

作者: 清水黑石 | 来源:发表于2020-06-17 14:22 被阅读0次




CutBored rocket 





     同时,我们在项目中加入了一些木制部件作为承重结构,给人一种优雅的感觉。在完成这个项目后,我们发现为孩子们创建装置是一件非常棒的事情,与孩子们一起工作并与他们分享,让我们认识到他们不可思议的潜力,这激发了我们思考,以 “板野” CutBored的名字开始一条新的创意线;这条线将专注于与孩子们有很多互动的设计,孩子们让他们的创造力进一步发展。




Cardboard Robot and Rocket project description

During the times of COVID-19, we keep the social distancing very seriously, and there is little to do at home, adults are getting ridiculously anxious, and kids are getting annoying, that's why finding a way to release tension is crucial and what better way than doing homemade stuff to enjoy these moments of self-isolation. Combining malleable and easy-to-find materials such as cardboard (corrugated board) and wood, we did some distracting projects to overcome the boringness.

It all started with a kid’s drawing; we ask him what would you do if there is no place to go because outside is dangerous, and he replied: “I would like to have an alien friend that comes to Earth in a rocket to save the world.” And then our company; VMDPE designs, started to recreate the thoughts of the little guy, from scratch to reality, we applied cardboard (corrugated board) as the primary material for the body of both the robot and rocket and for the support and inner structure we use wooden materials to strengthen the base. We also used plastic screws to join the cardboard structures, making it very easy to install and to store.

Choosing materials to homemade stuff is essential, because of the lack of professional machinery we have come to a solution, to use cardboard (corrugated board) as the project’s main composition, easy to manipulate without any fancy machine, safe for kids and easy to find, and because of its flexible structure creating different shapes is an easy task. You may even say that it is more environmentally friendly. Also, we have incorporated some wooden parts into the project as weight-supporting structures and to give a classy mood.

After finishing this project, we found out that creating installations for children is a fantastic thing to do, working along with children and sharing with them, let us realize their incredible potential, and that inspired us to start a new creative line by the name of CutBored; this line will focus on designs that have a lot of interactions with children letting them grow their creativity even further.

Project info

name: cardboard robot and rocket

company: CutBored, VMDPE designs 



狮子国际幼儿园 / VMDPE圆道

BeneBaby国际日托 /VMDPE圆道设计


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