操作系统形式化验证实践教程(8) - 用Haskell做系统建模

操作系统形式化验证实践教程(8) - 用Haskell做系统建模

作者: Jtag特工 | 来源:发表于2020-08-17 18:30 被阅读0次

    操作系统形式化验证实践教程(8) - 用Haskell做系统建模


    操作系统涉及到硬件,也涉及到整体的功能的设计。这部分在seL4中是使用Haskell语言实现的。作为本系列教程的配套,我们有《Haskell快餐教程》,请没有haskell语言基础的同学先移步学习第一节,然后我们回来看Haskell代码。另外说一句,我们也有《Standard ML快餐教程》来介绍Standard ML语言的,不知道大家看到了没有。




    > module Data.WordLib where
    > import Data.Word
    > import Data.Bits
    > wordBits :: Int
    > wordBits = finiteBitSize (undefined::Word)
    > wordSize :: Int
    > wordSize = wordBits `div` 8
    > wordSizeCase :: a -> a -> a
    > wordSizeCase a b = case wordBits of
    >         32 -> a
    >         64 -> b
    >         _ -> error "Unknown word size"
    > wordRadix :: Int
    > wordRadix = wordSizeCase 5 6


    > import Data.Word
    > import Data.Bits



    haskell search


    Prelude> import Data.Bits
    Prelude Data.Bits> wordBits = finiteBitSize (undefined::Word)
    Prelude Data.Bits> :set +t
    Prelude Data.Bits> wordBits
    it :: Int


    Prelude Data.Bits> wordSize = wordBits `div` 8
    wordSize :: Int
    Prelude Data.Bits> wordSize
    it :: Int


    > wordSizeCase :: a -> a -> a
    > wordSizeCase a b = case wordBits of
    >         32 -> a
    >         64 -> b
    >         _ -> error "Unknown word size"
    > wordRadix :: Int
    > wordRadix = wordSizeCase 5 6







    \item[The message information register] contains metadata about the contents of an IPC message, such as the length of the message and whether a capability is attached.
    > msgInfoRegister :: Register
    > msgInfoRegister = Register Arch.msgInfoRegister
    \item[Message registers] are used to hold the message being sent by an object invocation.
    This list may be empty, though it should contain as many registers as possible. Message words that do not fit in these registers will be transferred in a buffer in user-accessible memory.
    > msgRegisters :: [Register]
    > msgRegisters = map Register Arch.msgRegisters
    \item[The capability register] is used when performing a system call, to specify the location of the invoked capability.
    > capRegister :: Register
    > capRegister = Register Arch.capRegister
    \item[The badge register] is used to return the badge of the capability from which a message was received. This is typically the same as "capRegister".
    > badgeRegister :: Register
    > badgeRegister = Register Arch.badgeRegister
    \item[The frame registers] are the registers that are used by the architecture's function calling convention. They generally include the current instruction and stack pointers, and the argument registers. They appear at the beginning of a "ReadRegisters" or "WriteRegisters" message, and are one of the two subsets of the integer registers that can be copied by "CopyRegisters".
    > frameRegisters :: [Register]
    > frameRegisters = map Register Arch.frameRegisters
    \item[The general-purpose registers] include all registers that are not in "frameRegisters", except any kernel-reserved or constant registers (such as the MIPS "zero", "k0" and "k1" registers). They appear after the frame registers in a "ReadRegisters" or "WriteRegisters" message, and are the second of two subsets of the integer registers that can be copied by "CopyRegisters".
    > gpRegisters :: [Register]
    > gpRegisters = map Register Arch.gpRegisters
    \item[An exception message] is sent by the kernel when a hardware exception is raised by a user-level thread. The message contains registers from the current user-level state, as specified by this list. Two architecture-defined words, specifying the type and cause of the exception, are appended to the message. The reply may contain updated values for these registers.
    > exceptionMessage :: [Register]
    > exceptionMessage = map Register Arch.exceptionMessage
    \item[A syscall message] is sent by the kernel when a user thread performs a system call that is not recognised by seL4. The message contains registers from the current user-level state, as specified by this list. A word containing the system call number is appended to the message. The reply may contain updated values for these registers.
    > syscallMessage :: [Register]
    > syscallMessage = map Register Arch.syscallMessage
    > tlsBaseRegister :: Register
    > tlsBaseRegister = Register Arch.tlsBaseRegister
    \item[The fault register] holds the instruction which was being executed when the fault occured.
    > faultRegister :: Register
    > faultRegister = Register Arch.faultRegister
    \item[The next instruction register] holds the instruction that will be executed upon resumption.
    > nextInstructionRegister :: Register
    > nextInstructionRegister = Register Arch.nextInstructionRegister



    > data Register =
    >     R0 | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | R9 | SL | FP | IP | SP |
    >     LR | NextIP | FaultIP | CPSR | TPIDRURW | TPIDRURO


    > capRegister = R0
    > msgInfoRegister = R1
    > msgRegisters = [R2 .. R5]
    > badgeRegister = R0
    > faultRegister = FaultIP
    > nextInstructionRegister = NextIP
    > frameRegisters = FaultIP : SP : CPSR : [R0, R1] ++ [R8 .. IP]
    > gpRegisters = [R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, LR, TPIDRURW, TPIDRURO]
    > exceptionMessage = [FaultIP, SP, CPSR]
    > syscallMessage = [R0 .. R7] ++ [FaultIP, SP, LR, CPSR]
    > tlsBaseRegister = TPIDRURW


    > data Register =
    >     RAX | RBX | RCX | RDX | RSI | RDI | RBP |
    >     R8 | R9 | R10 | R11 | R12 | R13 | R14 | R15 |
    >     FaultIP | -- "FaultIP"
    >     FS_BASE | GS_BASE |
    >     ErrorRegister | NextIP | CS | FLAGS | RSP | SS


    > capRegister = RDI
    > msgInfoRegister = RSI
    > msgRegisters = [R10, R8, R9, R15]
    > badgeRegister = capRegister
    > faultRegister = FaultIP
    > nextInstructionRegister = NextIP
    > frameRegisters = FaultIP : RSP : FLAGS : [RAX .. R15]
    > gpRegisters = [FS_BASE, GS_BASE]
    > exceptionMessage = [FaultIP, RSP, FLAGS]
    > tlsBaseRegister = FS_BASE
    > syscallMessage = [RAX .. R15] ++ [FaultIP, RSP, FLAGS]



    > data VCPUReg =
    >       VCPURegSCTLR
    >     | VCPURegACTLR
    >     | VCPURegTTBCR
    >     | VCPURegTTBR0
    >     | VCPURegTTBR1
    >     | VCPURegDACR
    >     | VCPURegDFSR
    >     | VCPURegIFSR
    >     | VCPURegADFSR
    >     | VCPURegAIFSR
    >     | VCPURegDFAR
    >     | VCPURegIFAR
    >     | VCPURegPRRR
    >     | VCPURegNMRR
    >     | VCPURegCIDR
    >     | VCPURegTPIDRPRW
    >     | VCPURegFPEXC
    >     | VCPURegLRsvc
    >     | VCPURegSPsvc
    >     | VCPURegLRabt
    >     | VCPURegSPabt
    >     | VCPURegLRund
    >     | VCPURegSPund
    >     | VCPURegLRirq
    >     | VCPURegSPirq
    >     | VCPURegLRfiq
    >     | VCPURegSPfiq
    >     | VCPURegR8fiq
    >     | VCPURegR9fiq
    >     | VCPURegR10fiq
    >     | VCPURegR11fiq
    >     | VCPURegR12fiq
    >     | VCPURegSPSRsvc
    >     | VCPURegSPSRabt
    >     | VCPURegSPSRund
    >     | VCPURegSPSRirq
    >     | VCPURegSPSRfiq
    >     | VCPURegCNTV_CTL
    >     | VCPURegCNTV_CVALhigh
    >     | VCPURegCNTV_CVALlow
    >     | VCPURegCNTVOFFhigh
    >     | VCPURegCNTVOFFlow

    对于X64 CPU,咱们有GDT需要处理:

    > data GDTSlot
    >     = GDT_NULL
    >     | GDT_CS_0
    >     | GDT_DS_0
    >     | GDT_TSS
    >     | GDT_TSS_Padding
    >     | GDT_CS_3
    >     | GDT_DS_3
    >     | GDT_FS
    >     | GDT_GS
    >     | GDT_ENTRIES
    >     deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Ord, Ix)
    > gdtToSel :: GDTSlot -> Word
    > gdtToSel g = (fromIntegral (fromEnum g) `shiftL` 3 ) .|. 3
    > gdtToSel_masked :: GDTSlot -> Word
    > gdtToSel_masked g = gdtToSel g .|. 3
    > selCS3 = gdtToSel_masked GDT_CS_3
    > selDS3 = gdtToSel_masked GDT_DS_3
    > selFS = gdtToSel_masked GDT_FS
    > selGS = gdtToSel_masked GDT_GS
    > selCS0 = gdtToSel_masked GDT_CS_0
    > selDS0 = gdtToSel GDT_DS_0


    至此,我们的画卷基本上都徐徐展开了,做操作系统的验证,不光需要Isabelle/HOL, Standard ML, 还有Haskell,还需要硬件相关知识。后面我们还会涉及到操作系统软件相关的知识。



          本文标题:操作系统形式化验证实践教程(8) - 用Haskell做系统建模
