

作者: 小贴贴七夏 | 来源:发表于2017-12-15 22:42 被阅读50次

罗马书 7;
唱诗:赞美诗 43: 3

我所愿意的,我并不作。我所恨恶的,我倒去作。(罗 7: 15)




这位使徒实在不愿意再犯罪,但是罪还是时常发生。“我所愿意的善,我反不作。我所不愿意的恶,我倒去作。” 我们不应对自己有任何错误的期待,也不能产生不切实际的幻想。重生或重建并不意味着完全圣洁、从“肉体的死亡”中得释放。



January 14 Romans 7 Song: Psalm 43:3


For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. (Romans 7:15)

Christians sometimes believe that when they are born again, they no longer sin. They may still make mistakes, but they really do not sin anymore. A mistake is an error in judgment; a sin is a breaking of God's law. The latter is no longer present in a (true) Christian's life.

In Romans 7, however, the apostle Paul writes about the great inward struggle that is and remains in this life, en route to glory. The apostle even uses the word "war". There is a conflict raging within. and that war is deeply distressing. Paul cries out, "Wretched man that I am!"

Some explainers suggest that Paul wrote these words before he was born again. His inward struggle no longer existed after his rebirth. But the build-up and flow of Paul's letter does not allow this interpretation. In the previous chapters, Paul writes about his salvation by faith, out of grace. He is a new man. Yet there is still a constant struggle within, a battle against his sinful nature, the temptations of the devil, and the attraction of the world.

The apostle does not really want to sin anymore, but it still happens all too often. "What I what to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." We should not have any false expectations, nor create any illusions about ourselves. Rebirth or regeneration does not yet mean glorification, release from "this body of death."

Daily, we must contend with the weakness of the flesh and the reality of sin. We can do this only through Christ.

Question: Why do those who are born again still struggle with sin?


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