【华盟在行动】3-25-2020 更新

【华盟在行动】3-25-2020 更新

作者: 未美克 | 来源:发表于2020-03-27 13:05 被阅读0次



    公司 Corporate Match: EIN: 82-0847511, Austin Chinese-American Network. 会专款专用。




    华盟领导下的救灾行动持续得到奥斯汀社区及政府的关注。Eckhardt是 Travis County的法官, 是本县最高的负责人,跟Adler市长一起宣布取消西南偏南。她在脸书上称赞我们持续的救灾行动。We love our city! 


    对外联系负责人:CJ; 对当地捐赠送货负责人:钟斌


    宋佳修捐献了20个 3M N95 masks
    Helena捐献 100 个 KN95 masks


    Austin Regional Clinic: surgical masks 2000
    St. David’s Medical center: surgical masks 1000, KN95 masks 180
    Delivered 60 N95 (LV grade😂)to TCMS

    CJ 国内的朋友看到每日更新的“华盟在行动”,特别和国内几家企业朋友一起买并捐出三万个口罩。朋友告诉CJ,

    “联系好了,相熟的企业说他们当时受到很多华侨捐赠,现在我们应该回馈支援的,先两万个。他们明天会送到我这儿,我想想办法看怎么寄出。我只是起个桥梁,在困难时期, 他们生产企业也想为大家做些好事❤️”  



    联系需要负责人:CJ; 组织义工负责人:Angela; 联系当地其他组织和餐厅参加负责人:Peter

    送出三个Costco 热 pizza 和20 份 All beef hot dog 给LifeWorks Youth Center。可他们看了我们送EMS 的home made meals, 申请下星期能否有home made meals. 😄

    另外Camp Abbott 也急需社区的帮助,每天都要250 份meals, 华盟目前已有44 个家庭加入做饭义工,3/25 一发出出任务单,很快九个家庭就把名额报满。香云寺也答应继续做50 份餐食。

    华盟派出两位义工去Restaurant depot 釆购所有食材,分成九份装在盒中分送到九家义工门口。献爱心的同时,保证安全,零接触。另外为了能用尽量低的成本做出可口健康营养的食物,成本每份控制在$1-$2。这次将要送出的是红烧或咖喱胡罗卜土豆洋葱烧鸡块加白饭。Peter 和一修共买了90 lb 鸡肉,100 lb 胡萝卜,50lb 土豆,100lb 洋葱。加上义工陆晓敏前几天买的50 lb 米,共近400 磅的食材,分成九箱,由义工红言,蒋维民和一修送去九个将要帮忙做饭的义工家门口。

    COVID-19 Relief募捐

    负责人:Sandy, Jennifer

    截止5:00pm March 26, 2020, 华盟共收到捐款$20,954。其中: 个人捐款(已到账):  $9,404,公司Match(个人通过公司捐款+Corporate match): $9,190,意向捐款(表达意向但尚未到账): $2,000

    不少国内朋友想帮助捐款,义工罗薇校友梅芳一看到消息就打了五千人民币给她,可她取不出,又辗转了另外两名华盟会员,收下人民币,并换成美金$800 捐给华盟

    Miles for Lives

    负责人:海舟, Katharine, Ed

    为了支持ACAN COVID-19救济项目,例如捐赠PPE 给第一线的医护,警察,社会工作者们,免费送餐到无家可归者收容所,青年中心,儿童收养中心等。ACAN和优品教育联合推出“Miles for Lives” Jog-a-Thon 及募捐活动.

    这是特别针对奥斯汀的中学生和大学生的义工活动。Jog-a-Thon是在遵守Austin “stay-at-home” order 下个人继续在户外锻炼的好方法!从3月28日至5月8日,学生们走或跑的每一英里,希望都能有善心人士匹配捐款,而每一分钱捐款,华盟保证用于ACAN的COVID-19救灾项目。 帮助服务我们的社区,一步一个脚印!



    Event Introduction:

    As the city of Austin faces uncertainty from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) is committed now more than ever in serving our community. In support of our COVID-19 relief projects, such as free meal deliveries to homeless shelters, youth centers, and hospitals in Austin, ACAN and 优品教育 are introducing the Miles for Lives! Jog-a-Thon.

    Targeted especially for the youth and college students in Austin, the Miles for Lives! Jog-a-Thon is a great way to continue exercising outside while making a difference! From March 28 to May 8, sponsors and parents from the community will pledge donations for each mile you run, and every single penny raised will go towards ACAN’s COVID-19 relief projects. Help serve your community, one step at a time!

    Event Time: March 28 – May 8, 2020

    New runners and donors can join at any time!

    Information for Runners:

    We encourage all students in our community, including college students back at home due to COVID-19, to participate as runners in the Jog-a-Thon. Our hope is that this will allow you to get out of the house and exercise in a way that also helps our city!

    Some key things to remember:

    ➢ Disclaimer: Runners are required to follow city and county regulations surrounding COVID-19, including keeping a 6-foot distance from other people and not running as a group. As of March 24, Austin’s “stay-at-home” order leaves an exception for outdoor exercise. Please stay up to date with any COVID-19 related announcements from the city, county, and state.

    ➢ Each runner is responsible for their own safety. Please choose a safe running route in your neighborhood and avoid traffic and uneven surfaces to prevent injury. Minors must be accompanied by guardians or adults.

    How to Participate:

    ➢ Step 1: Download and register in the free tracking app Strava. Then join our running club here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/ACAN-relief

    Note: You can get Strava for free through the Apple Store or Google Play. Remember to give Strava permission to access your device’s geolocation.

    ➢ Step 2: Register on ACAN’s Runner Registration Form

    ➢ Step 3: Tell your family and friends to sign up as donors for your miles! Other community members will also be able to donate towards your miles. ACAN will publish each runner’s weekly mileage on the Runner’s Mileage Summary Report so the community can know how much our runners have logged in!

    ➢ Step 4: Every time you run or walk outside, make sure to record your mileage on Strava in the “ACAN and 优品教育 COVID-19 Relief Jog-a-Thon” club.


    Donors have multiple options to donate during the Miles for Lives! Jog-a-Thon.

    Option 1: Donate per Runner

    If you want to make donations tied to an individual runner’s mileage, please:

    ➢ Step 1: Select a runner from ACAN’s Strava running club page or from the Runner’s Mileage Summary Report.

    ➢ Step 2: Sign up on the Donation Per Runner Form anytime during the event. Please copy and paste the runner’s name directly from the Strava running club page or from the Runner’s Mileage Summary Report.

    Note: Donation calculation starts from the first day the runner records their mileage in the Strava group.

    ➢ Step 3: The event administrator will calculate the donation amount and inform donors every Sunday. We ask that you pay the committed amount as soon as possible. You will be able to pay via Zeller, online on the ACAN website, by check, or through corporate match.

    ➢ If you want to increase your Match Ratio on a runner, please sign up for the runner again through the Donation Per Runner Form and select the Match Ratio that can be added on to your original Ratio. Administrators will add your new Match Ratio to your original Match Ratio and use the combined total to calculate future donations. For example, if in the first week you donate 1:1, but in the second week you decide to increase your Match Ratio and select 1:1 again, then starting that week you will donate 1:(1+1), or 1:2.

    Option 2: Donate per Miles for Lives! Group Mileage

    If you want your donation to match the total mileage of the entire Miles for Lives! Running Group, please:

    ➢ Step 1: Sign up through the Donation per Group Mileage Form at any time during the event.

    Note: Donation calculation starts from the first day the group records its mileage in the Strava group.

    ➢ Step 2: The event administrator will calculate the donation amount and inform donors every Sunday. We ask that you pay the committed amount as soon as possible. You will be able to pay via Zeller, online on the ACAN website, by check, or through corporate match.

    ➢ If you want to increase your Match Ratio on a runner, please sign up again through the Donation per Group Mileage Form and select the Match Ratio that can be added on to your original Ratio. Administrators will add your new Match Ratio to your original Match Ratio and use the combined total to calculate future donations.

    Option 3: Make a one-time donation to this event

    If you want to make a one-time donation to this event (not tied to any runner), please donate using one of the following payment methods:

    ➢ Zeller to ACAN.Chinese@gmail.com, note [Miles for Lives]

    https://www.austinchineseamericannetwork.org/donate-to-acan/, note [Miles for Lives]

    ➢ Check to Austin Chinese American Network, with Memo as [Miles for Lives]

    ➢ Corporate Match, EIN: 82-0847511, note [Miles for Lives]

    ACAN Communications

    ➢ ACAN will publish the Strava running club’s total mileage in the WeChat group and on Facebook every day.

    ➢ ACAN will publish individual runners’ mileage online every Sunday on the Runner’s Mileage Summary Report.

    ➢ ACAN will inform donors their runners’ mileage and donation amount every Sunday. Please pay the donation amount as soon as possible.

    ➢ At the end of the event, ACAN will announce the total funds raised and award the top runners.

    If you have any questions, please reach out to acanstaraustin@gmail.com.



          本文标题:【华盟在行动】3-25-2020 更新
