Problems and Pain

Problems and Pain

作者: 御浅永夜 | 来源:发表于2018-07-23 00:00 被阅读0次
  • It is a great truth that because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it.
    • transcend
      • 超越某个限制或者边界(某些抽象的,通常是概念领域)
      • be or go beyond the range or limits of(something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division)
      • tran'send
  • Instead they moan more or less incessantly, noisily or subtly, about the enormity of their problems, their burdens, and their difficulties as if life were generally easy, as if life should be easy.
    • moan
      • 呻吟:长、低的声音,通常由肉体或精神上的体验或者性快感
      • a long, low sound made by a person expressiong physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure.
      • mon
    • incessantly
      • 不已(连续,没有被打断)
      • without interruption; constantly
      • in'sesaintli
    • subtly
      • 巧妙的
    • enormity
      • 某些被视为坏的或者道德错误的事的巨大、极端的规模、严重性或程度
      • the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong
      • i'normite



      本文标题:Problems and Pain
