GDP may influence the suicide ra

作者: 小小云_46d8 | 来源:发表于2018-01-01 16:02 被阅读29次

The number of suicide increase rapidly in recent year. Just like this year, we lost Chester Bennington on July 20, the leading singer of Lincoln Park. It was reported that the South Korean singer Jong Hyun killed himself on December 18. There were also many others suicide except the singers.

World Health Organization has exposed a data about age-standardized suicide rates. According to the data, we could found that the rates increase rapidly in recent year.

 (Please click the website to get more details about this pie chat.)

The pie chart is about the age-standardized suicide rates (per 100 000 population) of the region of all over the world. According to the pie chart, the suicide rate of the South-east Asia is the biggest and Africa ranks the second.The rate of the Europe ranks the third. It seems that the suicide is associated with the national development, especially the economic.

In order to analyze the relationship of the suicide and GDP, we choose some countries as an example based on the above region. There are Australia, Brazil,China, Gambia, India, Japan, United State, United Kingdom and South Africa.

(Please click the website to get more details about the chart.)

The above radar map is the nine countries suicide rates from 2000 to 2015.  According to the radar map, we could find that the suicide rate of each country and each year. And the quadrilateral area represents suicides rate. From the radar map, we could found out that the biggest are is Japan, then the India, which represents their suicide rates are the biggest than the other countries.

The line chart is about the age-standardized suicide rates (100 000 population) of the countries. According to the line chart, we could find out that Indian suicide rate is the upmost in the 2000 and 2015. Except the India, Japanese suicide rate is higher than the others. And Brazilian suicide rate is the lowest from 2000 to 2015. However, American suicide rates increases rapidly among two decades while most countries’ rates are decreasing.

There are many factors which would influence the age-standardized suicide rates of country, like the society, people’s mental health, pressure from our life,country’s development state, etc.

The line chartis about GDP of each country, according to the chart, we could find out that the American GDP is upmost than the other country in each year. Chinese increases fastest, then it is India. Compared with the line chart of suicide rates, there’s little relationship between suicide rates and GDP of country.

The above chart is the suicide rate and GDP of each country in 2015, according to the chart, we could see that the highest suicide rate country is India, Japan and United States which both have high GDP.

Although the suicide and GDP don’t exist an absolute relationship, a country’s GDP would influence the suicide rates. It remains the governments that they should also pay more attention on the public’s mental health while developing the economic. Public should focus on self mental health and ask for help from the professionals when you have mental problem.

Data source:


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    本文标题:GDP may influence the suicide ra
