

作者: 苏曼秋阳 | 来源:发表于2021-02-21 09:37 被阅读0次

Many students of Buddhism devote a lot of time and effort to learning the teachings, which indeed is of great importance. However, when it comes to the application of the teachings, we can divide Buddhist practitioners into two groups. First, there are those individuals who understand the true meaning of the teachings and apply it in their daily lives, which assists them in every circumstance they face. Second, there are those who simply listen and learn, but rarely embrace the principles of the teachings in their lives. If you incorporate the teachings into your life like the first kind of practitioner, you will not only see real progress on the spiritual path, but you will inspire others who will see positive changes in you and in your meaningful impact on those around you. In my opinion, Buddhism is about engagement, and if you do not apply the teachings then it is simply waste of time and energy. Therefore, even if we do not know the Buddha's teachings in great detail, we should at least try our best to apply whatever we have learned in our daily lives. Buddhism is not about just understanding, but about differentiating between right and wrong and bringing positive thoughts, energy, and change to everyone's lives regardless of their social background, gender, or race.




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