Mind thinking is electric. Divided electric thought pulsations manifest creative desire in wave cycles of motion, which forever vibrate between the two electric thought conditions of CONCENTRATION and DECENTRATION.
Concentrative and decentrative sequences of electric thinking produce the opposed pressures of compression and expansion, which form solid bodies of motion surrounded by gaseous space in one wave pulsation, and reverse that order in the next.
Concentrative thinking is centripetal. It focuses to a point. It borns gravity. It "charges" by multiplying low potential into high and cold into heat.
Decentrative thinking is centrifugal. It expands into space. It borns radiation. It "discharges" by dividing high potential into low and heat into cold.
All motion is a contiuous two-way jouney in opposite directions berween two destinations.
One destination is the apex of a cone in an incandescent center of gravity. At this point motion comes to rest and reverses its direction.
The other destination is the base of a cone encircling a cold evacuated center of radiation. At this point motion again comes to rest and reverses its direction from centrifugal to centripetal.(See Figures 129-130, page 162.)

So long as the Creator's Mind divides His knowing by His thinking just so long will that two-way motion continue its sequences of cycles to record God's imaginings in forms of His imaginings. God being eternal. likewise His universe is eternal.
The belief of science that the universe had a beginning in some past remote period -- as the result of some giantataclysm -- and will come to an end in some future remote period is due to not knowing that waves of motion are the thought-waves of the Universal Thinker.
Also the belief of science that the universe is dving a heat death by the expansion of suns is due to not knowing that there are as many black evacuated holes in space for the reborning of suns as there are compressed suns for the reborning of evacuated black holes. (See Figures 101 and 102, page 156.)

Together the interchange berween these two conditions constitutes the heartbeat of the universe, and they are EQUAL. Being equal they are balanced and continuous, eternally.
The journey towarnd gravity simulates life and the opposite journey simulates death in the forever repeating cycles which, together in their continuity, simulate eternal life.
The two opposite pressure conditions which control the life-death cycles of all bodies are: (a) the negative condition of expansion which thrusts outward, radially and spirally, from a centering zero of rest to form the low potential condition which constitutes "space" , and (b) the positive condition of compression which thrusts inward toward a centering zero of rest to form the compressed condition of gravity which generates forming bodies into solids surrounded by space.
Desire of Mind expresses its desire through the electric process of thinking. Thinking divides IDEA into pairs of oppositely-conditioned units of motion which record a simultion of IDEA into thought forms.
Sir Jumes Jeans has suggested the possibility that matter might be proven to be "pure thought." Matter is not pure thought, but it is the electric record of thought. Every electric wave is a recording instrument which is forever recording the form of thought in wave fields of matter.
Jumes Jeans爵士提出物质可能被证明是“纯粹的思想”,物质不是纯粹的思想,而是思想的电子记录。每一个电波都是一个记录仪器,它永远记录着物质波场中思想的形式。
All thought-waves created anywhere in any wave field become universal by repeating them everywhere.
Thought-waves of expanded and compressed states of motion are fashioned into moving patterns which simulate the forms of the Creator's imaginings. All formed bodies thus created are "made in His image."
This division of the undivided Light and its extension into oppositely-conditioned states of motion is the basis of the universal heartbeat of pulsing thought-waves, which seemingly divide the ONE WHOLE IDEA into many ones. Interchange between oppositely-conditioned pairs of thought-recording units is expressed in waves of motion.
This is a thought-wave universe. Thought-waves are reproduced throughout the universe at the speed of 186,000 miles per second.
It is commonly believed that the incandescence of suns is Light. Incandescence simulates Light in this cinema universe of macrocosmic make-believe, but incandescence is not Light. It is but motion. Incandescence is merely the compressed half of the one divided pair of opposite conditions which constitutes matter and space. The black vacuity of cold space constitutes the expanded half. Together these two are as much mates as male and female are mates. Each is equally essential to the other. Each finds balance in the other by voiding each other's unbalance.
These two conditions and directions of compression and expansion are necessary for the two-way interchange of motion which performs the work of integrating and disintegrating the living-dying cycles of opposed motion which this electric universe is.
The incandescence of compressed matter and the black vacuity of expanded matter are the two opposite polar ends of Nature's "bar magnet." Nature does not make her bar magnets in the form of cylinders as man does. She makes them in the form of cones. In this radial universe no other form of motion than the spiral form of cones is possible. (See Figures 158,159,160. page 168.)

This means that the negative end of Nature's"magnet" is tens of thousands of times larger in volume than the positive end, although the potentials of each end are equal. It also means that the equilibrium plane which divides Nature's "magnet" is curved, while that same plane in a cylindrical bar magnet is a flat plane of zero curvature.