幸运的是 thankfully

幸运的是 thankfully

作者: 无梦为安Ph | 来源:发表于2019-01-12 09:32 被阅读7次

1. 释义:used to say that you are glad that something has happened, especially because a difficult situation has ended or been avoided  

2. 例句:

Thankfully, everything went smoothly.  幸运的是,过程很顺利。

Once I was late for my flight. Thankfully, the flight got delayed, and I was able to board it eventually. 


3. 造句:


Thankfully, we found a product  flaw and addressed it before its launch.

参考:Thankfully, we spotted a product defect in time and fixed it before the launch.


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      本文标题:幸运的是 thankfully
