Hi~苹果班的小朋友们,你们都上幼儿园了吗?你是上小班 Junior class,中班 Middle class,还是大班 Senior class 呢?又或者已经上小学了呢?无论在幼儿园还是学校,我们都要学会向别人介绍自己和自己的朋友哦。今天,我们就来学习一下怎么样做简单 introduction 吧!Let's go!
Introduce Yourself
First, let’s introduce ourselves. Do you know how to introduce yourself? 我们从几个简单的问题开
1. What's your name? 你叫什么名字
2. How old are you? 你几岁了
3. What’s your favorite sport? Your favorite food? Your favorite color?
Hello/Hi 你好
I am…/My name is… 我叫……
I am 5/I'm 5 years old. 我5岁了
I like to play basketball, I like to swim and I like Taekwondo. 我喜欢打篮球, 游泳,还有跆拳道。
I love pizza and fries. I also like dumplings!我爱吃披萨和薯条,也爱吃饺子。
Introduce Your Teachers
This is Miss Li, she’s my teacher. She takes care of me in class. 这是我的李老师,在幼儿园她会照顾我。
Introduce Your friends
Lastly, you can introduce your classmates.

This is Wendy, she’s my best friend (最好的朋友). She’s also my classmate (同班同学).

This is Tom, he’s our group leader (组长).
We are in group 1 together.

monitress 女生班长 / monitor 男生班长 - A girl or a boy helps teacher to do something.
This is Sue, she is our monitress. She is very helpful.
*he is/she is 注意他和她的用词不同