The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.
It's an universal law-- intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.
Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.
我们知道他们在说谎, 他们也知道他们在说谎, 他们知道我们知道他们在说谎, 我们也知道他们知道我们知道他们在说谎,但是他们依然在说谎。
The belly is an ungrateful wretch, it never remembers past favors, it always wants more tomorrow.
If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
如果是那么简单就好了!在某个地方有一些坏人,阴险地干着坏事,只须把他们同其余的人区别开来加以消灭就行了。但是,区分善恶的界限,却纵横交错在每个人的心上。 谁能消灭掉自己的一小块心呢?
——亚历山大・索尔仁尼琴 《古拉格群岛》
Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.
——亚历山大・索尔仁尼琴 《古拉格群岛》
——亚历山大・索尔仁尼琴 《古拉格群岛》
It is not our level of prosperity that makes for happiness but the kinship of heart to heart and the way we look at the world. Both attitudes lie within our power, so that a man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy, and no one can stop him.
——亚历山大•索尔仁尼琴 《癌症楼》
A hard life improves the vision.
——亚历山大•索尔仁尼琴 《癌症楼》