crickets gives way to the thrum of blood as my heart frantically pumps. I shudder and then close my eyes, waiting, wondering if this is the moement I die. I continue to walk, eyes closed , and brace for the icy sting of a blade or the fangs of some unknown beast. Fear floods my mind and when i can take it no longer, I open my eyes again, never knowing whether I will see the end of my street or the grinning visage of Death. and for that glorious moment in time, I feel truly alive.

The Mirror

Once there was a girl, this girl was very pretty, and kind, and loved living with her father very much. her father had taken care of her since her mother had died of an illness. one day, her father had to go to war. she stayed behind on her own, living in their house and taking good care of it. Before he left, the father told her abou the magic mirror that they had in the basement.

It had to be cleaned once a day or the demon living inside of it would escape and wreck havoc on the village.

He said, now, you must not become too focused on the image in that mirror, it may look beautiful at first, but the longer you stare the more it will take on the image that words paint, and no words in the world are truly as you are. the little girl told him that she would remember that. and so he left. each day, the young girl would go down to the basement and clean the mirror. and each time she looked in , she saw herself.she was dressed in the finest of dresses, her hair pinned with pearls and diamonds, and jewelrylacing her throat and writst. she looked beautiful, in short, even her features  seemed enhanced. but she remembered her father's words, and never looked in for too long. but one day, she went out into the village to get some more water. on her way to the well, she heard some of the other girls whispering about her, for a moment she stopped and listened. they said she was ugly and fat, and would never be married, they spoke of how horrid the girl's features were, and of how her form was repulsing. when the girl got bgack to her home, she quickly ran down the stairs to look into the mirror. when she got there, she looked in, and at first saw the beautiful girl she always saw. but the harder she looked, the more the reflection seemed unattractive.

now, she simply saw the imperfections that were on the girl in the dress. finally, she decided that it was okay, she still looked pretty, and that was good enough for the girl.

This happend for several days, each time the girl went out to get water, she would hear the village girls talking about her, her poor clothes, clumsiness, imperfect teeth, unmanageable hair, of the blemishes on her skin. nothing but jab after jab.and each time the girl went back down to the mirror, she stared longer and longer. by the end of the month, when the girl went down to check on the mirror, the sight she saw made her cry. a fat and short girl stood there, her shoes were gone, her feet raw, her dress was now mere rags, her teeth were crooked and yellow, and there were marks all over her cheeks. clumps of her hair was missing as it was cut short and close to the ears, unevenly, her eyes were dull and glassy, and her lips were cracked and bleeding. evertyhing about her looked completely ugly.

Her father came back two nights later, he called out for his daughter, but could not find her anywhere, at last he went down to the mirror room, and found her lying on the floor, he smiled, knowing she must have fallen asleep. but when he went to wake his beautiful daughter, she did not stir, panicked, he began to shake her, but she still did not wake. then he heard her voice, father, her voice asked. he turned, and there was a goblin of a girl, reflected in the mirror, he was so repulsed by what he saw, that he shielded his daughter and drew his sword. he yelled. begone from here, demon, the mirror is already home to another. and the creature replied in his daughter's voice, father ,it isme. it was only then he realized that the horrible creature was her, he cried out, my god, my daughter, what has happend to you, what monster has cursed you so. the girl, frightened, moved to hug her father, but found that she was stopped by a wall she could not see. the father watched, helpless, as she pounded on the surface of the mirror.it was then he realized what had happened, she had stared into the mirror for far too long, and saw not what she was, but what others made her out to be. and such was the curse, for she was forever trapped within the mirror.




      本文标题:Creepy Stories
