
作者: qinip | 来源:发表于2013-10-30 17:53 被阅读39次

这其实是我的study log,但由于今天带P夫妇办理汽车保险、机械检查以及教他们开车(Orz),今天没学习。晚上小睡之后精神特别抖擞,但到现在已经过去了五个小时,我却一直还在琢磨打字软件,构筑“移动学习解决方案”。现在总算是弄好了~其关键在于portable的WriteMonkey (大赞的文字处理软件!捐了三欧元,可以使用插件系统,瞬间变得强大好多!甚至自带番茄时间计时器、白噪音和同义词字典 ( •̀ ω •́ )y)不过明天我一定要开始做正经事了,把研究提高效率的活动限制在两三个番茄时间之内(主要活动是学习番茄时间理论和Zotero进阶用法~以及Evernote对我的可用性)

  1. Get nothing done today (in terms of Signor M). Find and learn something about WriteMonkey, and even donated 4.25 dollars to them. Very neat, very nice.
  2. Also find a very useful software FileGee (http://cn.filegee.com) to sync writemonkey folders between my 520 and flash drive. WM worked in ACB PCs but not in the library. Also get a portable FF w/ Zotero for the flashdrive and sync the Zotero library, which is unexpectedly big, almost 600M.
  3. As to iPad, I give the famous iA Writer a try. It can sync with Dropbox files, where I migrate WM folder to, and by far it works smooth.
  4. Haven't figure out how to make the best use out of Texts. But I can't indulge the pursuit for "productivity" to be the best dragger of my project. Need to move on, with my so far so good resolution -- from light weight U-drive working enviornment to iPad Zhuangbility starbucks scenario to home stay heavy working mania (is it a real thing for me?)



