<The Boy in the Striped Pajamas>082

Release date: 2018-11-7
Type: War/Drama
Running time: 94mins
Recommendation Rate:★★★★★
Four questions:
1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?
From kids' angle to express tragedy of war. The two boys, eight years old, Bruno is a German, Shmuel is a Jew. A depressive movie.

2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).
A/ The teacher taught Bruno and his sister, who was influenced deeply and hated Jew. But Bruno hesitated that there must be some good Jew, not all are enemies. Kids have their pure and kind thoughts, very different from adults, but at the same time, they are also very easily to be influenced by teachers and parents.

B/ Bruno hurt himself by falling down from swing, his knee started to bleed. That Jew in pajamas helped him to deal with the wound. From their conversation we knew that Jew was a doctor before, and now he is just a prisioner and has to do a lot of work, like peel potatoes. Here we can see some Jews are innocent.

C/ Bruno told lies, the soldier believed him and that make Shmuel very upset. Who is a real bad or good guy, hard to say. What impressed me is that when Bruno to say sorry to Shmuel and Shmuel forgave him easily, even though he was beated seriously because of Bruno's lie.That's kid's friendship. Bruno promised to help Shmuel to find his father.

3、What did you learn from the movie?
Feel depressed in the conclusion part, Bruno and Shmuel hand in hand, waiting for shower, actually, the poisonous air, the scene is showing all the clothes they took off, it means how many of people died. Including Bruno, the officer's son. What I leart is that when you are doing bad things, it will come back to you sooner or later.

4、The background of the story.
The boy named Bruno lived in city, one day, his father got promotion and the whole family had to move to countryside, where there is a "Farm", people live there wearing stripped pajamas. Bruno made friend with a Jew named Shmuel. Stories happened there.
