007 Plan

作者: chengmimi | 来源:发表于2018-02-21 09:34 被阅读0次

Joining 007 is a coincidence but consequence. In the spare time out of the busy work and daily life, I've thought to make some plans lasting for long time. It may be a hobby, learning something professionally, or forming a good habit and keeping it. When I heard 007, it seemed a light flashing in my head. I have a plan to keep writing for seven years each multiple day of seven. I have a plan to explore the Antarctic in seven years. Antarctic requires healthy and strong physical body as well as a big fortune. To achieve this, I need to exercise. I need to make enough money supporting this exploration. Time is full of meaning. I have a clean destination where I will arrive.

My life was blank before. Working took most of my time. I rarely travelled. Tire often occupied my body. I preferred to stay at home having a rest in the vacations.  Now I don't like this lifestyle any more. I'm eager to paste some color on my life. I'm sure 007 will give me some thing I need, as like-minded companions, the writing rule forcing me to consist in writing etc.

007 is an organized group. In future I think we can confine not only the Antarctic in seven years.  Maybe we can set up the target periodically. For instance, plan a Tibet tour in one year, arrange the Qinghai journey in two years and so on. The group cohension will be enhanced in this way, I think.

As myself in future, I'm sure I will have an excellent physical body under the pressure of the dream Antarctic. I have the confidence to make enough money to support my dream too. Also I'm looking forward to find the friends important in my life. Last but not the least plan in the following seven years, I intend to finish an English novel. It is a big challenge. I'm sure I can do it.


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