张睿 20151303007 网络与新媒体1502
The users research in “Honor Of Kings”
"Honor of Kings" is developed by Tencent gameThe game is dota Mobile Games, playthe game with competitive multiplayer game player, 1V1, 3V3, 5V5 between PVPand other means of war, can also participate in the adventure mode of the gamemode through PVE, in certain conditions can participate in the game of the yearqualifying.
Tencent has already taken over 80% of the market share of mobile game e-sports market. And the Honor of Kings has acquired half of the mobile game e-sports market share, generating an income of ¥5.5billion. Tencent’s“Honor Of Kings” is a wildly popular Chinese mobile strategy game with anenormous following of over 200 million players per month.
Data shows that as of the last week of May 2017, the king glory penetration ratereached 22.3%, the size of the user reached 201 million people. December 2016to 2017 in May, the king of the glory of the daily increase in the average uservalue of 1.788 million. The number of new users increases peak every weekend.
I will analyze the status of the "Honor of Kings" by analyzing theviewpoints from "penetrance, daily active users, monthly active users,number of new users, user habits and user profiles".

how design can be used as a persuasive tool:
1.direct depiction and visualization of the data collected;
2.derivation, depiction and visualization of abstract data summaries –aggregates, generalization, samples;
3.extraction, depiction and visualization of computationally extracted patterns.
Ineach case an analyst interacts with visual representations developed usingthese approaches and derives knowledge by interpreting patterns, comparingpatterns, building composite patterns and developing arguments, ideas andconclusions. The objects of study are increasingly abstract and reliant uponinformed computation in successive approaches and may themselves relyincreasingly upon knowledge from multidisciplinary domains: developing andusing techniques and tools according to either of the latter approachesrequires competences from at least two disciplines - visualization plusdatabase processing, statistical analysis, or data mining.
Visualdepictions of more abstract semantic constructs such as aggregations, generalizations,and patterns require relatively sophisticated methods, tools and user systeminteraction facilities for their exploration and analysis. Furthermore,effective use of complex visual exploration tools may not only pre-supposebasic training in handling the visual displays and interactive controls, butalso advanced understanding of the computational processing involved, i.e. howthe constructs shown on the display have been obtained, and what they mean.Hence, visualization techniques and tools employing approaches that involveincreasing levels of abstraction from the recorded data need to be designed forspecifically trained analysts rather than more generic “end users”.