
作者: 荔枝的故事 | 来源:发表于2022-05-06 17:24 被阅读0次

He brings me back of the times when I was in the relationship of him, that guy, I can only call him that, I don’t want to call him jerk because I was in love with him, deeply.I also don't want to call his name, it broke my heart. Somehow, he just jumps out, without any reason. Now both of us admitted something occured during the college time. I just say it out, the feelings. I had a crush on him but I didn’t want to face it. It just happened. Now, both of us, just say it out. I don’t think much about what will happen next. I didn’t expect anyting.

Yesterday, he told me that we will finally meet someone who will tell you that this world is worth it. Not untill then did I realize that I haven’t believed it any more since long ago. My heart has been dead for a long time.I didn’t meet anyone who makes me believe it. So my life just go somewhere that I don’t know where is the destination. I meet guys who are just guys, but none of them ever strikes to my deep soul. That hurts. It really did. I was protecting myself from being hurt again. I would never ever let it happen.I become sensible. But deeply in my heart, it is empty.


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