10 年 10 亿,支付宝跨界支持中国女足

10 年 10 亿,支付宝跨界支持中国女足

作者: Zitronen_suri | 来源:发表于2020-12-14 10:02 被阅读0次

    2019 年法国女足世界杯落下帷幕,美国队获得冠军,响彻绿茵场的不只有对胜利的欢呼,还有美国女足们喊出的“equal pay”,她们在争取获得和男足们一样的薪水。与此同时,中国女足得到了国内企业家的大力赞助,支付宝将在未来十年,投资十亿元人民币支持中国女足,并表明这项投资是公益行为。这笔钱会派上哪些用场?中国在增强足球运动实力上有哪些计划?

    Alipay is investing $145 million to grow women's soccer in China

    China's national women's soccer team just got a big boost from online payments app Alipay.
    中国国家女子足球队刚从在线支付 app 支付宝获得了巨大的(资金)支持。
    The Alibaba-affiliated company is taking the lead on a 1 billion yuan (145 million) commitment to support Chinese women's soccer over the next decade. 这家阿里巴巴持股的公司正在带头履行一项价值 10 亿元人民币(合 1.45 亿美元)的承诺,以在未来十年支持中国女子足球运动发展。 The money will be used to support several initiatives including the "performance improvement of the China Women's National Football Team," and the development of young players, Alipay said in a statement. 支付宝在一份声明中表示,这笔资金将用于支持多项新措施,包括“中国女足国家队的水平提升”,以及年轻球员的培养。 It is the biggest investment in women's soccer in China ever, according to Alipay. This "is a smart business move that also can have positive social benefits," said Duncan Clark, author of "Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built." 支付宝方面透露,这是中国女足史上获得的最大一笔投资。《阿里巴巴:马云和他的 102 年梦想》一书的作者邓肯 · 克拉克说:“这是一个明智的商业举措,也能带来积极的社会效益。” The injection of cash comes as the US Women's National Team, which clinched a fourth victory on July 7 at the World Cup, pushes back against a pay disparity between the women's and men's game. The team has sued for equal pay at home and called for more investment in the sport globally. 在支付宝投资中国女足的同时,美国国家女子足球队正在抵制男女比赛中的薪酬差异(该球队于 7 月 7 日在女足世界杯中强势夺冠,而这是美国女足第四次捧走世界杯冠军)。这支球队在美国国内为同工同酬的权益提出诉讼,并呼吁在全球范围内对足球运动进行更多的投资。 China, meanwhile, has been trying to build up its prowess in the sport. The Chinese government in 2016 unveiled a plan to transform the country into a "soccer powerhouse" by 2050, investing in thousands of training programs and football pitches aimed at both the men's and women's game. 与此同时,中国一直在努力增强自己在足球运动中的实力。2016 年,中国政府公布了一项计划,计划到 2050 年将中国转变为一个“足球强国”,会投资数千个足球训练项目和球场,该投资不仅针对男足,也针对女足。 The pledge to women's soccer is not Alipay's first investment into the sport. The company in November struck a €200 million (225 million) sponsorship deal with European football body UEFA to be its official global payment partner.
    支付宝这次对女足的投资,并不是对足球运动的第一笔投资。去年 11 月,该公司与欧洲足球机构(欧洲足球协会联盟)达成了一项 2 亿欧元(合 2.25 亿美元)的赞助协议,并成为其全球官方支付系统合作伙伴。



          本文标题:10 年 10 亿,支付宝跨界支持中国女足
