Mar. 2018 草莓专题之 Birthday Party

Mar. 2018 草莓专题之 Birthday Party

作者: 宝玩学术专题乐园 | 来源:发表于2017-12-01 11:13 被阅读0次



Your birthday is coming up! Let’s invite your friends over for a birthday party.

First, tell me who you want to invite, and we'll send out some invitations.

Tell your friends "You are invited to my birthday party!" and ask them if they can come.

派对开始了,对前来参加的好朋友们,宝宝记得对大家说 Thank you for coming to my party!

有的小朋友可能会带礼物来,收到礼物想表示感谢和称赞,可以说 I love it! Thank you!

最后到了小朋友最喜欢的蛋糕环节~It's cake time. Look, mum and dad got you a birthday cake! Happy birthday my angel!

蛋糕上要放什么呢?Let’s put candles on the cake and light them up.

大家一起唱生日歌,小朋友在歌声中许个愿吧!Close your eyes, make a wish and blow out the candles.

Let's cut up the cake,尽情享受美味的蛋糕,还有和小伙伴们玩耍的时光吧!



      本文标题:Mar. 2018 草莓专题之 Birthday Party
