Chapter5-rejection proof

Chapter5-rejection proof

作者: _红糖姜茶_ | 来源:发表于2018-02-14 11:35 被阅读0次



If someone contests an election or competition, they take part in it and try to win it.

Staring contest 对视,盯着

eg: Did you beat Po in that staring contest?


If you talk about a likely or possible scenario, you are talking about the way in which a situation may develop.设想,可能的情况

eg: So I started to increase the fear factor of my rejection attempts, making them more like real-life scenarios to see what I could learn.

造句: I imagine a scenario that they don’t like the programme and give a low grade to it, then every effort we make is senseless.

Get the job done


Turn away

If you turn someone away, you don’t allow them to enter your country, home or other place. 把…拒之门外

造句:if you eat in a restaurant without paying bills for one time, I am sure the waiter will leave you in mind and turn you away next time he sees you.

Give a lecture

造句:Kai Wang went to our university to meet students and gave a lecture.


If you are undeterred by something, you don’t allow it to stop you doing what you want.未被吓住的,不灰心丧气的

Eg:Undeterred by his early failures, he decided to keep writing

造句:Undeterred by my early failures, I insisted in controlling my diet.


When a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about something or all vote for the same thing.

Eg: the board unanimously approved the project last week.

造句:At last, the group has formed a unanimous view about the issue.

Turn down

If you turn down a person or their request or offer, you refuse their request of offer.拒绝

Eg: I thanked him for the offer but turned it down.


1. Outside factors had played an equally if not more important role in the outcome.

仿写:My luck had played an equally if not more important role in the interview.

2. No matter how good or bad the work is, there is no mathematical way for everyone in the world to accept or reject it.

Guiding questions

1. What were in play for Jennifer on the day of the author’s third try?

1) The curiosity about seeing a well-spoken man with a good resume stopped by the office looking for a one-day job.

2)The upbringing in a family that would teach her to be kind to people.

3) The internship in a restaurant from which she learned how important it was to ”never say no to a customer’s request without first trying to find a solution”.

2. How do you think about the well-dressed woman’s behavior: taking the apple with a straight response---OK, thanks and biting into it after several steps later?

I think she doesn’t have the awareness of self-protection. I mean, if time went back to five years earlier, when I was an innocent, positive girl who had just walked into the gate of the university, I would view this scene as a beautiful adventure. But now, I will suspect whether the man giving my apple is good or not.

3. Why does the author believe that rejection has a number?

Rejection is a human behavior which only stands for one person’s opinion. A thousand people will have a thousand opinions on account of different upbringings and experiences. So if we talk to enough people, someone will eventually say yes to us.



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