

作者: 保险真探Rust | 来源:发表于2019-08-13 11:11 被阅读0次




    前不久Naval在推特上推出了一些列以how to make money without being lucky《如何不靠运气获得财务自由》的推文,引起了强烈的反响,被翻译成了几十种文字,估计有40%的推特活跃用户看到过。





    16. Read What You Love Until You Love to Read You should be able to pick up any book in the library and read it.

    16. 从读你喜欢的书开始,直到你喜欢上阅读。


    Read what you love until you love to read

    Nivi: Before we go and talk about accountability and leverage and judgment, you’ve got a fewtweets further down the line that I would put in the category of continuouslearning.They’re essentially, “there is no skill called business. Avoid business magazines and business class, study microeconomics, game theory,psychology, persuasion, ethics, mathematics and computers.”There’s one other comment that you made in a Periscope that was,“you should be able to pick up any book in the library and read it.” And thelast tweet in this category was, “reading is faster than listening, doing isfaster than watching.”


    Naval: Yeah,the most important tweet on this, I don’t even have in here unfortunately,which is, the foundation of learning is reading. I don’t know a smart personwho doesn’t read and read all the time.And the problem is, what do I read? How do I read? Because formost people it’s a struggle, it’s a chore. So, the most important thing is justto learn how to educate yourself and the way to educate yourself is to developa love for reading.



    So, the tweet that is left out, the one that I was hinting atis, “read what you love until you love to read.” It’s that simple.Everybody I know who reads a lot loves to read, and they love toread because they read books that they loved. It’s a little bit of a catch-22,but you basically want to start off just reading wherever you are and then keepbuilding up from there until reading becomes a habit. And then eventually, youwill just get bored of the simple stuff.So you may start off reading fiction, then you might graduate toscience fiction, then you may graduate to non-fiction, then you may graduate toscience, or philosophy, or mathematics or whatever it is, but take your naturalpath and just read the things that interest you until you kind of understandthem. And then you’ll naturally move to the next thing and the next thing andthe next thing.



    Read the original scientific books in a field

    Now, there is an exception to this, which is where I was hintingwith what things you actually do want to learn, which is, at some point there’stoo much out there to read. Even reading is full of junk.There are actually things you can read, especially early on,that will program your brain a certain way, and then later things that youread, you will decide whether those things are true or false based on theearlier things.



    So, it is important that you read foundational things. Andfoundational things, I would say, are the original books in a given field thatare very scientific in their nature.For example, instead of reading a business book, pick up AdamSmith’s The Wealth of Nations. Instead of reading a book on biology orevolution that’s written today, I would pick up Darwin’s Origin of the Species.Instead of reading a book on biotech right now that may be very advanced, Iwould just pick up The Eighth Day of Creation by Watson and Crick. Instead ofreading advanced books on what cosmology and what Neil Degrasse Tyson andStephen Hawking have been saying, you can pick up Richard Feynman’s Six EasyPieces and start with basic physics.



    Don’t fear any book

    If you understand the basics, especially in mathematics andphysics and sciences, then you will not be afraid of any book. All of us havethat memory of when we were sitting in class and we’re learning mathematics,and it was all logical and all made sense until at one point the class movedtoo fast and we fell behind.Then after that we were left memorizing equations, memorizingconcepts without being able to derive them from first principles. And at thatmoment, we’re lost, because unless you’re a professional mathematician, you’renot going to remember those things. All you’re going to remember are thetechniques, the foundations.




    So, you have to make sure that you’re building on a steel frameof understanding because you’re putting together a foundation for skyscraper,and you’re not just memorizing things because you’re just memorizing thingsyou’re lost. So the foundations are ultra important.And the ultimate, the ultimate is when you walk into a libraryand you look at it up and down and you don’t fear any book. You know that youcan take any book off the shelf, you can read it, you can understand it, youcan absorb what is true, you can reject what is false, and you have a basis foreven working that out that is logical and scientific and not purely just basedon opinions.



    The means of learning are abundant, the desire to learn isscarceThe beauty of the internet is the entire library of Alexandriatimes 10 is at your fingertips at all times. It’s not the means of education orthe means of learning are scarce, the means of learning are abundant. It’s thedesire to learn that’s scarce. So, you really have to cultivate the desire.



    And it’s not even cultivating you’ve to not lose it. Childrenhave a natural curiosity. If you go to a young child who’s first learninglanguage, they’re pretty much always asking: What’s this? What’s that? Why isthis? Who’s that? They’re always asking questions.But one of the problems is that schools and our educationalsystem, and even our way of raising children replaces curiosity withcompliance. And once you replace the curiosity with the compliance, you get anobedient factory worker, but you no longer get a creative thinker. And you needcreativity, you need the ability to feed your own brain to learn whatever youwant.





    17. The Foundations Are Math and Logic

    If you understand mathematics and logic, you have the basis for understanding everything else.

    17. 基础的东西就是数学和逻辑


    The ultimate foundations are math and logicNaval: Foundationalthings are principles, they’re algorithms, they’re deep seated logicalunderstanding where you can defend it or attack it from any angle. And that’swhy microeconomics is important because macroeconomics is a lot ofmemorization, a lot of macro bullshit.


    As Nassim Taleb says, it is easier to macro bullshit than it isthe micro bullshit. Because macroeconomics is voodoo-complex-science meetspolitics. You can’t find two macroeconomists to agree on anything these days,and different macroeconomists get used by different politicians to peddle theirdifferent pet theories.There are even macroeconomists out there now peddling somethingcalled Modern Monetary Theory which basically says, hey, except for this peskything called inflation, we can just print all the money that we want. Yes,except for this pesky thing called inflation. That’s like saying, except forlimited energy, we can fire rockets off into space all day long.




    It’s just nonsense, but the fact that there are people who have“macroeconomist” in theirtitle and are peddling Modern Monetary Theory just tells you thatmacroeconomics as a so-called science has been corrupted. It’s now a branch ofpolitics.So, you really want to focus on the foundations. The ultimatefoundation are mathematics and logic. If you understand logic and mathematics,then you have the basis for understanding the scientific method. Once youunderstand the scientific method, then you can understand how to separate truthfrom falsehood in other fields and other things that you’re reading.



    It’s better to read a great book really slowly than to flythrough a hundred books quicklySo, be very careful about reading other people’s opinions andeven be careful when reading facts because so-called facts are often justopinions with a veneer [of pseudoscience] around them.What you are really looking for are algorithms. What you arereally looking for is understanding. It’s better to go through a book reallyslowly and struggle and stumble and rewind, than it is to fly through itquickly and say, “Well, now I’ve read 20 books, I’ve read 30 books, I’ve read50 books in the field.”It’s like Bruce Lee said, “I don’t fear the man who knows athousand kicks and a thousand punches, I fear the man who’s practiced one punchten thousand times or one kick ten thousand times.” It’s that understandingthat comes through repetition and through usage and through logic andfoundations that really makes you a smart thinker.





    Learn persuasion and programming

    Nivi: Tolay a foundation for learning for the rest of your life I think you need twothings, if I was going to try and sum it up. One, practical persuasion and two,you need to go deep in some technical category, whether it’s abstract math, oryou want to read Donald Knuth’s books on algorithms, or you want to readFeynman’s lectures on physics.If you have practical persuasion and a deep understanding ofsome complex topic, I think you’ll have a great foundation for learning for therest of your life.



    Naval: Yeah. In fact let me expand that a little bit. I would say that the five mostimportant skills are of course, reading, writing, arithmetic, and then asyou’re adding in, persuasion, which is talking. And then finally, I would addcomputer programming just because it’s an applied form of arithmetic that justgets you so much leverage for free in any domain that you operate in.If you’re good with computers, if you’re good at basicmathematics, if you’re good at writing, if you’re good at speaking, and if youlike reading, you’re set for life.

















