speaking DB

speaking DB

作者: 山猪打不过家猪 | 来源:发表于2022-01-17 22:26 被阅读0次

串题1 天文爱好小学同学


I remember a really fascinating conversation I had with my friend years ago.the person who I spoke with was a good friend of mine since when we were little kids.

he was studying astronomy at the university. so he was kind of expert, he was kind of wiz on everything related to space. stars, black holes that kind of thing and I do not know anything about that and one time we went out to my cabin which is kind of a beautiful place and there' s a lake and you can see the night sky really well at night, you can see all the starts and it's really quite beautiful and we were on the beach and we were kind of just chilling drinking a few beers and enjoying the really peaceful time. and he started talking about kind of like the history of space which I though it's really interesting because you know i don't really know anything and he talked about kind of the different stars and how far away they were from our planet and how many planets exist in the universe and how much until the sun will burn out all these kind of big things that I don' know anything about really I learned a lot I gained a lot of wisdom.

so I thought it was really interesting and I really enjoy spending time with this friend because he 's really knowledgeable in a field and it really open my mind, so it was really cool conversation that I had with a friend at a very beautiful place.
I can be very open with my friends
and what we usually like to do together is having a stroll with XX and we would go for a walk around our neighborhood and we would just wander aimlessly around and just chick chat about what was going on usually in my life.

串题2 去涠洲岛旅行


Ever since I was just a little kid, I’ve been fascinated by the sea. It's always kinda been a dream of mine to live in a coastal city or a seaside city. I think when you look out at the ocean, you feel a real sense of peace. So I think it would be really nice at one time in my life to live in a city near the sea.

Recently in the last month I traveled to the small city of Beihai, which is in Guangxi province in the south of China. And its kinda like a little tropical paradise. I really enjoyed it there. I went with a few friends.

And what I liked about it is that unlike some other big coastal cities. It wasn't so busy, it wasn't filled with people. It wasn't loud. It was a peaceful it was a tranquil place, especially during off season when there's not many visitors or tourists. It’s a very tranquil place.

My favorite thing to do there is just lie on the beach and let the world pass me by, or maybe go for a stroll around the little island that's there. It's really just a wonderful experience. I also like to try jet skiing, you can rent a jet ski and go really fast on the water. It looks thrilling and it looks like it will give you a big adrenaline rush.

Some people love to do extreme sports because they can get an adrenaline rush.
Doing sky diving is definitely one of the most exhilarating things I've done

Now how do I feel about these seaside cities. You know like many people I live in a big crowded bustling city. Work gets me worn out. So to go to these little places near the ocean where you can just relax and you can kind of get a chance to recharge your batteries. It makes me feel content and I'm ready to go back to work after that.

串题3 马斯克


I’m gonna choose Elon Musk. I don't admire every aspect of his life, but overall I admire him. Basically he's the leader or the boss of Tesla, which is very innovative a car company and he leads a program where he wants to send people to Mars and send people into space.

I know him because he's very popular in the media. And he's very popular especially on Twitter. Even though he's one of the most wealthy people in the world, he’ll make all kinds of weird tweets and his behaviors is kinda wild at time. So he's in the news a lot.

He does a lot of different types of business. But mainly now he's famous for his space X program where basically he wants to colonize Mars and in his lifetime he wants to see people reach Mars. He doesn't know it's possible, but it could happen.

I admire him because he’s a dreamer. A lot of people especially when they get money, they sit at home they sit around become a couch potato watch TV, don't really wanna do anything big. But he really is a dreamer. He wants to change the world, he wants to send people into space, he has a lot of these innovative ideas about making the world a better place and that's one aspect of him that I think really deserves us admiring.

I also admire that he's not afraid to give his opinion on social media, regardless of what it is. We're in a world today where you get criticized for everything you do and everything you say. But he speaks his mind, he's not afraid to speak his mind and tell the truth like he knows it, so I think that's a really good trait for a person to have.

串题4 演讲


I would go with public speaking. Actually from when I was a little kid until I was like twenty three twenty four, I was a horrible public speaker. And I got stage fright. I was very shy and I would shake I would blush, but when I was twenty three twenty four I joined the group and we worked on public speaking, both speaking impromptu without knowing what you are talk about and planned speeches as well.

How I learned it we say practice makes perfect and it’s true. This is the kind of thing you need to get comfortable being in front of a large amount of people, so if you do it every week, you will naturally just get better at it. So I would plan my speeches I would rehearse them in front of the mirror, but really you need to have experience talking in front of other people to get better at public speaking, you just have to do it.

Why did I learn it because it was necessary for my life, if I wanna have a better future, I need to improve this skill and also I feel like I overcame a difficult challenge. So overcoming a challenge and gaining a really important life skill. It was difficult but it was the right decision.

And so I went from being this kind of uncomfortable awkward twenty something year old to being this kind of confident guy. I went back to school I learned how to be a teacher I joined lots of clubs, I made new friends I was even a captain of a sports team for the first time in my life, so the difference was huge, it was really a life-changing experience.

串题5 海盗船


限量版的玩具limited edition toy
花了一晚上排队 I spent the all night waiting in line
opened up my present 拆礼物
jumping with joy 开心得跳起来
get popular among the children
make up stories about what they' re doing

I really remember vividly a toy that I got for my birthday one year. And it was a L Lego pirate ship.It has about 1000 pieces and it cost me about 3000。I was really really into pirates that time because of a movie named pirates of Caribbean.

So I received it for my birthday party from my best friend and I opened up my present at the party . And I was jumping with joy because it was such an awesome gift for a kid to get.

How did I play with it? I would pretend that the pirates were fighting. They would have little pirate battles with each other on their ship. I would kind of make up stories about what they're doing.

And how did I feel about it well obviously I really treasured and cherished this gift for a long time .

So I felt very proud of my pirate ship. I think that was a childhood toy that really sticks out in my memory.


  1. You'll only do this maybe three to five or six times a year
  2. we do not always get the chance to eat with our family
  3. you're not just gonna sit there in silence and eat, It' kinda of awkward right
    4.I only get the chance to do this in video chat now
    5,if I was sitting down in a restaurant with my parents, I could have 2 or 3 hours just telling them about my life

morning peak 早高峰
nothing much 没什么特别
vary rarely 很少
help with
Not really, 不完全是
teach me the ropes 教我熟悉下环境
people generally 人们通常
people reply faster
if people are really in an emergency, sending an email is the worst thing we can do.
actually ,I really feel like it's
I think for the most part I prefer
yes,I do like
yes,sometimes I do
do not really drink coffee too much
normally, I use
No,I don't
I always like to use headphone
I would love to live in the in ??,it has very remarkble natural scenary,but it also a place with a lower pace of life. I think people there are less stressed and busy
yes, I have quite a few different colours
Well,actually, no, I 'm not familiar as I would like to be with history
On thing that I do is
I guess that I necessarily won't stay in China
in particular, I would love to visit
I can't say that I love to pland trees
you cant always do the same things otherwise your life would be very boring
I think one of things that makes me feel
My favourite kind of farm is one where you can?? It's organic and free of pesitcides in most cases
yes,absolutely, a vital part of our
Actuall, I really like natur programmes. It talks about all different kind of animal habitas,from the desert to the oceans and the seas to the forests and rainforests.I really like finding out more about natural world and also where animals live.I think it's realle good to watch this kind of programmes
probably in xx
I relly love having barbecues.


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