今天没有做很多的东西,上午写了一个android入门的指南,准备把它发给团队准备学习android的人,虽然团队里并没有有多少人学android,但是我总觉得有必要写下来 今天写总结的时候大概里了一下学习路线,还是有点收获,其实道理我还是懂的,但是还差一点行动力,执行力。大概少了一点冷静,在想着要不要重新学习一下高数之类的 文件存在了电脑上
Today I didn't learn a lot,I wrote a guide about how to cross the threshold of android,then I'll post it to the guys in our group who is gonna learn Android programming.In spite of there is little guys choose Android,I feel obliged to write it down. In this guide ,I made a brife summary to draw a line of learning path.Actually I do obtain a small amount benefit about learning.I know how to do ,but I'm still lack of execution,efficiency and clamness.Hence,I'm considering that if I necessitate advanced mathematics agian. lol I put the guide in my computer!2017/12/3