语音问题清单及Goodbye Mr. Chips 晨读笔记

语音问题清单及Goodbye Mr. Chips 晨读笔记

作者: 花卷的学习笔记 | 来源:发表于2018-10-31 19:42 被阅读53次






    Mozart /ˈməʊtsɑ:t/


    2.l 的音,不要跟r 弄混了

    people cable

    3. i: 和 i 体会长音、短音、嘴型


    4.a: 不要卷舌

    last 中,a:不要卷舌,而是嘴巴张大最大

    5.w 和 v



    enthusiasm 重音在thu,读错到asm (感谢楚汐)
    conquer 读的时候最后加了n的音(感谢灿灿)
    cocksure 重音在sure,读错到cock (感谢罗罗)
    severity 重音在ve,读错到se (感谢罗罗)

    7. 连读问题

    got on 可以连读(感谢素心)



    Chapter 18

    "Merely that you threw a faint. Mrs. Wickett came in and found you — lucky she did. You're all right now. Take it easy. Sleep again if you feel inclined."
    throw a faint 晕倒
    throw a tantrum /'tæntrəm/ 发脾气


    Kids like to throw a tantrum when they have a bad mood.

    And at that, Chips opened his eyes as wide as he could and sought to attract their attention. It was hard for him to speak out loud, but he managed to murmur something, and they all looked round and came nearer to him.

    manage to do sth. 设法做到,成功完成
    好打理:easy to manage


    He had managed to finish the work.

    saying when??? 够了就说??

    Chapter 16&17

    He had once tried it, but had chanced to strike the Riviera during one of its carefully unadvertised cold spells.
    chance to do sth. 碰巧做,偶尔发现


    I had chanced to find Phenomenon English.

    Apart from the weather, which suited him, there were the continual visits of old boys.
    apart form
    同义词:except, aside from, bar, barring, besides, but, exclusive of, outside of, save, saving


    Apart from delicious food, Guangzhou is the captial of Guangdong Province.

    Chips smiled. An old joke — an old leg-pull, and he, of all people, having made so many old jokes in his time, ought not to complain. And it amused him to cap their joke, as it were, with one of his own; to let them see that he could keep his end up, even yet.

    cap 盖过

    Chapter 14&15

    He felt very fit, and the actual work was not taxing.
    fit 合适的
    taxing 费劲的
    tax 耗尽资源、力气等,名词是税务
    taxi 飞机缓慢滑行
    She gave permission to the plane to taxi into position and hold for takeoff.
    The pilot taxied the plane to the end of the runway.


    It is taxing for me to distinguish between i: and I.

    He was a grand success altogether. In some strange way he did, and they all knew and felt it, help things. For the first time in his life he felt necessary — and necessary to something that was nearest his heart.

    for the first time 第一次


    For the first time I joined the study group this month.

    He made new jokes, too — about the O.T.C. and the food-rationing system and the anti-air-raid blinds that had to be fitted on all the windows.

    anti 防XX,/'æntɪ/,可数名词,形容词,反对
    anti-virus 杀毒
    anti-addiction 给王者荣耀加防沉迷系统

    pro /prəʊ/ 赞成
    I'm one of the few that's very pro performance-related pay.



    Honour of Kings has anti-addiction measures that can limit gaming time.

    From that last honor, within his reach at last, he shrank instinctively, feeling himself in so many ways unequal to it. He said to Rivers: "You see, I'm not a young man and I don't want people to — um — expect a lot from me. I'm like all these new colonels and majors you see everywhere — just a war-time fluke. A ranker — that's all I am really."

    fluke 侥幸,可数名词


    He won the game — just a fluke.

    the air-raid warning was given while Chips was taking his lower fourth in Latin.

    It is a given that XX


    It is a given that man should not beat woman.(蒋劲夫家暴)

    So he went on with his Latin, speaking a little louder amid the reverberating crashes of the guns and the shrill whine of anti-aircraft shells.

    reverberate /rɪ'vɜːbəreɪt/ 回响

    It had been a damp, foggy day, and the walk across the quadrangle to the Dining Hall had given him a chill.

    give sb. a chill / chills / goosebumps 让sb.一身冷汗 / 鸡皮疙瘩


    The sudden question gave me a chill.

    Chapter 12&13

    And in 1911 Ralston left, "to better himself"; he was offered the headship of one of the greater public schools.

    better himself


    We take part in Phenomenal English to better ourselves.

    1913 重读后面13
    Ralston's straight words had, in some ways, had an effect.

    have an effect 起了作用
    学习要走心 take sth. to heart

    a decent job 一个体面的工作
    a lot of = a decent number of
    可以跟第4章的 a thousand / thousands of / a hundred / hundreds of 一起记忆,不过意思有差别


    His parents words had an effect, he got a decent job.

    Staefel was thirty years his junior, but the two men got on excellently.

    A is XX years B's junior / senior A比B年轻/老XX岁

    A is younger / older than B


    My brother is five years my senior.

    Once a term he dined with the Head, and once also with the masters.

    occasion 不是声,而是r
    dine and dash 吃霸王餐
    dine with sb. 比较正式一些的与某人吃饭的说法

    I'm not having too easy a time here.
    I happen to be diabetic

    have a too easy time , 因为有too , so , as , how 等,冠词a后置到形容词后面
    改为 have too easy a time

    you know all the ropes.你很懂行。


    I'm learning the ropes.

    Chapter 11

    He felt himself sufficiently protected by age and seniority from the fate of other masters whom Ralston had failed to like.

    sb. protected by age


    Many staff fell protected by age and stop improving themselves.

    Then suddenly, in 1908, when he had just turned sixty, came Ralston's urbane ultimatum.

    turn sixty


    My father turned sixty last year.

    Abruptly Chips flamed up. "But — umph — I don't want — to retire. I don't — umph — need to consider it."

    "Nevertheless, I suggest that you do."

    =that being said

    but: 口语常用词,语气较强,泛指与前述情况相反。
    however: 表转折关系,语气稍弱于but,连接性也弱一些,因而常作插入语。
    still: 语气强,多用于肯定句或疑问句。指尽管作出让步,采取措施或表示反对,但情况仍然如故,无所改变。
    yet: 常用于否定句,语气比still稍强。指不管作出多大努力或让步,仍达不到预期的结果。
    nevertheless: 指尽管作出完全让步,也不会发生任何影响。
    while: 表对比,一般可与whereas换用,但程度弱一些。
    whereas: 表对比,一般可与while互换。


    1.nevertheless 由 never,the 和 less 三个单词组合而成,这三个单词都是副词,never 是“并不”,the 是“因为了这个”,less 是“比较地少些”。nevertheless 直译作“并不因为了这个而比较地少些”,就是“虽然这样而仍旧不少些”,也就是“仍然”或“依然”的意思。例如:
    Helen is not altogether dependable. She is, nevertheless, a good cook.
    I warned him about the danger, nevertheless, he would go.
    Nevertheless 等于 none the less,但该注意 none the less 前面和后面都不用逗号。例如:For all her years and infirmities, she is none the less eager to keep up with things.

    2.nevertheless 前面有时有 yet 或 but。

    /'kwestʃ(ə)n/ 注意是tʃ


    This book is so hard, nevertheless, she finished reading.

    "In that case, things are going to be a little difficult."

    "Difficult? Why — difficult?"

    Your methods of teaching are slack and old-fashioned; your personal habits are slovenly

    slack /slæk/
    He is a slacker.

    slovenly /'slʌv(ə)nlɪ/
    Slovenly people are careless, untidy, or inefficient.

    In your case it's probably a mixture of slackness and obstinacy.

    Since you decline to give way, there can't very well be any alternative.

    alternative 这里是名词,可数名词


    Pinduoduo is an alternative to market in the fourth-tied city.

    And suddenly, in a torrent of thoughts too pressing to be put into words,

    in a torrent of thought 文思泉涌
    torrent /'tɒr(ə)nt/
    pressing 紧急
    put into words 难以用言语表达

    The old gentlemanly traditions of family and broad acres were changing, as doubtless they were bound to;but instead of widening them to form a genuine inclusive democracy of duke and dustman, Ralston was narrowing them upon the single issue of a fat banking account.

    plumber / president /'plʌmə/ 水管工
    duke / dustman /'dʌs(t)mən/ 公爵 清洁工

    wilden /'waɪd(ə)n/
    If you widen something or if it widens, it becomes greater in measurement from one side or edge to the other.
    The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east.

    If you widen something or if it widens, it becomes greater in range or it affects a larger number of people or things.
    Newspapers enjoyed a widening circle of readers.

    genuine /'dʒenjʊɪn/

    Chapter 9&10

    He thought at first he would give up his housemastership, but the Head persuaded him otherwise;

    Chips 想放弃housemastership的工作,校长则是不同的看法。
    otherwise 否则的意思最常见,这里是与之不同地;相反地


    His mom hold firm opinion that he should have a happy childhood, his dad think otherwise.

    Just as marriage had added something, so did bereavement;

    Just as ...so...
    used for showing that there is a connection between two situations or actions
    Just as the body needs regular exercise, so too an engine needs to be run at regular intervals


    Just as we love our child, so do our parents.

    Once, after some energetic fives, during which he had played as well as many a fellow half his age, he overheard a boy saying: "Not half bad for an old chap like him."

    many a 许多
    overheard overhear 的过去式,无意听到
    not half bad ...不算坏

    chorus /'kɔːrəs/ 合唱,answer together

    And behind Brookfield, as one may glimpse a mountain behind another mountain when the mist clears, he saw the world of change and conflict
    clear 放晴

    fog clears

    It was typical of him that he did not share the general jingo bitterness against the Boers.
    bitterness against 对… 的怨恨


    He shows the bitterness against his father.

    "Just like Chips," was commented afterward. "He gets away with it. I suppose at that age anything you say to anybody is all right. . . ."
    he get away with it.
    get away with

    If you get away with doing something wrong or risky, you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences because of it.


    He got away with lying.

    may I have the afternoon off?
    He nearly answered: "You can go to blazes for all I care. My wife is dead and my child is dead, and I wish I were dead myself."

    fire blaze
    When a fire blazes, it burns strongly and brightly.

    Chapter Seven

    名词短语sb. doing sth. 可以作为加强解释和修饰

    trio 三

    duo 两

    howler 低级错误 /'haʊlə/

    But she had not always pleaded for leniency. On rather rare occasions she urged severity where Chips was inclined to be forgiving. "I don't like his type, Chips. He's too cocksure of himself. If he's looking for trouble I should certainly let him have it."

    Chapter Six

    For his marriage was a triumphant success.

    Katherine conquered Brookfield as she had conquered Chips.

    She was immensely popular with boys and masters alike.

    Even the wives of the masters, tempted at first to be jealous of one so young and lovely, could not

    Chapter Five

    It would be all right her coming to Brookfield.

    so signal a service 冠词后置

    Chips said he hadn't thought of it like that — or, at least, not often. He did his best; that was all anyone could do in any job.

    see in sb. 看上sb.哪点

    gem-clear 像宝石一样清澈

    self-depreciate 自我贬低

    ineligibility to do sth.

    So clearly it lingered, that time of dizzy happiness.

    They had both been so eager, planning a future together; but he had been rather serious about it, even a little awed.

    Chapter Four

    There came to him, stirred by the warmth of the fire and the gentle aroma of tea, a thousand tangled recollections of old times.

    a thousand / a hundred / hundreds of
    表示a large number of

    recollection 可变名词,回忆
    /ˌrekə'lekʃ(ə)n/ 重音在后面
    recollections of / a recollection of

    there was this new craze for bicycling which was being taken up by women equally with men.

    take up


    He took up football from childhood.

    He could scarcely walk, and it was a hard job getting him down the steep track to Wasdale.
    It is a hard job doing sth.


    It is a hard job writing complex sentences for me, I need more practice.

    Chapter Three

    He liked to smile and exchange a few words with the boys when they touched their caps to him.
    He made a special point of getting to know all the new boys and having them to tea with him during their first term.

    give sb. a pat on the back 鼓励
    a pat on the back 鼓励 pat /pæt/ 轻拍
    a kick in the teeth / pants 责备
    teeth /tiːθ/ tooth的复数形式
    pants /pæn(t)s/ 内裤

    have sb. to tea


    He had a beauty to tea with him.
    When he wants to give up, his mother will give him a pat on the back.

    mouthful 名词,一口

    He kept watch to see that their plates were never empty

    keep watch to see

    And Chips also would be making his comments.


    Chapter Two

    The School went up and down, dwindling almost to non-existence at one time, becoming almost illustrious at another.

    If something dwindles, it becomes smaller, weaker, or less in number


    Life if up and down, full of success at one time, ending in failure at another.

    the School declined again, both in numbers and in repute.


    He achieved greate success, both in repute and iwealth.

    Not that he was boastful or conceited, but he had been, in his early twenties, as ambitious as most other young men at such an age.

    not that ...but ... 不是。。。而是。。。


    Not that she is a talent, but she is a diligent learner.

    Chapter One

    He was getting on in years.

    get on in years 变老


    Our parents are getting on in years, we should pay more attention to their health.

    Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully,

    Rarely /'reəlɪ/ 难得、很少,副词
    不放前面的话就是 He rarely read more than a page of it.
    read 原型/riːd/、过去式[red]、过去分词[red]一样


    Rarely did I use English before I join Phenomenon English.

    You're one of the few lucky ones who are going to die a really natural death. That is, if you die at all.

    die 加名词 He died a hero.
    die 加形容词 He died young.


    He died a accident.

    sherry 原来是雪莉酒

    Chips had put in for Brookfield after a year at Melbury, which he hadn't liked.

    put in for 申请


    He put in for Harvard University after graduating from high school.

    sunny June, with the air full of flower scents and the plick-plock of cricket on the pitch. Brookfield was playing Barnhurst, and one of the Barnhurst boys, a chubby little fellow, made a brilliant century. Queer that a thing like that should stay in the memory so clearly.

    queer 奇怪的,表示程度的副词,形容词

    A is playing B.比赛


    Tsinghua is playing Peking University.

    There is something a bit queer going on.

    Youth and age often combine well. Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield, and Brookfield will give you something in return

    I gather that discipline was not always your strong point at Melbury.
    strong point / strong suit / forte

    You use gather in expressions such as 'I gather' and 'as far as I can gather' to introduce information that you have found out, especially when you have found it out in an indirect way.


    I gather that Phenomenal English is a godsend to English learners.

    His strong point is swim.

    Take up a firm attitude from the beginning .

    take up 贼多用法
    take up challenge / job / question


    Taking up a firm attitude from the beginning is a recipe for English fluency.



    Anno domini . . . by Jove, yes. Born in 1848, and taken to the Great Exhibition as a toddling child--not many people still alive could boast a thing like that


    it was Brookfield far more than Greenwich time that both he and his landlady kept.

    If you die at all. 如果你也会死的话

    You're such a remarkable old boy that one never knows.

    one never knows

    Very well, Colley, you have a hundred lines.




      • Sherry现象级英语:我觉得你的状态非常好~发音方面的问题我们下个月好好解决😁

      本文标题:语音问题清单及Goodbye Mr. Chips 晨读笔记
