Hi there :)
Welcome to start the journey inmusic word, presided by Three Cookies(三块小饼干组合). We will share our favorite music albums here. whether Hipop, popular musical, or classical music, we have respective presenters with different style.
Now, let’s begin the first station—Classical & Light Music!!

Some Tips about classical music
1. Viewing from the origination
In terms of classification of classical music, it is like a tree that has many branches. the biggest branch includes German and Viennese music for classical music originated in there. Next, the Italian and Russian music rank the No.2. Then, compared with the main branches, the other branches like French and British music look not so leafy.

2. Viewing from the timeline
there are Renaissance, Baroque, the galant music period, Romantic and Classical and on…
in case you are interested
While, actually you don’t need to be very clear with the classification or the masterpieces in classical music for the everyone can own their own classification and reaction, and music for Fun.
So,I’ gonna share some pieces from my favorite ——Franz Schubert,an Austrian composer(1797-1828). ( the detail introduction is on google, kiwi, or other research engine)


it is said that the serenate is one of Schubert‘s last major compositions for piano. The quiet music was written in a crowded restaurant in which Schubert saw his friend reading a love poem named serenate, and then he felt so touched that immediately wrote it down without the instrument.
2.Trio In E-Flat, Op. 100降E大调第二号钢琴曲

It is a rainy day, and you are walking in a muddy road around the sound of the Trio. In the middle you may meet something that affects your feelings, but that does not work. You are still down, and even worse. You just wanna be silent.

As the name indicates, this one is much more bright than the previous two for it is written for Austria soldiers. And now, it is widely used in award ceremonies. But, I am wondering Will soldiers want to dance after hearing it in the war filled?
Some music do not need lyrics at all for they can express themselves without the assistance of any word. The attractive figure of classical music is to imagine unbraodly. You can imagine Schubert and I, or looking over the new words you have learned today.
Well, if you are the person who loves wondering in your mind, classical music is a nice guy to come along with.
Written by Liyue
Ps: all of the opinions are from the writer herself, if you don’t agree with some of them, just let it go and look forward my next article╮ ( ̄ 3 ̄) ╭
Pps: the music from Franz Schubert are often soft and quite. Therefore if you are rolling in the bed (can’t fall in sleep), they’re not bad.
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