Android studio代码格式规范

Android studio代码格式规范

作者: 骑着海去看蜗牛 | 来源:发表于2016-11-21 13:12 被阅读115次

    Studio使用eclipse formater的方法:

    下载EclipseFormatter.zip 插件,在Android Studio中本地安装 android-formatting.xml。

    Step 1: Go to the Plugins Section of Android Studio. The easiest way is Click Shift twice and typePlugins. Now go to the plugins menu.

    Step 2: Click on Browse Repositories

    Step 3: Type Eclipse Code Formatter in the search box. Select it and Click Install button in the right section

    Step 4: After successful installation you can see a blue Eclipse Icon in the top pen

    Step 5: Now go to Settings >> Other Settings >> Eclipse Code formatter

    Step 6: Then select the Code Format XML file

    /****butterknife 变量前缀m配置*****/

    Android Studio > settings > butterknife>prefix



        本文标题:Android studio代码格式规范
