

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-06-28 07:35 被阅读0次
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Steven Lee 李司提反
1 Peter 2:4–5 彼得前书2:4-5
4 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, 5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 4 主是活石,虽然被人弃绝,却是 神所拣选所珍贵的;你们到他面前来, 5 也就像活石,被建造成为灵宫,作圣洁的祭司,藉着耶稣基督献上蒙 神悦纳的灵祭。
[Prayer] Father in Heaven, help us to see your glorious plan for the church with the eyes of faith. Help us to know our true and lasting identity in Jesus Christ. Cause us to live out our collective calling as the church of Christ, for our ever increasing joy, for the good of our world, and for your glory. May the name of Christ be exalted in our midst, in Jesus name, amen. [祷告] 天上的父,帮助我们用信心的眼睛看到你对教会的荣耀计划。帮助我们认识我们在耶稣基督里真实而持久的身份。求你使我们活出我们作为基督教会的集体呼召,为了我们不断增加的喜乐,为了我们世界的利益,也为了你的荣耀。愿基督的名在我们中间被高举,奉耶稣的名,阿门。
[Introduction: Stories of Rejection] Rejection can be a precursor to vindication. Consider the following stories: [引言:拒绝的故事]拒绝可以成为平反的前奏。请考虑以下故事:
• A boy was born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He was considered slow since he didn’t speak until four and was unable to read until he was 7. He was rejected by the Zurich Polytechnic School, and both his parent and teachers considered him mentally slow and unsocial. This boy went by the name Albert Einstein, the renown physicist who won the Nobel Prize in physics because of his theory of relatively (E=mc2). • 1879年在德国乌尔姆出生了一个男孩。他被人认为是发育迟缓,因为他四岁才会说话,七岁才会读书。他被苏黎世理工学院拒绝了,家长和老师都认为他智力迟钝,不善社交。这个男孩的名字叫爱因斯坦,他是著名的物理学家,因为他的相对论(E=mc2)获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。
• There is the story of Jan Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, who are not household names. They authored an anthology (a collection of short stories) that was rejected by 144 publishers. Finally finding a publisher willing to take a risk on this unproven duo, they ended up selling 125 million copies of the series: Chicken Soup for the Soul. • 还有杨-坎菲尔德和马克-维克多-汉森的故事,他们并不是家喻户晓。他们撰写了一本选集(短篇小说集),被144家出版社拒绝。终于,他们找到了一个愿意为这个未经市场检验的二人组冒险的出版商,他们最终卖出了1.25亿册的系列作品。《心灵鸡汤》系列的销量达到了1. 25亿册
• There was a young man working as a truck driver who tried out to be the vocalist in a local band. After his try out he was rejected and told to keep his day job truck driving “because you’re never going to make it as a singer.” That man was Elvis Aaron Presley, who went on to because one of the most famous musicians of the twentieth century. • 有一个当卡车司机的年轻人,想当当地一个乐队的主唱。试镜后,他被拒绝了,并被告知要继续从事卡车驾驶的工作,“因为你永远不可能成为一名歌手。”这个人就是猫王亚伦-普雷斯利,他后来成为二十世纪最著名的歌手之一。
[Rejection to Vindication?] We love a good rejected-but-vindicated storyline. Despite obstacles and being dismissed, the unlikely hero rises to fame and success. We love these stories because they are exceedingly rare. Most people don’t become New York Times bestsellers, win the Nobel Prize, or become famous musicians. In our world rejection is commonplace, and vindication is exceedingly rare. All fairy tales end with “and they lived happily ever after,” but there is a reason they are fairy tales. [从拒绝到平反?]我们喜欢先被拒绝后被平反的美好故事。尽管遇到障碍,吃闭门羹,但这个不可能的英雄还是奋起直追,最终获得了成功。我们喜欢这些故事,因为它们极为罕见。大多数人不会成为《纽约时报》的畅销书,不会获得诺贝尔奖,也不会成为著名的歌手。在我们这个世界上,被拒绝是司空见惯的,被平反倒是极其罕见的。所有的童话故事都以“他们从此过上了幸福的生活”作为结尾,但它们之所以是童话,是有其原因的。
[FCF: Feelings of Rejection & Marginalization] This is likely one of the worries that is plaguing Peter’s readers. It’s what keeps them up at night. They are exiles and sojourners, rejected by the society around them, experiencing increasing marginalization, facing intensifying persecution. Maligned and alienated, wondering how the story ends. Questioning God’s plan. Looking for answers. [FCF:被拒绝和边缘化的感觉]这很可能是困扰彼得读者的忧虑之一。这让他们夜不能寐。他们是流亡者和流浪者,被周围的社会所排斥,越来越被边缘化,面临着越来越严重的迫害。遭人毁谤,被人疏远,不知道什么时候是个头。怀疑神的计划。寻找答案。
[Transition] Here Peter transitions from the implications of being born again, back to reminding his readers of their identity and their purpose so that they do not lose hope. [过渡]在这里,彼得从重生的意义过渡到提醒他的读者记得自己的身份目的,使他们不要失去希望。
[Main Point] The main point of our passage is that God is creating a people with a new identity and purpose—as living stones and a holy priesthood—for his glory. You have been born again to a living hope—yes—but for what purpose? To be living stones in God’s house and to serve as holy priests in his temple! God has not left his disciples here on earth to merely survive until he returns, but he has given them a purpose and calling. [要点] 我们这段经文的主要观点是,神正在创造一个具有新身份和目的的子民——作为活石和圣洁的祭司——为了祂的荣耀。你已经重生获得一个永活的盼望——是的——但为了什么目的?要做神殿中的活石,在神的殿中作圣洁的祭司!神把祂的门徒留在地上,不是仅仅为了生存,直等到祂再来,而是给了他们一个目的呼召
[Aim]Peter aim is for believers to know their identity in Christ—living stones—and their mission from God—to be a holy priesthood. Life languishes without purpose. We—like Peter’s readers—have been given a purpose by God. Dostoyevsky once wrote, “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” Peter is telling us what we are to live for this morning. Here are your marching orders church! [目的]彼得的目的是让信徒们知道他们在基督里的身份——活石——以及他们从神而来的使命——成为圣洁的祭司。人生没有目标,生命就会萎靡不振。我们和彼得的读者们一样,被神赋予了一个目的。陀思妥耶夫斯基曾写道:“人类生存的奥秘,不在于仅仅是活着,而在于找到活下去的理由。”彼得告诉我们,今天早上我们要为什么而活。教会,这是你们的行军令!
[Plan] Our plan is to look at the following: [计划]我们的计划是看以下几点:
1. Jesus as the Living Stone (2:4) 1.耶稣是活石 (2:4)
2. Believers as Living Stones (2:5) 2.信徒是活石(2:5)
a. To be a Spiritual House a.要成为一座灵宫
b. To be a Holy Priesthood b.要成为圣洁的祭司
c. To offer Spiritual Sacrifices c.要献上灵祭
1. Jesus as the Living Stone (2:4) 1. 耶稣是活石(2:4)
1 Peter 2:4 “As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious…” 彼得前书2:4 主是活石,虽然被人弃绝,却是 神所拣选所珍贵的;你们到他面前来”
[Jesus as the Living Stone] Believers are to come to Jesus, the “living stone,” who is both rejected by men and chosen and precious in God’s sight. This metaphor of a living stone draws upon Old Testament prophecy about the coming Messiah. Peter cites Psalm 118:22–23, Isaiah 8:14–15, and Isaiah 28:16 in 1 Peter 2:6–8. We’ll study that more in depth next week, but for now, we can notice that Peter is drawing upon Jesus own self-identification as the cornerstone. [耶稣是活石]信徒要来到耶稣面前,耶稣是“活石”,祂是被人拒绝的,却是被神拣选的,在神的眼中是宝贵的。这个活石的比喻来自旧约关于弥赛亚降临的预言。彼得在彼得前书2:6-8中引用了诗篇118:22-23,以赛亚书8:14-15,和以赛亚书28:16。我们下周会更深入地研究这个问题,但现在我们可以注意到,彼得的依据是耶稣自认为是那房角石。
[Building Image] This metaphor would have been commonplace in those days. Before builders would begin the construction of a building, they would have heaps of large stones and boulders to serve as foundation stones, cornerstones, and capstones. They would search through until they found the right stone for the appropriate purpose. Jesus is examined and he is rejected and tossed aside. In fact, Jesus is judged a false prophet and killed. [建筑的比喻]这个比喻在当时应该是很普遍的。建造者在开始建造建筑物之前,会用一堆大石巨砾作为基石、房角石和拱顶石。他们会反复搜索比较,直至找到合适的石头,以作适当的用途。耶稣被审视过,却被拒绝,被扔在一边。事实上,耶稣被判定为假先知而被杀。
[Jesus = Living Stone] Jesus himselftaught that he is the rejected cornerstone in Matthew, Mark and Luke. In all three of these gospel accounts, Jesus cites Psalm 118:22–23, which is what he also cites in 1 Peter 2:7. In Matthew 21:42–44 we read,“[42] Jesus said to them, ‘Have you never read in the Scriptures: “The stone that the builders rejected has become thecornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes”? [43] Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits. [44] And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him.” (See also Mark 12:10–11 and Luke 20:17–18) [耶稣=活石]在马太福音、马可福音和路加福音中,耶稣亲自教导说,祂是被丢弃的房角石。在这三本福音书的记载中,耶稣都引用了诗篇118:22-23,这篇诗篇也是彼得前书2:7中所引用的。在 马太福音21:42–44中我们读到,[42]耶稣对他们说:“经上记着:’建筑工人所弃的石头, 成了 房角的主要石头; 这是主所作的, 在我们眼中看为希奇。‘这话你们没有念过吗? [43] 因此我告诉你们,神的国要从你们那里取去,赐给那结果子的外族人。[44] 谁跌在这石头上,就必摔碎;这石头掉在谁的身上,就必把他压得粉碎。”(参见 马可福音12:10–11 及路加福音 20:17–18)
[Peter’s Speech in Acts] Jesus as the living cornerstone, rejected by men, is further confirmed elsewhere in the New Testament as well. We see this in Peter’s speech in Acts 4 and Paul’s writings. [使徒行传中彼得的讲道]耶稣作为活的房角石,被人拒绝,在新约其他地方也进一步得到证实。我们从彼得在使徒行传第四章的演讲和保罗的著作中可以看到这一点。
Acts 4:11–12 is the climactic moment where Peter and John are arrested, five thousand people had just believed in Jesus, and they’re dragged before the rulers, elders, scribes, and high priestly family. Peter—fresh off of his denial of Christ and subsequent restoration—stands up testifies to the name of Jesus with astonishing boldness. He says, “11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone*. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” 使徒行传4:11–12 是高潮时刻,彼得和约翰被抓,五千人刚归信耶稣,就被拉到官长、长老、经学家​和大祭司家族面前。彼得刚从不认基督及随后的恢复中站起来,以惊人的胆量为耶稣的名作见证。他说: 11 这耶稣是你们‘建筑工人所弃的石头, 成了房角的主要石头 12 除了他以外,别无拯救,因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名,我们可以靠着得救。”
[Paul’s Affirmation] Paul likewise affirms Jesus as the cornerstone in Romans and Ephesians: [保罗的确认]保罗在罗马书和以弗所书中同样肯定了耶稣是房角石。
Romans 9:32–33 “32 Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as if it were based on works. They have stumbled over the stumbling stone, 33 as it is written, ‘Behold, I am laying in Ziona stone of stumbling*, and a rock of offense; and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.’” 罗马书9:32–33 “32 这是甚么缘故呢? 因为他们不凭信心,只靠行为。他们绊倒在那绊脚石上,33 正如经上所记:‘看哪,我在锡安放了一块绊脚石, 是绊倒人的磐石; 信靠他的人, 必不致失望。’”
Ephesians 2:20–22 “20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being thecornerstone, 21 in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. 22 In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. 以弗所书2:20–22 “20 并且建造在使徒和先知的根基上,基督耶稣自己就是奠基石 21 整座建筑都靠着他连接配合,渐渐增长成为在主里面的圣所。 22 你们在他里面也一同被建造,成为 神藉着圣灵居住的所在。”
[Rejected, but Chosen & Precious] Jesus’ earthly ministry was met with rejection. He was rejected by his contemporaries, by religious leaders, by government officials, by the masses, and even by his family. Jesus himself knew this was what he would face and experience. But in God’s sight Jesus is chosen and precious. A voice from heaven declared when Jesus was baptized, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17; cf. Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22). [被拒绝,但被择选,且是珍贵的]耶稣在地上的事奉遭到了拒绝。他被同时代的人、宗教领袖、政府官员、群众,甚至祂的家人所排斥。耶稣自己也知道这是祂要面对和经历的。但在神的眼中,耶稣是被拣选的,是宝贵的。当耶稣受洗时,从天而降的声音宣告: “这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。”(马太福音 3:17; 参见 马可福音 1:11; 路加福音 3:22)
[So What?] Why does this matter? What is the point Peter is making? The point Peter makes in the following verse is that believers follow in the footsteps of their Savior. Jesus is the living stone, and as we come to him we become like him as living stones. The rejection, marginalization, or persecution you face is not because you are forgotten, but precisely because you are chosen and precious in the sight of God. [那又如何?]这为什么很重要呢?彼得要表达的是什么?彼得在下面的经文中提出的观点是,信徒要跟随救主的脚踪。耶稣是活石, 我们来到祂面前,就会成为像祂一样的活石。你所面临的拒绝、边缘化或逼迫,并不是因为你被遗忘,而恰恰是因为你在神的眼中是被拣选的,是宝贵的。
[Believers Rejected Like Jesus] This can come as a surprise to some and a disappointment to many. The Christian life is characterized by rejection and unjust suffering. Alienation from the society and even suffering or being maligned is not a sign that God has forgotten you, but rather that you are following in the path of Jesus. [信徒像耶稣一样被拒绝]这可能让一些人感到意外,也让很多人感到失望。基督徒生活的特征就是被拒绝不公地受苦。被社会疏离,甚至受苦受难,被人恶语相向,并不代表上帝忘记了你,恰恰相反,你走的正是耶稣的路。
[Application: American Christianity] We must not mistake prosperity with godliness. We can’t marry American nationalism with Christianity. We shouldn’t confuse political influence with kingdom citizenship. Christ and his kingdom does not depend upon lobbying, Congress, Supreme Court Justice nominations, or the President. Does he use them? Absolutely. But God can use a talking donkey if he needed. The dual lessons that God’s people are to learn is that our rejection from society—or our acceptance from society—does not define our identity. Our identity comes from our shared identity with Jesus—rejected, murdered, and resurrected, victorious over sin and death. The pathway of Jesus is not lined with accolades, fame, or fortune. Instead, it is a pathway of rejection, and chosen and precious in the sight of God. [应用:美国基督教]我们不能误把繁荣当虔诚。我们不能把美国民族主义和基督教混为一谈。我们不应该把政治影响力和天国公民身份混为一谈。基督和祂的国度不依赖于游说、国会、最高法院大法官的提名或总统。那祂使用他们吗?当然。如果上帝需要,祂甚至可以使用一头会说话的驴。神的子民要学习的双重功课是,无论我们被社会拒绝,抑或是被社会接受,都不能定义我们的身份。我们的身份来自于我们与耶稣的共同身份——被拒绝、被谋杀、复活,战胜罪和死亡。耶稣的道路不是用荣誉、名声、财富来衬托的。相反,是一条​拒绝的路,但在神眼中,是蒙拣选的,可宝贵的。
[Getting it Backwards] How often do we get this backwards? We think that God’s favor will be experienced through warm receptions, big crowds, prominent placement, large platforms, widespread acceptance, winning awards, good PR and public praise, and accolades that will point to God’s greatness. And sometimes those things happen, over the course of history it is the exception to the rule. Peter’s readers are wondering aloud “Is our suffering a sign that we’re getting it wrong?” And the answer that Peter is giving is “no,” carry on, for believers rejection is par for the course. [搞反了]我们有多少次把这搞反了?我们以为,神的眷顾会通过热情的接待、人群簇拥、突出的位置、大的平台、广泛的接受、获奖、良好的公关和公众的赞美、荣誉来体验,从而指出神的伟大。这些事有时是会发生,但在历史的长河中这些只是个别例外。彼得的读者们都在出声思考:“我们的苦难是说明我们做错了什么吗?”而彼得给出的答案是“不”,请继续,对于信徒来说,被拒绝是理所当然的。
[Misplaced Hope & Identity] Peter’s call to “come to Jesus the living stone” is a reminder to place our hope and identity in Jesus. We are the electexiles of God (1:1), we are a chosen race (2:9), we have been called to eternal glory in Christ (5:10), therefore, we can put our hope in Jesus, and our identity is rooted in Christ. [错位的希望和身份]彼得呼召“来到活石耶稣面前”,是提醒我们要把希望和身份都放在耶稣身上。我们是蒙神拣选的寄居者(1:1),我们是 ​蒙拣选的族类 (2:9),在基督里 蒙召进入那永远的荣耀(5:10),因此,我们可以把希望放在耶稣身上,我们的身份植根于基督。
2. Believers as Living Stones (2:5) 2.信徒是活石(2:5)
1 Peter 2:5you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 彼得前书 2:5也就像活石,被建造成为灵宫,作圣洁的祭司,藉着耶稣基督献上蒙 神悦纳的灵祭。”
[Believers as Living Stones] In the same way Jesus is the living stone, believers now in Christ are likewise living stones. Our identity, our experience, and our understanding of our life and purpose ought to be shaped and informed by Christ and Christ alone. We are Christians—people who take after Christ. We are living stones who take after the Living Stone. Our identity is to be bound up in the person and work of Jesus. In particular, three aspects are in view. [信徒是活石]耶稣既是活石,现在在基督里的信徒也同样是活石。我们的身份,我们的经历,以及我们对生命和目的的理解都应该由基督,也只有基督来塑造和告知我们。我们是基督徒——效法基督的人。我们是效法活石的活石。我们的身份要与耶稣的位格和工作结合在一起。具体来说,有三个方面。
(A) To be a Spiritual House (A)要成为灵宫
(B) To be a Holy Priesthood (B)要成为圣洁的祭司
(C) To offer Spiritual Sacrifices (C)要献上灵祭
(A) To be a Spiritual House (A)要成为灵宫
[New Spiritual House] Believers are the construction materials being used to build up God’s spiritual house, the temple of God, the place where God’s presence dwells. This entire house is built upon the cornerstone of Jesus, in which all other stones are measured and aligned. There are a number of things we ought to note from this analogy, but let me mention two: [新的灵宫]信徒是被用来建造神的灵宫的建筑材料,是神的殿,是神的同在居住的地方。这整座宫殿是建立在耶稣的房角石上,其他所有的石头都以这房角石为基准对齐排列。从这个比喻中,我们应该注意到一些事情,但让我提两个。
We are the place where God’s presence dwells. Believers are living stones that are being built up by God (passive verb) to be a spiritual house or temple. What do we know about the temple? It chief characteristic is its holiness. This is where God’s presence dwells. Therefore, this adds weight and motivation for our holiness and living as those who have been transformed by God. Our holiness is so more than just our personal progressive sanctification, but includes how we love one another, related towards each other, and how we put away sinful attitudes and actions that poison the community of faith. 我们是神的同在所居住的地方。信徒是被神建造的活石(被动词),成为灵宫或圣殿。关于圣殿我们知道什么?它首要的特征就是圣洁。这是神的同在所居住的地方。因此,这就为我们的圣洁和活成被神改变的人增加了份量和动力。我们的圣洁不仅仅是我们个人的逐步成圣,还包括我们如何彼此相爱,彼此相关,以及我们如何除去毒害信仰团体的罪性态度和行为。
We together are being built up into a single temple/house for God. This image takes aim at our individualistic, self-focused perspectives on the Christian life. Our significance and purpose is tied up being a part of something bigger than any one of us. We are part of God’s spiritual house—bigger than us, bigger than our family, bigger than one church, but that is comprised of every believer in every generation. We are being constructed into a singular grand design and structure unlike any other. In a world longing for significance, there is no greater building project in all the world than this. 我们一起被建造成神的单一圣殿/灵宫。这幅图画针对的是我们个人主义的、以自我为中心的基督徒生活观点。我们的意义和目的是被捆绑在比我们任何一个人更大的东西的一部分。我们是神的灵宫的一部分——比我们自己大,比我们的家庭大,比一个教会大,但它是由每一代的每一个信徒组成的。我们正在被构建成一个独一无二的宏伟设计和结构,与其他任何设计和结构不同。在这个渴望意义的世界上,全世界最伟大的建筑工程莫过于此。
[Rejected but Chosen and Precious] For Peter’s readers, alienated from their society, but they are part of a construction that will cause the largest buildings in our world to look like Lego creations when all is said and done. God’s spiritual house—comprised of believers from all time, every tribe and nation—will make all other buildings and communities pale in comparison. This morning, it’s important to back up and take in the whole picture of what God is doing in drawing people to himself and building his temple. [被拒绝,但被拣选,且是宝贵的]对于彼得的读者来说,与他们的社会格格不入,但他们是这个宏伟建筑的一部分,这让我们世界上最大的建筑物看起来像乐高积木。神的灵宫——由各时代、各族、各国的信徒组成——会使其他所有的建筑和社区相形见绌。今天早上,重要的是要退后一步,从全局来看神在吸引人归向自己,建造祂的圣殿。
(B) To be a Holy Priesthood (B)要成为圣洁的祭司
[Priests in God’s Temple/House] It is remarkable that believers in Christ now become stones that are built up into God’s temple where his presence dwells. Peter then switches to indicate that believers are also priests that serve in God’s house as a “holy priesthood.” This anticipates language Peter will use in 2:9 of a “royal priesthood,” but the point is that all believers now have direct access to God through Jesus. In the Old Testament only Levites could serve as priests. But now, all of God’s people, serve as the priesthood of all believers. [神的圣殿/灵宫中的祭司]值得注意的是,在基督里的信徒现在成了石头,被建造成神的殿,在那里有祂的同在居住。然后,彼得转而指出,信徒也是在神的殿中服侍的祭司,是 "圣洁的祭司"。这为彼得在2:9中使用“君尊祭司”的语言埋下伏笔,但重点是现在所有的信徒都可以通过耶稣直接来到神面前。在旧约中,只有利未人可以担任祭司。但现在,所有神的子民,都作为所有信徒的祭司。
[Living Stones & Priesthood] God’s people corporately work together, not in isolation, but united by God’s spirit, to serve together as God’s set-apart people. Every member is able to approach God directly through the work of Christ, and do not need the mediating presence of a Levite. [活石和祭司]神的子民全体合作,不是孤立的,而是被神的灵联合起来,一起服侍,归神为圣。每个成员都能通过基督的工作直接接近神,而不需要利未人的中介存在。
[Priestly Purpose] If all believers are living stones of the spiritual house, and every believer is a priest, what then do the priests do? In the Old Testament, priests helped offer sacrifices on behalf of the people. This leads to the last part of verse 5 “to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” [祭司的目的]如果所有的信徒都是灵宫的活石,每一个信徒都是祭司,那么祭司是干什么的呢?在旧约中,祭司代表百姓协助献祭。这就引出了第5节的最后一部分“藉着耶稣基督献上蒙神悦纳的灵祭”。
(C) To offer Spiritual Sacrifices (C)献上灵祭
[Spiritual Sacrifices] What spiritual sacrifices then are in view? The New Testament indicates a few different possibilities: [灵祭]这里所说的灵祭是什么呢?新约指出了几种不同的可能性。
Romans 12:1 “12 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Presenting one’s body in holy living. 罗马书12:1 “12 所以弟兄们,我凭着 神的仁慈劝你们,要把身体献上,作圣洁而蒙 神悦纳的活祭;这是你们理所当然的事奉”在圣洁的生活中献上自己的身体。
Philippians 4:18 “18 I have received full payment, and more. I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God.” Financial contributions to fellow saints or ministers of the gospel. ​腓立比书4:18 “18 你们所送的我都全数收到了,而且绰绰有余;我已经足够了,因我从以巴弗提收到 你们所送的,好像馨香之气,是 神所接纳所喜悦的祭物。”给圣徒或福音传道人的经济捐助。
Hebrews 13:15–16 “15 Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. 16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Praise, doing good, and generosity. 希伯来书13:15–16 “15 所以,我们要藉着耶稣,常常把颂赞的祭品献给 神,这就是承认他的名的人嘴唇的果子。 16 你们也不要忘记行善和捐输,这样的祭是 神所喜悦的。”赞美、行善、慷慨乐捐。
1 Peter 2:9 “9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” Evangelistic praise. 彼得前书 2:9 “9 然而你们是蒙拣选的族类,是君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国民,是属 神的子民,为要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。在传福音中赞美神。
[Pleasing Sacrifices by Faith] The use of “holy” in describing this priesthood also harkens back to 1:16 where we are to be holy as God is holy. Therefore, the believer’s conduct and actions is part of this spiritual sacrifice that is acceptable to God. Everything done in obedience to Jesus and through faith in Jesus is now acceptable. [凭信献上可喜悦的祭品]用“圣洁”来描述这个祭司职分,也让人想起了1:16,我们要圣洁,因为神是圣洁。因此,信徒的行为和行动就是这灵祭的一部分,是神所悦纳的。一切顺从耶稣、因信耶稣而做的事,现在都是神所悦纳的。
[Through Jesus Christ] That final little phrase “through Jesus Christ” is a significant qualifier. If it’s done through and by Jesus, then it brings God glory and honor and praise. And if anything is done apart from the empowering strength of the Spirit and is not grounded upon the work of Jesus Christ, then it does not please God. This notion, that Jesus is the litmus test or the dividing line, is reinforced once again. Jesus is the fork in the road. You either reject him as a liar or lunatic, or you receive him as your Lord. There is no middle ground. [藉着耶稣基督]“藉着耶稣基督”是一个重要的限定词。如果是藉着耶稣并由耶稣来做,那么就会给神带来荣耀、尊贵和赞美。如果做任何事情没有圣灵的力量,没有建立在耶稣基督的工作基础上,那么它就不讨神的喜悦。耶稣是试金石或分界线这个概念,再一次被强化。耶稣是道路上的岔口。你要么拒绝祂,认为祂是骗子或疯子,要么接受祂为你的主。没有中间地带。
[Practically] What might this look like practically? What wouldn’t be acceptable? [实际而言]实际而言,这会是什么样子?什么是神所不悦纳的呢?
Through Jesus Christ. Acting out of acceptance and identity. Spirit and truth. Attitude and heart. Heart posture of trust and faith. Middle schoolers and identity issues. 藉着耶稣基督。出于悦纳与认同的行为。圣灵与真理。态度和心态。信任与忠信的心态。初中生和身份问题。
[According to God’s Plan] Experiencing pain or rejection doesn’t mean God is absent. Instead, God is building up his people into a temple, to serve as priests, for his glory. This is our stunning calling as vessels of God. [照着神的计划]经历痛苦或拒绝并不意味着上帝不在。相反地,神正在建造祂的子民成为圣殿,为祂的荣耀作祭司。这是惊人的呼召,要我们成为神的器皿。
[Any Purpose?] If you’ve ever wondered if you have a purpose, if your life has meaning, if you are making a difference, or if you still have something left to do. You do! God has called you—together with his people—to serve as holy priests who offer spiritual sacrifices that are please and acceptable to God. [有什么目的?]你是否曾经想过你是否有目标,你的生活是否有意义,你是否在改变,或者你是否还有一些事情要做。是的!神已经呼召你们——与祂的子民一起——作圣洁的祭司,献上神所喜悦和接受的灵祭。
Application & Conclusion 应用与结语
[Come to the Living Stone] How then do we receive and apply these truths? Come to the living stone. Jesus is the cornerstone—such that everything else sits upon him and is aligned to him. Our world does not value Jesus because they think he is irrelevant to their problems and circumstances. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Jesus is the cornerstone, and the stone of stumbling. Final judgment will be determining what how each one of us responded to the revelation of Jesus. [来到活石面前]那么,我们该如何接受和运用这些真理呢?来到活石面前。耶稣是房角石,使其他一切都坐在祂的上面,与祂对齐。我们的世界不稀罕耶稣,因为他们认为祂与他们的问题和环境无关。没有比这更远离真相的。耶稣是房角石,也是绊脚石。最后的审判将取决于我们每个人如何回应耶稣的启示。
[Drink Deeply] We drink deeply and eagerly from the sole source of life and hope—Jesus Christ himself, as revealed in God’s word. We don’t try to pit some parts of the Bible against Jesus’ teachings. We don’t try to apologize for Jesus’ teachings or words. We don’t try to interpret Jesus’ teachings to say things differently, to be more culturally acceptable, or to be more palatable. Jesus doesn’t need our PR. Jesus requires our obedience. We come not as those who can make Jesus look good, we come as those who conform ourselves to his revelation, commands, and teachings. [深饮]我们从生命和希望的唯一源头深情而热切地啜饮——神话语中所启示的耶稣基督自己。我们不要试图将圣经的某些部分与耶稣的教导对立起来。我们不试图为耶稣的教导或话语道歉。我们不试图用不同的方式来解释耶稣的教导,以图更容易被世俗文化所接受,或迎合人的口味。耶稣不需要我们为祂搞公关。耶稣只要我们的顺服。我们来不是作为能够美化耶稣的人,而是作为遵从祂的启示、诫命和教导的人。
[Unbelievers: Cannot Remain Neutral with Jesus] The Bible has particularly strong words for those who are lukewarm in their faith. Either by hot or cold, just don’t be halfway. And in the same way, for those who are unsure what they think of Jesus, you must decide if you will stumble over this stone or if you will build your entire life upon this cornerstone. A life built on this cornerstone will come with rejection from the world, trials, suffering, and persecution, but also unmatchable peace, everlasting life, complete acceptance by God, empowerment from his Spirit, and forgiveness of sins. But you cannot have it both ways. [不信者:不能对耶稣保持中立]圣经对那些信仰不温不火的人有特别强烈的言语。要么热,要么冷,不要不冷不热。同样的,对于那些不确定自己对耶稣的看法的人来说,你必须决定你是会被这块石头绊倒,还是将你的整个生命建立在这块房角石上。建立在这块房角石上的生命会伴随着来自世界的排斥、试炼、痛苦和逼迫,但也会有无与伦比的平安、永生、被神完全接纳、来自神的灵的能力和罪的赦免。但你不能两全其美。
[Implications] What does it really mean to be a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, or to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable and pleasing to God? [含义]成为灵宫,成为圣洁的祭司,或者献上神所悦纳的灵祭,到底意味着什么?
United With God’s People—One implication of this teaching is that we remember that we do not exist alone on an island. We are one of many vital and essential living stones that comprise the house of God. We cannot exist alone or apart from the rest. This isn’t meant to be a plug for church membership, but we should remember that we are one of many members and the church—the body and building of God—requires the engagement and involvement of each and every member. 与神的子民联合——这个教导的一个含义是,我们要记住,我们不是独自生存于孤岛上。我们是构成神的宫殿的许多重要的、必不可少的活石之一。我们不可能单独存在,也不可能脱离其他人而存在。这并不是要为教会成员制打广告,但我们应该记住,我们是众多成员中的一员,而教会——神的身体和建筑——需要每一个成员的参与。
Holy Priesthood—We are all priests that have free, full, and unfettered access to God. One of the privileges of the pastors is we often get to minister to you. We get to pray, we get to counsel, we get to visit at the hospital, and do weddings and funerals. And yet, even with those privileges of being commissioned to teach God’s word, we are all priests who can come to God and minister on his behalf. We can share the gospel, we can bring prayer requests to the throne of grace, and we can minister rightly. One of the most encouraging things in the midst of the last few months has been how many people that have told me how they are praying for the pastoral staff regularly. I don’t take it for granted that you pray, and I believe God answers and will continue to answer your prayers. I know my own wisdom, discernment, and abilities are nothing with the collective cries of God’s people for God to move and work through weak and fallible servants. We all have access, so make full use of your privileges of entering the throne room of God. 圣洁的祭司——我们都是自由、完全、不受限制地来到神面前的祭司。牧师的殊荣之一就是我们可以常常服侍你们。我们可以祈祷,可以咨询,可以去医院探望,可以主持婚礼和葬礼。然而,即便有那些受命教导神的话语的特权,我们也都是祭司,可以来到神面前,代表祂来服事。我们要可以分享福音,我们可以把祷告请求带到施恩座前,我们可以正确地服侍。在过去的几个月中,最令人鼓舞的一件事是,有多少人告诉我,他们是如何定期为教牧人员祷告的。我不会把你的祷告当作是理所当然的,我相信上帝会回应,也会继续回应你的祷告。我知道我自己的智慧、眼光和能力,与神的子民集体呼求神借着软弱容易犯错的仆人动工的呼声相比,根本不算什么。我们都有机会来到神殿堂宝座前的特权,所以要充分运用你的这一特权。
Spiritual Sacrifices—If everything done by faith, through Jesus Christ, and according to his Spirit is pleasing and acceptable in his sight, then we ought to be motivated to do all the more. All that is done for Jesus will last, all that is done without him in view will fade. Therefore, we should be all the more encouraged to love our fellow body of believers, coming to Jesus, and offering spiritual sacrifices that would please God, build up this body, proclaim his glories, and continue to exercise faith and trust in the midst of a world that is hostile. 灵祭——如果一切因着信心,通过耶稣基督,按着祂的灵所做的事,在祂的眼中都是可喜的,可悦纳的,那么我们就应该有动力去做更多的事。所有为耶稣所做的事都会长久,所有把祂排除在外的事都会消逝。因此,我们更应该鼓励我们爱我们信徒的身体,来到耶稣面前,献上讨神喜悦的灵祭,建立这个身体,宣扬祂的荣耀,在这个充满敌意的世界中继续操练信心和信任。
[Practically?] One might ask, what does that practically look like? I was wrestling with this. I wanted to give you a list of five things that would be explicit applications of this so that we can know that we are offering spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable. The problem was that all the commentators didn’t cite a single example. They all said it shouldn’t be narrowed down to just a few things, but rather that the whole life of the Christian is one of offering up sacrifices. Everything done by faith, with hope in God, with trust in Jesus, empowered by his Spirit, in obedience is acceptable. That’s when the light bulb came on! [实际操作?]也许有人会问,那实际操作起来是什么样的?我一直在纠结这个问题。我想给大家列举五件事情,这将是明确的应用,这样我们就可以知道我们所献的灵祭是可以接受的。问题是,所有的注释家都没有举出一个例子。他们都说,不应该把范围缩小到几件事情上,而是说基督徒的整个生活就是献祭。凡是因着信,带着对神的盼望,带着对耶稣的信,在圣灵的扶持下,顺服而行的,都是蒙悦纳的。这时我的脑子开窍了。
[Our Lives are Acceptable] Everything we do by faith is acceptable as a spiritual sacrifice to God. It’s not just the “professional” pastors that preach or lead worship that are acceptable. It’s not just the explicit “church activities” that are acceptable. It’s not just sharing the gospel that is acceptable. We are offer acceptable spiritual sacrifices of obedience in every area and aspect of our lives. We glorifying him with our thoughts, our worship, our longing and reading of Scripture, as we serve our families, love our spouse, raise our children by faith, as we labor honorably at work, as we submit to leaders and authorities, as we rejoice in suffering, as we enjoy God’s creation, as we thank him for his provision, and on and on. We get to bring a sacrifice of praise and worship and dependence to honor God with our lives.Priesthood has gone from a narrow set of specific duties in the temple, to a broad range of activities in all of life with Christ at the center. [我们的生活是可悦纳的]我们凭着信心所做的一切,都可以作为献给神的灵祭被神悦纳。不仅仅是“专业”的牧师讲道或带领敬拜的人可蒙悦纳。不仅仅是明确的“教会活动”可蒙悦纳。不仅仅是分享福音才蒙悦纳。我们要在生活的每一个领域和方面,献上蒙悦纳的顺服的灵祭。我们用我们的思想、我们的敬拜、我们的渴慕和读经来荣耀祂,当我们侍奉家庭、爱护配偶、用信心养育儿女,当我们在工作中光荣地劳作,当我们顺服领导和权威,当我们在苦难中喜乐,当我们享受神的创造,当我们感谢祂的供应,等等。我们要带来赞美、敬拜和信靠的灵祭,用我们的生命来荣耀神。祭司的职分已经从圣殿中的一套狭隘的具体职责,变成了以基督为中心的广泛的生活活动。
[Consummation: Vindicated] The good news is that though Christ was rejected, God vindicated him. He now sits at the right hand of the Father, ruling and reigning on high. He is exalted and worthy of all worship and honor. And guess what? We follow in his footsteps of rejection, and vindication. We too—no matter what we are experiencing—will be vindicated with our Savior. We will surely be glorified. Rejection is never the final note of a believer’s life. Not even if they are a martyr for Christ. Vindication and glorification awaits all of God’s people. And with that truth in mind, we can now live lives that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. [结局:平反]好消息是,虽然基督被人拒绝,但上帝为祂平反。祂现在坐在天父的右手边,在高处统治和掌权。祂被高举,配得一切的敬拜和尊荣。你猜怎么着?我们也要跟随祂被拒绝和被平反的脚踪。我们也是——无论我们正在经历什么,都将与我们的救主一起得到平反。我们必将得荣耀。拒绝永远不是信徒生命的最后结局。哪怕为基督殉道也不是。平反和荣耀在等待着所有上帝的子民。有了这个真理,我们现在就可以通过耶稣基督过上神所悦纳的生活。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: Living Stones & Holy Priesthood 讲道标题:活石与圣洁的祭司
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2:4–5 讲道经文:彼得前书2:4-5
Main Point: God is creating a people with a new identity and purpose—as living stones and a holy priesthood—for his glory. 要点:神正在创造具有新身份和目的的子民——作为活石和圣洁的祭司——为了祂的荣耀。
Outline: 纲要:
1. Jesus as the Living Stone (2:4) 1.耶稣是活石 (2:4)
2. Believers as Living Stones (2:5) 2.信徒是活石(2:5)
a. To be a Spiritual House a.要成为一座灵宫
b. To be a Holy Priesthood b.要成为圣洁的祭司
c. To offer Spiritual Sacrifices c.要献上灵祭
Intro Question: Have you ever experienced rejection? How did that feel? Does that rejection still hurt today? 引言问题:你有过被拒绝的经历吗?那是什么感觉?那次的拒绝经历如今还在作痛吗?
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
1. How was Jesus rejected by those around him? Who are some of those groups? What did that rejection look like? 1.耶稣是如何被周围的人拒绝的?都有哪些群体?那次拒绝是怎样的?
2. Where else in Scripture does it describe Jesus as chosen and precious (or similarly)? 2.圣经中还有哪些地方描述耶稣是被拣选的、宝贵的(或类似的)?
3. Peter switches from the birth and newborn metaphor to a stones and building metaphor. What might be some reasons for this shift? Why is it significant? 3.彼得从出生和新生的比喻切换到石头和建筑的比喻。这种转变的原因可能有哪些?为什么意义重大?
4. What is the significance of all New Testament believers being described as a holy priesthood? 4.所有新约的信徒被描述为圣洁的祭司,其意义何在?
5. What are some possible “spiritual sacrifices” that Peter might have in view as you scan the book of 1 Peter? 5.当你快速浏览彼得前书时,彼得可能会想到哪些“灵祭”?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
1. How should our identity be shaped and informed by Jesus? How does Jesus’ rejection help us face rejection? 1.我们的身份应该如何被耶稣塑造和告知?耶稣的被拒绝如何帮助我们面对拒绝?
2. What might it mean when Peter says “As you come to him?” How are we intentionally coming to Jesus this week? 2.彼得说“你们到祂面前”是什么意思?本周我们如何有意地来到耶稣面前?
3. How does the truth that we are living stones, being built into a spiritual house, and to serve as priests shape our attitudes, actions, and perspective? Does this encourage you to think about holiness or sanctification differently? 3.我们是活石,被建造成灵宫,并要作祭司,这一真理如何塑造我们的态度、行动和观点?这是否鼓励你以不同的方式思考圣洁或成圣的问题?
4. How does the fact that we can offer acceptable spiritual sacrifices to God through Jesus change our perspective about God, our actions, and our purpose and meaning? 4.我们可以通过耶稣向神献上可悦纳的灵祭,这一事实如何改变我们看待神、我们的行为、以及我们的目的和意义?
5. What are some spiritual sacrifices you seek to bring to God this week? 5.本周你力求给神带来哪些灵祭?
Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
Praise God for sending Jesus to be rejected by men, but in that rejection, overcoming death, sin, and Satan, obtaining forgiveness of sins for mankind, and being vindicated by God. Confess any sins of failing to trust in Jesus or failing to understand that we are his holy chosen people. Thank God that we are being built into his house and that through Jesus’ work we are holy priests who can legitimately honor and glorify God with our lives. Ask God for help—in any specific areas—to live a life that is holy and acceptable to him as a spiritual sacrifice. 赞美神,因为神差遣耶稣被人拒绝,但在拒绝中,祂战胜了死亡、罪恶和撒旦,为人类获得了罪的赦免,得到了神的平反。承认任何不相信耶稣或不明白我们是祂圣洁选民的罪。感谢上帝,我们被建造在祂的殿中,通过耶稣的工作,我们成为圣洁的祭司,可以合法地用我们的生命来荣耀上帝。求神在任何特定的领域帮助我们,使我们过一种圣洁的生活,使我们的生活成为祂所悦纳的灵祭。



