

作者: gltjk | 来源:发表于2019-01-23 23:53 被阅读0次

backpedal: v. to change your opinion or not do something that you had promised to do


在意大利时装品牌 Dolce & Gabbana 发布自己饱受争议的粗俗广告后,很多中国艺人决定不再和它合作。
After the Italian fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana published its highly debatable and insulting advertisement, many Chinese actors backpedalled their partnership with it.


句子: By saying “Yummy!” Wang Jingze backpedalled on his promise that he would never eat anything in the country.
翻译: 王境泽说了句「真香」,收回了他不会吃农村里任何东西的承诺。
场景: 真香定律。

句子: My boss often says he is having his last cigarette and backpedals afterwards for more.
翻译: 我的老板总是说自己在吸最后一根烟了,然后又变卦继续吸……
场景: 戒烟


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