本文接上篇《cups-pdf编译安装》,内容都为本身根据项目经验总结,可以转载但请注明出处。作者简书id: weogkoii
Linux 4.4.0-31-generic #50~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 13 01:07:32 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
1. lp和lpr命令简介
#lpstat -a
cups-pdf 自从 2019年08月02日 星期五 09时13分34秒 开始接受请求
lpr [-P 打印机] [-# 打印份数] -U [用户名] file
lpr -P cups-pdf /tmp/3333.txt
lp [-d 打印机] [-n 打印份数] file
lp -d cups-pdf /tmp/3333.txt
2. lpr命令打印中文txt文档
#cat /tmp/ChinesePrintTest.txt
lpr -P cups-pdf /tmp/ChinesePrintTest.txt
3. 解决乱码调试分析过程
3.1 首先分析cups日志
[Job 124] 4 filters for job:
[Job 124] texttopdf (text/plain to application/pdf, cost 32)
[Job 124] pdftopdf (application/pdf to application/vnd.cups-pdf, cost 66)
[Job 124] pdftops (application/vnd.cups-pdf to application/vnd.cups-postscript, cost 100)
[Job 124] - (application/vnd.cups-postscript to printer/cups-pdf, cost 0)
由于texttopdf是cups-filters项目编译而来的,所以直接查看相应代码。接下来模拟cups调用texttopdf(如果不熟悉这部分,可以去查看相关cups filters的原理文档)。从error_log中获取调用texttopdf的参数:
[Job 124] argv[0]="cups-pdf"
[Job 124] argv[1]="124"
[Job 124] argv[2]="root"
[Job 124] argv[3]="ChinesePrintTest.txt"
[Job 124] argv[4]="1"
[Job 124] argv[5]="finishings=3 number-up=1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:431814bd-dd50-3e6b-6fbc-ae490d3763a9 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creati on= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1564970267 time-at-processing=1564970267 document-name-supplied=ChinesePrintTest.txt"
[Job 124] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00124-001"
[Job 124] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
[Job 124] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
[Job 124] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups"
[Job 124] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
[Job 124] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
[Job 124] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
[Job 124] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
[Job 124] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
[Job 124] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
[Job 124] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
[Job 124] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@ximi"
[Job 124] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.2.9"
[Job 124] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
[Job 124] envp[13]="USER=root"
[Job 124] envp[14]="CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
[Job 124] envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"
[Job 124] envp[16]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
[Job 124] envp[17]="IPP_PORT=631"
[Job 124] envp[18]="CHARSET=utf-8"
[Job 124] envp[19]="LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8"
[Job 124] envp[20]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/cups-pdf.ppd"
[Job 124] envp[21]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"
[Job 124] envp[22]="CONTENT_TYPE=text/plain"
[Job 124] envp[23]="DEVICE_URI=cups-pdf:/"
[Job 124] envp[24]="PRINTER_INFO=cups-pdf"
[Job 124] envp[25]="PRINTER_LOCATION="
[Job 124] envp[26]="PRINTER=cups-pdf"
[Job 124] envp[27]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none"
[Job 124] envp[28]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"
[Job 124] envp[29]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-postscript"
[Job 124] envp[30]="AUTH_I****"
3.2 使用shell脚本模拟cups调用texttopdf,将stdout重写向到文件中,这个文件中就包括转换的pdf格式文件。查看其中内容:
6 stream
7 q
8 0 g
9 BT
10 18 745.884 Td
11 105.522 Tz
12 /FN02 11.333 Tf <00000000> Tj
13 ET
14 0 g
15 BT
16 46.800 745.884 Td
17 105.522 Tz
18 /FN00 11.333 Tf <004400450046> Tj
19 ET
20 0 g
21 BT
22 68.400 745.884 Td
23 105.522 Tz
24 /FN02 11.333 Tf <00000000> Tj
25 ET
26 Q
27 endstream
3.3 查看txt文件格式和编码
:set ff
:set fileencoding
3.4 查看texttopdf源码
This implements a texttopdf filter, and is derived from cups' texttops.
To configure:
- texttopdf uses CUPS_DATADIR/charset/pdf.utf-8 for font configuration
(when utf-8 was requested as charset). The font names given there are
used as fontconfig selectors; the best matching font, that is both
monospaced and in a supported format (TTC, TTF or OTF) will then be used.
- As a special exception, all fontnames that start with a '.' or '/' are
considered filenames, and fontconfig is skipped; the name is used directly
for loading the font file.
- Implementation note: TrueType Collections (.TTC) are internally handled
by appending '/' and the index of the font inside the collection to
the filename (e.g. to use the second font of uming.ttc, the filename
uming.ttc/1 must be given to the fontembed-library).
By appending the index-field returned from fontconfig, this is completely
transparent to the user (but currently not widely tested).
- You may look at the two examples: pdf.utf-8.simple and pdf.utf-8.heavy.
To use:
The filter is called just like any other cups filter. Have a
look at test.sh for example.
Known Issues
- Text extraction does not work (at least for pdftotext from xpdf)
for the resulting pdfs.
- OTF(CFF) embedding currently does not subset the fonts.
- Text wrapping in pretty-printing mode does not respect double-wide
characters (CJK), and thus produce wrong results (wrap too late)
for lines where they occur. The fix is not trivial, since all the
pretty-printing processing is done without knowledge of / prior to
the font configuration (which is where single or double width
code-ranges are specified).
- The hebrew example in test5.pdf shows one of our limitations:
Compose glyphs are not composed with the primary glyph but printed
as separate glyphs.
3.5 研究pdf.utf-8配置格式
charset utf8
# This file defines the font mappings used for Unicode/UTF-8 text printing
# through PDF.
# Each line consists of:
# first last direction width normal bold italic bold-italic
# First and last are the first and last glyphs in the font mapping
# that correspond to that font; contrary to PostScript printing
# they only select the font. To find the glyph the complete unicode
# character will be looked up in the (3,1) resp. (3,0) cmap of the
# TrueType font. The glyph values are hexadecimal.
# Direction is the string "ltor" or "rtol", indicating left-to-right or
# right-to-left text.
# Width is the string "single" or "double"; double means that the glyphs
# are twice as wide as ASCII characters in the Courier typeface.
# "Normal", "bold", "italic", and "bold-italic" are the typefaces to use
# for each presentation. If characters are only available in a single
# style then only one typeface should be listed (e.g. "Symbol")
# Each font that is listed will be used (and downloaded if needed) when
# printing.
0000 04FF ltor single monospace monospace:bold monospace:oblique monospace:bold:oblique
0500 05FF rtol single monospace
3.5 fontconfig配置字体
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf: DejaVu Serif:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/uming.ttc: AR PL UMing TW MBE:style=Light
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf: DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf: DejaVu Sans:style=Book
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/wqy/wqy-microhei.ttc: 文泉驿微米黑,文泉驛微米黑,WenQuanYi Micro Hei:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf: DejaVu Sans:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf: DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/uming.ttc: AR PL UMing TW:style=Light
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/uming.ttc: AR PL UMing CN:style=Light
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/uming.ttc: AR PL UMing HK:style=Light
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/wqy/wqy-microhei.ttc: 文泉驿等宽微米黑,文泉驛等寬微米黑,WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf: DejaVu Serif:style=Book
3.6 修改pdf.utf-8配置文件
3000 9FFF ltor double /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/uming.ttc/0
7. 成功打印中文
6 stream
7 q
8 0 g
9 BT
10 18 745.884 Td
11 127.059 Tz
12 /FN02 11.333 Tf <086149ba> Tj
13 ET
14 0 g
15 BT
16 46.800 745.884 Td
17 105.522 Tz
18 /FN00 11.333 Tf <004400450046> Tj
19 ET
20 0 g
21 BT
22 68.400 745.884 Td
23 127.059 Tz
24 /FN02 11.333 Tf <1dad0e10> Tj
25 ET
26 Q
27 endstream