

作者: z张文 | 来源:发表于2022-04-30 14:36 被阅读0次

Step1Greeting and lean in

Goodmorning boys and girls ~~ Before class,I want to show you some videos,Do you want to watch it ? Let’s go.It’s really amazing,Yes~~~you are so knowledgeable!whoud you like to know more about it?Well today we will learn more about it ,Let’s learn~~


Everybody,before reading let’s look at the pictures on the ppt .can you guess what the passage is trying to tell us? Have a guess,2minutes for you,Can you say something about it ?ok maybe you are right ,we will read the passage to check our answer,but before reading ,here are some new words we need to learn,let’s learn together! [do you know the meaning of ~Yes , you got it .how about this word,the word has the opposite meaning of ~Am I clear? Read after me .next one , great look they are experts in the field of technology.Wow you are smart to master these new words .I m so proud of you

Step3 While-reading

After learning these new words ,please read the passage pay attention to the pronunciation of these words.try to find the main topic and check your prediction.Here we go . Ok stop,Are you right ?good job ,all of you can be a good predictor.The passage is talking about..,,,,next let’s read the passage again and finish T or F questions on the Ppt.pay attention to the detailed information,if you are not sure ,you can talk with your elbow partners 5minutes ready? Go ! Guys time is up .for the first sentence ,T or F ,wow you are so quick,it’s easy for you .How about the second one ?Do you agree? Yes excellent you are so clever because ~~good job sit down please .The next one 不同意见。the last one ok let’s say it toget,well done. I m so proud of you .

Step 4 post-reading

Okay boys and girls,now you know so much about~Can you please imagine that you are a guide and you need to introduce it to your tourist.you will have 7 minutes,Then I will invite some volunteers to show it in front of the class ,While you practice ,please pay attention to the ~~am a clear ? Ok ,here we go !Wow you are so involved .ok time is up.Who want to show?~~oh thank you ,Good logic and perfect intonation .Who want to challenge him?lisa please , excellent.She ~~~do you think she is a great guider?I agree with you very good ,I like your pronunciation.Any volunteers? Mick you are so brave ,wonderful!the last one Ok very good .your spoken English has been improved a lot .Everybody, you can continue to share after class.

Step5-summary and homework

How time flies ,our class is almost over Who can summary what we have learned today?Agela you please.Agla said we mastered these new words in the passage and know more about ~~~So If ~~~you know practice makes perfect.So after class the homework is to write a short report to introduce ~~~,I will ask you to share it next class,ok? Class is over


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